Irish Defence Forces
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Company Crest
Coisithe - Infantry


All Members join as recruits and are promoted, advanced and upgraded as a result of training courses and tests. Normally, only Non-Commissioned Officers of the force are eligible for nomination to be appointed as officers.


Privates are trained and assessed at Company level and may only be selected for promotion courses on attaining the Highest standards of training.

Non Commissioned Officers:

Non Commissioned Officers (NCO's) are promoted and appointed after successfully completing a course of instruction giving them the required skills for that position. Privates may apply for the Brigade Potential NCO's Course to give them the Skills necessary to teach and command a section of privates as a Corporal.

Corporals may attend a Standard NCO's course to improve themselves as NCO's and to give them the required skills to attain the rank of Sergeant within the Defence Forces.

Sgt's can apply for a Senior NCO's course which will train them the Administrative roles of a Company Sgt. Or Company Quartermaster Sgt.

Senior NCO's Such as Sgt. Major and Battalion Quartermaster are Selected from the Bn's Senior NCO's and take up a role within the Bn Headquarters.

Commissioned Officers:

Normally only Non-Commisioned officers, who wish to, can apply to do the Potential Officers course over the course of two years, in which they will be trained in Leadership, Organisation, Advanced Tactical Manoeuvres and Administration. On completion of this course the student will be commisioned by the President as an officer in the Defence Forces.

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