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Many thanks President for your king invitation to represent
the City as Deputy Lord Mayor at your function to-night.
As this event is said to be a fun night, then this will be my
party piece.
Definition of Rotary
Rotary is described as an organization of business and
professional leaders united worldwide, who share common objectives
In fostering & encouraging high ethical standards in business
vocations and the professions.
Initiating and supporting humanitarian & community service
projects locally and internationally.
Helping to build goodwill and peace in the world.
A brief history
February 23, 1905 is day one for rotary, a day
The airplane had yet to stay aloft more than
a few minutes.
The first motion picture theatre had not yet
Norway and Sweden were peacefully
terminating their union.
On this particular day, a Chicago lawyer, Paul P. Harris,
called three friends to a meeting.
What he had in mind was a club that would kindle fellowship
among members of the business community.
It was an idea that grew from his desire to find within the
large city -Chicago-the kind of friendly spirit that he knew in the villages
where he had grown up.
Their get-together was, in fact, the first meeting of the
world's first Rotary club.
As they continued to meet, adding others to the group, they
rotated their meetings among the members' places of business, hence the
Soon after the club name was agreed upon, one of the new
members suggested a wagon wheel design as the club emblem. It was the precursor
of the familiar cogwheel emblem now worn by Rotarians around the world.
By the end of 1905, the club had 30 members.
The second Rotary club was formed in 1908 in San Francisco,
California. Across San Francisco Bay to Oakland, California, where the third
club was formed. Others followed in Seattle, Washington, Los Angeles, and New
York City.
Rotary became international in 1910 when a club was formed in
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
By 1921 the organization was represented on every continent,
and the name Rotary International was
adopted in 1922.
Membership of Rotary
To day, you in Bishopstown are amongst approximately 1.2
million Rotarians members clubbed in more than 29,000 Rotary clubs in 172
My God! What a political party that would make?
As with Rotary across the
world, membership of some clubs in the district is open to men and women, but
women remain in the minority.
4-Way Test
One of the most widely printed and quoted statements of
business ethics in the world is the Rotary 4-Way Test.
Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor created it in 1932 when he was
asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy.
Taylor looked for a way to save the struggling company mired
in depression-caused financial difficulties. He drew up a 24-word code of
ethics for all employees to follow in their business and professional lives.
The 4-Way Test became the guide for sales, production,
advertising and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of
the company is credited to this simple philosophy.
Herb Taylor became president of Rotary International in
The 4-Way Test was adopted by Rotary in 1943
"Of the things we think,
say or do:
1. Is it the Truth?
2. Is it Fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?"
I’m thinking of my Boy Scout
days “be Ulabh”
Web Sites
In my preparation and in my curiosity, I journeyed to many
parts of the globe in search of the true meaning of being a Rotarian.
I searched the web amongst hundreds of rotary sites
[Bishopstown notable by its absence] to glean an understanding and appreciation
of your involvement and work within Rotary.
The sites are so packed with such wonderful insights into
human endeavour that the hours spinned out of control, until my computer packed
It probably is a true-ism that ordinary folk don’t know about
you at all, and perhaps that’s alright for without pride and recognition, you
pursue the noble goal in this life, of service to humanity and to its weakest
brothers and sisters.
May I thank you for your efforts within this city and indeed
within our global village to which we all belong and have become interdependent?
Weather its Foot & Mouth within these isles, the scourge of
Aids in Southern Africa, Famine in Ethiopia, infadas in the Middle East, child &
peasant slavery in India and overpopulation in Asia.
Globalisation means more than the presence of Trading
companies everywhere. It means, “I belong” and am affected by the
happenings everywhere within our Global village.
Project Sheffield rotary: Doing the Right Thing' is designed
to instil positive attitudes and self-esteem in young people by publicly
recognising them for their endeavour and achievement. searched out and praised
young people who are
Doing the Right
Thing in an increasingly difficult World! 'Today's society places
great demands on our young people. Whilst the majority will grow up law abiding
citizens making a positive contribution to our society, an increasing number
lack positive role models, self esteem and the ability to direct
themselves down a positive life path.
Project in Africa: 1996, assisting two of the three opticians
servicing the entire needs of a country of over one million people! examining
patients and making use of a supply of three thousand pairs of glasses, donated
by opticians and individuals in the U.K. teaching nurses and optical assistants
the basic skills of examination to be able to carry on when we left.
Project: The purpose of the mobile classroom, and the full
time teacher, who accompanies it, is to present young people in the primary
school age range with knowledge about drugs and other forms of abuse approached
from the stand-point of awakening a self respect for their bodies.
Project: to heighten employers' awareness of issues related
to drugs (both legal and illegal), alcohol and substance abuse, as they affect
people within the workplace. The issues included absenteeism, accidents, poor
performance, lost business opportunities and other topics, all affecting quality
of service and profitability.
You Rotarians, from Bishopstown understand the purpose of
your being. Your actions in the Cork Community and in your motto “Service above
Self” illustrates the real & true nature of being a Rotarian.
Your activities range from
Your oversees involvement to the 3rd world is so
important to day, matched with assistance from Rotary International.
Your assistance to many individual hardship cases
the annual Bowling Competition from which cope
foundation benefits, as a Director of Cope may I thank you sincerely?
Your annual Sheltered Shopping project gives to your
guests’ an uplift and good cheer at this sensitive time of year.
Your Casino nights for the Simon Community matched
with assistance from Cork Corporation makes a major impact on the City’s
Your involvement with the Youth of our City with
outings to funfairs brings joy to an otherwise difficult life.
Your Leaders within your Schools project encouraging
youth to act as positive peer models is an exciting project? Why does the
concept of Peer pressure always have to imply the negative?
Your assistance to local schools with mock interviews
greatly assists the quality of the Guidance Service within them.
Your project of mentoring Students along the windy road to
maturation, personal development academic success and good citizenship is so
exciting, fulfilling and needed that hopefully your leadership will inspire many
others to do likewise.
These are so worthwhile for sustaining a caring society and
in this the year of the volunteer no praise
from civic leaders can be high enough for the enormous good and value added your
voluntary efforts are achieving.
I have learned so much about you
in acting as Deputy Lord Mayor so I’ll take this opportunity on behalf of the
City of Cork,
To ask you now to rise,
Raise your glasses
Toast the members of your
“Rotary everywhere?

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