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Name: Patricia Reidy Lawrence   BILLYL@EROLS.COM

Comments:   I so enjoyed visiting this website.  It is so well done.  I came across the site in doing research on my Reidy and Quinlivan families of County Clare, and found the family and place names so familiar.  I thought I'd like to send my regards by posting a message in your guestbook.  I was surprised to find the message from Maureen posted there (hello Maureen!) because she & I share the same Quinlivan greatgreatgrandparents.  Where she is descended from their son James, I am descended from their daughter Ellen.  James married Mary Reidy in Doonbeg, and my Ellen married Michael Reidy after they had all come to the U.S in 1880.  We believe Mary Reidy and Michael Reidy were siblings.  Yes, it does get confusing ....

I too would love to hear from Reidy & Quinlivan Family there, and can share information on the families as we've fared over here in the US.  Email me at BILLYL@EROLS.COM

Patricia Reidy Lawrence
Maryland, USA

Sign Time  11 April 2003  12:48

Name: Maureen Culligan Baldassini  josebalda@cs.com 

Comments:   Thanks for a marvelous website for me, an Irish American ,to find help about my roots.! Especially love the explanations of the meanings of the places I am finding where my ancestors were.
My greatgrandfather, James Quinlivan emigrated to the US from Lissycasey in the 1880s.He married Mary Reidy in Doonbeg,and they had 5 children in Ireland, all baptised in Clondegad. They had 6 more children in the US, one of which was my grandmother, Elizabeth.James loved his native land. Upon the untimely death of his youngest child here in New Jersey, they placed this on his tombstone:
Erected by James and Mary Quinlivan
of Co.Clare,Ireland, parish of LIssycasey
in loving memory of their son,
John Leo

I am interested in contacting Quinlivans related to me, as my cousin and I will be going to Ireland in spring 2004 for the first time. We are also interested in Culligans
as my grandfather was a Stephen Culligan from Ardee, Louth.
Email me at 

Sign Time Mon, 10 Feb 2003 20:25


Name: Harty
Mrs Angela Harty (nee Halpin),
        (Crown, Lissycasey)

Comments:  I have just found out about your web site and I think it's really good.It helps us to keep up with your local activities no matter where we end up ! 

 Location : Scotland.

Sign Time Mon, 27/02/03  20:42



Name: SEAN Burke seanburke355@eircom.net 

Comments:   Very detailed website. Keep up the good work!!
Carmel Burke
Co. Limerick.

Sign Time Mon, 10 Feb 2003 20:25



Name:  pfcrane@aol.com 

Comments:     My grandfather, Patrick Francis Kerrane, emigrated to the USA in the early 1900's from the beautiful town of Lissycasey.   As his namesake, I was thrilled to return and visit with a cousin, Michael Kerrane, who still lives on the family farm just outside Lissycasey.  I've lost contact with Michael ( he should be in his late 80's by now ) and would appreciate any comments from parishioners who may know of Michael Kerrane or his family. 

Please reply to pfcrane@aol.com

Thanks very much ! 

Sign Time 21/01/03  17:18


Name:  Maggie Canberra


G'day from Australia
Hoping for a link to my families from other people on this site.  My g grandfather and probably my gg parents hail from Ballynacally and district.  My g grandfather's name was Michael Meere b in Ballynacally in October 1865.  His parents were Michael (also known as Matt Meere) and Honor Quinlivan, (who was christened in Cloncolman in 1847).  Michael/Matt and Honor were married in Kilmihil on 8 February 1863.  Their son, Michael, came to Australia in 1887.  Michael/Matt and Honor also had a daughter Margaret Meere, who I believe married Michael Cleary.  I think this couple stayed in Kilmihil.  The son of Michael/Matt and Honor, Michael, in 1891 married a young lady in Melbourne who also came from the Kilmihil area, born in Knockalough.  Her name was Bridget McMahon, parents John McMahon and Honora Fitzgerald both born approximately in 1838, most likely in Knockalough/Kilmihil. 
Is Ballnacally a very big place?  I'd love to hear from someone who can tell me about the town - the size and present day population and if there are any local industries, or what people do for a living and what they probably did back then.  My g grandfather stated that he was a labourer on his wedding certificate in Melbourne, but I have no idea what he would have done for a living when he was still in Ballynacally - he left for Australia at the age of 21 in 1887.    I also don't know what the McMahon's may have done.  I'm writing a story about my Irish families, and would like to include some details about the Ballnacally/Cloncolman/Kilmihil districts.  I'd love to hear from anyone with a connection to any of these families or these places..
Happy New Year everyone.
Maggie, Canberra, Australia

  Sign Time 04/01/03   09:27


Name: cain@noelswebsite.fsnet.co.uk 


hi to all could you say a big hello to mike hogan for me noel cahill .

Sign Time 01/12/02   00:30


Name:  John Molloy


Good to look through your web.Keep up the good work. All the best for the auction.  John Molloy.

Sign Time 13/11/02   08:54

Name:  Greg Witczak

Comments:     I write to inquire about how one arranges for a mass intention. Via theinternet, I have been searching for parishes where Mr. Pender would have grown up, but am not sure that I have the right parish. I understand he has
a brother, Thomas Pender, who lives in Boloughera, Lissycasey, County Clare.

