Irish Defence Forces
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Company Crest
Coisithe - Infantry


Training parades are held on Thursday each week alternately between McKee Barracks or The Sluagh Hall in Swords usually from 8 to 10 PM. Additional training parades may be held other nights of the week if necessary.

Field days are usually held on Saturday or Sunday. Overnight camps are held at weekends or public holidays. Annual training camps or courses are held each year for 7 or 14 days.

Recruit :

Recruit Training Lasts approximately 9 months and Consists of Footdrill, Weapons and Fieldcraft training aswell as Defence Force regulations and organisation. On completion each recruit is tested and on qualifying on the Steyr Rifle will be upgraded to Pte 2*.

Private 2*

3 Star Training follows immediately consisting of advanced tactical training and further training on weapons.

Private 3*

On attaining 3* level the Soldier will be trained and tested on their training continually. As well as Exercising their skills, Pte 3*'s also compete in competitions against other units.

Further Training:

Other Courses are availible to all Ranks of the Reserve Defence Forces, such as Weapons, Communications, Medical, Driving and Advanced Tactics Courses. As Well as career courses for Non Commisioned and Commisioned Officers.

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