



Healthy Eating Week
24th-28th October


An apple a day keeps the doctor away... or so we've always been told. If the old saying is true, it looks like there won't be many doctors visits for the pupils of Ballyraine National School in the near future!! During Healthy Eating Week at Ballyraine the school staff, the children and their parents have been busy learning about healthy lifestyle choices.

Thanks to the ongoing support of parents and pupils, Ballyraine National School has operated a very successful 'healthy lunch' policy for the last couple of years. Staff at the school decided it was time to celebrate this success and Healthy Eating Week began to take form. By the time the week's timetable was complete, we realised that everyone needed to be in the whole of their health to survive it!!

Classrooms have been hives of activity as pupils explored the possibilities of porridge and prepared friendship feasts... and French feasts! Peanuts have been planted... and our potatoes have been dug up! Soup, sandwiches, smoothies... you name it , we've tasted it! Food chains, food pyramids, food surveys... if it's information you want, we have it! Fruit salad, orange juice, popcorn... is school meant to be this much fun?!

And after all that eating, it's important to keep our teeth healthy too. We heard about crocodiles who don't brush their teeth... and praised children who do! And those healthy smiles should stay bright in the future as each child brought home an information pack on looking after their teeth and a free toothbrush.

As with all learning themes, every effort is made to ensure that all relevant areas of the curriculum are addressed. We talked about fractions when cutting fruit. We painted still lifes and made collages of fruit and vegetables. We devised short mimes and dramas on the topic of food. We sang songs about food, heard stories about food, read poems about food. And in Irish, we learned about 'glasraí agus torthaí'.

Special events such as this at Ballyraine National School are always made so much more worthwhile and enjoyable because of the involvement of the wider community. Healthy Eating Week was no exception. A visit from Thomas and Luzia Becht from Glenties gave everyone in the school community an opportunity to try some organic fruit and vegetables. Thomas also spoke to our senior pupils about some of the principles of organic farming. The junior pupils were treated to a visit from Fibreman, courtesy of the Health Promotion Unit. Jane McGettigan (Eat Well, Be Well) advised parents on child-friendly recipes for smoothies. Food advisor, Maura Dufficey, talked to older pupils about healthy choices for their lunch boxes, while Brenda O'Mahony donned her chef's hat to talk to the younger children.

As well as bringing the community into the school, we used Healthy Eating Week as an opportunity to bring our pupils out into the community. Sixth class pupils went shopping for fruit and vegetables at Aldi, while Junior Infants took their custom to Tesco. Fifth class pupils finished the week with a visit to Letterkenny Library where they listened to Breezy Willows telling a story... while baking bread!!

Weeks such as this do not happen without a lot of work, a lot of support... and a lot of sponsorship!! We would like to take this opportunity to thank the children who worked so hard, the parents and members of the wider community who supported us... and as for our sponsors? Well, you know who you are... and so do our parents!! A list of all sponsors of this event has been prominently displayed at Ballyraine National School.
See below for more information on each class' activities, and photos

Fresh From the Field
Organic Fruit and Vegetable Market

We invited Thomas and Lucia Brecht from the Organic Farm in Glenties to set up a Fruit and Veg stall for parents in the school shelter on Monday. Many parents came along and, despite the bad weather, stopped to taste the difference !

Monday 24th @ 2.15

Junior Infant room
June McGettigan (eat well be well tutor) talked about healthy choices and offered advice on Healthy food choices.
Parents also learned how to make fruit smoothies and got to sample the juices.

Fruit and Veg (Tesco) J. Inf
The Big Breakfast (6th class)
Thomas and Lucia Brecht
Fruit and Veg Stall in Shelter 1.30-3pm
Jane McGettigan (Eat Well be Well) 3rd/4th 1pm-2pm
Parents - Smoothies, Information and Advertising 2.15-3pm.
Soup Kitchen 4th class
'Fiberman' visited JI - 2nd
People who help us
Brenda O'Mahoney J.I. - 2nd
Maura Dufficey - The Healthy Lunchbox 5th - 6th class
Soup Kitchen - J.Inf
Lunch Cafe 1st /6th
Fruit Juice and Smoothies Day
J.I. - 2nd Class
Bread Making and storytelling
Breezy Willlows 5th Class
Photo Gallery
The Big Breakfast in 6th Class T. Becht talks to 5th Class about organic farming Tasting time for C.S. and M. McI.