I am a friend of the Pender family with limited information, but
nevertheless wanted to arrange for a mass intention for Michael J. Pender.

Sign Time 27/09/02   18:30

Name:  Mike Maloney
Comments:     My grandmother came from Lissycasey.  Her name was Susan Meany. I have cousins who recently moved there to renovate an old family home.   Their name is Spillane.  If you see them tell them their cousin Michael
Maloney says hello.

I hope to visit there one day.

Mike Maloney.

Sign Time 18/09/02   13:30

Name:  Tracey Quinlivan
Comments:     This is a brillant web page now when I go on holidays. I can check out what's happening back home. Well done to all involed in setting up.

Sign Time 04/08/02   16:13

Name:  John Murtagh
very nice web page it's nice to see whats going on from this side of the
water, i will be visiting kildysart again soon and will pay one or two of your local establishments a visit when im over.  regards and keep up the good work
john murtagh

Sign Time 23/07/02    11:59




Name:  Gerard Garry
Comments:      Greetings to all form the outback. Congratulations on development of the homepage. It's fantastic to have access to the authentic version of events at home!!  Of course that is not to say that  sources to date were unreliable in any way. Its great to have an holistic overview of happenings on the home front which this site provides. Wish you could send some of the rain to break our severe drought !!.
Best Wishes to all
Gerard Garry.

Sign Time 03/07/02    08:42


Name:  Patsy McLoughlin
You are from:  
Comments:      With the Weather & Local Radio its like being back   in County Clare.  How are the Hurlers doing?

Sign Time 23/06/02    12:09

Name: James Barry
You are from:  
  Cool Site.  I love the newspaper links & Newsletter Idea

Sign Time 23/06/02    21:14

Name:  Una Quinn
You are from:  
Hiya! Nice site maybe you could put in more pics and stuff?

Sign Time 21/06/02    22:48

Name:  Anthony J. O'Connell
You are from:  
Comments:       Congratulations on a fabulous set-up.
Best of luck too in the completion of the renovation of Christ Church.
Special regards to Fathers Joe and Donagh.
Sign Time 31/05/02    00:04

Name:  Caherea NS
You are from:  Caherea
This is Helen, Kevin, Enda, Daniel and  Kate in Caherea NS This is a great site!!

Sign Time 28/05/02    11:46


Name: Lissycasey National School
You are from: Lissycasey 
Sixth class girls lissycasey N.S.
We would like to say BRING KEANE BACK     UP IRELAND!
PS Great Website

Sign Time 28/05/02    10:13



Name: kmurrayns
You are from:  
Comments: Congratulations on your website and well done to all concerned!

Sign Time 27/05/02    22:13


Name: Sister Maura 
You are from: Lissycasey
It is a great joy for me to read the 'Parish News'. Congratulations to you all!
What a lively parish! I am proud to be part of it.
I have just read this week's news, thank you.
God bless your efforts for every age range in the parish.
Sr. Maura Halpin rsm. Crown, Lissycasey.

Sign Time: Mon 27/05/02 9:15



Name: Willie 
You are from: Mallow
Comments: See you all at the Communion 
Sign Time: May 24 2002 at 14:22:01


Name: J.Clancy
You are from: London
Comments: Nice, friendly and easy to operate site. Well done everyone.
Sign Time: May 23 2002 at 13:39:48

Name: Michael Williams
You are from: Chicago
Comments: Passed through once on holidays, nice village. Great web site.
Sign Time: May 22 2002 at 06:54:00

Name: Ballynacally N.s.
You are from: Ballynacally
Comments: Keep up da good wrk on da church
Sign Time: May 15 2002 at 09:39:17

Name: Mary Enright
You are from: Ballynacally
Comments: Great to get the newsletter online.keep up the good work. Looking forward to the church re-opening P.G.
Sign Time: May 12 2002 at 18:37:59

Name: Yvonne Ridgeway
You are from: Halifax, West Yorkshire - originally Dublin
Comments: I was saying on Deer Island with my Uncle Sheamus Casserely and his Mam Kathleen - Kathleen grew up on the Island and I love to come to the Island with them for the weekends when I come home from the UK. We get the boat across to the mainland and go to Mass while I'm there - this time it was in the local hall which I also found very welcoming. I hope to visit the church when the work is finished and it is great that you are on-line so I can keep up with the progress. Ballynacally is a place to be very proud of. Well done to one and all.
Sign Time: May 08 2002 at 13:43:21

Name: Kevin Joseph Patrick Cavanagh
You are from: New London, CT USA
Comments: A great site!! My thanks to those who developed it and to Georgina O'Shea for telling me about it. Bridie Cavanagh in Kildysart is my Aunt. Her husband, John James and my father, Alec, were brothers. I have visited Ballynacally and Kildysart many times seeing the O'Sheas and Cavanaghs.
Sign Time: May 06 2002 at 08:15:10

Name: Peggy Costello
You are from: The Village Apartments,Ballyvaughan,Co Clare
Comments: It is great to get the news from the parish despite the fact that I visit regularly.
Sign Time: May 05 2002 at 15:52:40

Name: Georgina O Shea
You are from: ballynacally
Comments: well done and love the photos
Sign Time: May 05 2002 at 08:32:55