Just a few words Ard Mhera,
May I sincerely congratulate [Councillor Tom O' Driscoll] you on you election to this exalted post, the highest office in our City, a post you richly deserve?
As a public representative with you for many years on Cork Corporation I know of · Your work rate, · Your involvement in local community affairs, Sporting and your dedication to your constituents. · You were away ahead of public opinion over the years in your concern on the development of Aer Rianta and our national Airline, Aer Lingus.. · Indeed your ideas to day, go well beyond the £60m injection recently announced. · I know the Cork region and the City will benefit greatly from your year in office and · I wish you every success in the vision you outlined here to night.
May I congratulate the Former Lord Mayor Councillor PJ Hourihan, who had a great and busy year, upholding the office with great dignity? and indeed assisting and contributing to the development of the post of the Deputy Lord Mayor.
The DLM post is in the making. First Donald Counihan, myself, and to night… I understand Councillor Sean Martin is putting his name forward. The List is beginning to grow.
The post of Deputy Lord Mayor will evolve into a very important position over the coming years.
It will become more defined and important, as Cork continues to grow, and the nature of Cork society becomes ever more complex and demanding.
I’ve had a very busy year also, and may I thank sincerely the very many officers and members of the very many clubs organisations for whom I had the honour to act as Deputy Lord Mayor.
Like a Lord Mayor, the Deputy also sees and feels 1. The pulse of energy and commitment so many volunteers give to their organisations and society. 2. It is a great honour to sense their expectations, anticipation on the occasion of your visit. 3. It is a great honour and to participate in their events and to see for one’s self the enormity of their work.
In this the year of THE VOLUNTEER no praise from civic leaders, can be high enough for the enormous good and value added, their voluntary efforts are making to the members of their own organizations and to our community in general.
I am looking forward to working with you, Lord Mayor and indeed in cooperating with you, ensuring that the business of council is done in an efficient and business like manner. As a great teacher, with great experience in behavioural control, I’m sure the management of this great council’s affairs is in great hands.