Check your answers with the map
The five oceans in the world are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Artic and Antarctic. The oceans and seas cover 71% of the surface of the earth. They supply our Earth with water vapour which makes clouds.
How important are the oceans?
Living things need water and 97% of the Earth's water is in the oceans.
The climate of the Earth is controlled by the oceans. The Water Cycle shows us the importance of the oceans.
Food is supplied by the waters of the Earth. Daily, fishing trawlers go to sea in search of their catch of fish.
Recreational activities in the oceans and seas include swimming, sailing, diving, surfing and fishing.
The oceans, also, create work for people in the form of fishing, transport and oil and gas rigs.
Which is the biggest ocean?
Which is the smallest ocean?
Look at the graph and compare the sizes of the oceans.
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