Welcome Boys' Comprehensive School - Ballymun
to the Boys' Comprehensive School web pages. For reasons lost in the mists of educational and social history, our school is
unique. We were the first urban"greenfields" comprehensive school and after we
were established they broke the mould!.
There are many other unique aspects to our school ranging from the Christmas Show to the variety of programmes on offer. Some of these will become clearer as you browse through these pages. If you detect a note of pride, you are certainly
right. That is not to say that the daily challenge for staff and students is not a
demanding and complex one. We are simply proud of the way we rise to that challenge. Greetings and best wishes. Frank Byrne (Principal) Welcome from the Principal to the parents of 1st Year Pupils 2001-'02 When you send your son to school at the Comprehensive, you do much more than simply bid him goodbye when he walks out the door with his bag and his uniform . In a manner of speaking you send him with your shared hopes and dreams and ambitions. These can be little dreams like ''getting on'' or ''being happy'' or big ambitions like playing for Ireland or going to college. You make us partners in these hopes. You trust us to help along the way. This is the privilege you give us and the challenge you set for us. Our ambition is to be worthy of that privilege and that challenge. It is to help in the shaping of young minds and young lives. No matter how much patience and energy is required, there is no more important job than education. We have learned over the years that it is not a job we can do alone. That is why more and more , we try to create a partnership with parents. In that way we can share a vision of the future for your boy. We believe you do a good job. We believe we do a good job. We are proud of our school and of our record. We believe that you can come to share that pride. Thank you for choosing the Comprehensive. Frank Byrne (Principal)