Which is organic?
Fruit & Veg for sale! Teachers doing their shopping in school! Parent helpers at 5th Class 'Friendship Feast'
D.McC., G. R., and I. S.
This tastes great! Food, glorious food! What a feast!
T.D. meets Fibreman Secret recipe for scrambled eggs Brenda, a local chef cooks breakfast
Class Activities
Junior Infants
Trip to Tesco to buyfruit and veg
Healthy walk in ther woods, collect any berries that are left
Talkabout - what we brought back from the trip
Drama - here comes the vegetable van
Blind tasting - fruit
Collage and painting - still life 'A bowl of fruit'
Looking after our teeth
'Crocodiles don't brush their teeth - making individual books
Sorting fruit and veg - a 'cut and stick' activity
Soup kitchen
Story - stone soup
A healthy lunch box - a 'cut and stick' activity
making orange juice and tasting

making orange juice - individual books

Fiberman visits us

T.D. has an apple a day!
Senior Infants
Survey - pictogram - 'my favourite snack'
Making popcorn
Looking after my teeth
Yoghurts - use natural sweeteners to enhance flavours
Template of a lunchbox - draw a healthy tasty lunchbox
Harvest games - apple bobbing, bingo, dress the scarecrow
1st Class
Song - 'the good food song'
Art - talking about fillings for sandwich books for use when doing the poem on Wed.
S.E.S.E. - Autumn fruit and veg, tasting fruit with yoghurt, examining parts of fruit and veg - skin, flesh, roots, seeds and stem
Creative writing - poems about eating a sandwich
Food bingo - fruit and veg
Talk about work already done on foods good for our teeth - examine teeth and different uses ie front for biting
Lunch with 6th class

2nd Class
Creating healthy menus and writing healthy eating tips using the computer software - 'Clicker'. Make a book.
Word search - fruit and vegetables
X's and O's using fruit

Peanut planting
Give out dental health packs
Art - design Sparky's lunchbox
French - taste croissants and fromage - Baby Bel and Port Salut
Circle Time - taste testing in pairs using blindfolds - raw vegetables carrot, celery, cucumber and turnip
Taking care of my body - discussion and sheet - making healthy choices
Meet Fibreman and recieve apples
Taste fruit smoothies
Meet Brenda the chef and watch her make scrambled eggs
Hallowe'en games - apples on strings and in a basin, enjoying braic
Art: Pasta skeletons
Brenda the chef making scrambled eggs
Fibreman came and gave us lovely apples. Brenda made gorgeous scrambled egg. We drank tasty smoothies. We had to taste fruit and vegetables. We went into Maire's room. We made pasta skeletons. We did menus on the computer.
By A. P. 2nd Class

For more reports by 2nd class click here

3rd Class
Prepare for assembly
Fruity Fractions: record favourite veg
Talk with Ms. McGettigan
Tosta Phuca
O.S.P.S.: Food - making healthy choices
Liosta Siopadoireachta
Harvest Assembly
Science: food chains, school habitat diary
Cluiche ull
Drama : mime: In the kitchen

4th Class
Healthy Snacks survey
Recipes for healthy snacks
5th Class
Fresh fruit salad
Friendship feast
Talk on food pyramid
Design a healthy lunch box menu
bread making and story telling in library
enjoying the friendship feast
6th Class
School brekkie:porridge possibilities
Breakfast cereal survey
Art: fruit bowls
Fruit and veg bingo
Healthy lunchbox design
Food sponsor treat
Collate survey
Maire Dufficey talk
Lunch cafe
X's and O's using fruit

M.D. talks to 5th & 6th Class about 'Healthy lunch boxes'