Body & Mind


Introduction to Hellerwork

What is Hellerwork?
What Are Connective Tissue And Fascia?
What Do Gravity And Alignment Have to Do With Hellerwork?
How Did My Body Get This Way?
The Foundational Principles of Hellerwork
The Three Main Components of Hellerwork
Deep Connective Tissue Bodywork
Movement Education
Verbal Dialogue
The Structure Of The Hellerwork Series
The Core Sections
The Integrative Sections
Follow Up For the Hellerwork Series
Your Hellerwork Practitioner

What is Hellerwork?
Hellerwork is a series of one-hour sessions of deep tissue bodywork and movement education designed to realign the body and release chronic tension and stress. Verbal dialogue is used to assist the client in becoming aware of emotional stress that may be related to physical tension.

The number of sessions can vary from person to person due to the varying needs of individuals. The plan of the series is organized along the eleven sections described here and each section can take one or more sessions to accomplish the desired result.

Hellerwork is an integrated system designed to recondition the whole body. It is not a remedy for illness; rather, it is a process in which people are moved from their current "average" state to an optimal state of health and well being. This optimal state of health is the body's "normal" and natural condition.

Although Hellerwork may be effective for temporary pain or tension relief, we recognize that pain and tension are usually the result of an overall pattern of imbalance occurring in the body. Rather than treating the pain or tension "symptom" of this imbalance, Hellerwork focuses on rebalancing the entire body, returning it to a more aligned, relaxed and youthful state.

To fully understand how Hellerwork works, you must learn about connective tissue, and how the force of gravity impacts the connective tissue system of the body in such a way that it moves from a "normal" into an "average" condition.


What Are Connective Tissue And Fascia?
Any tissue in the body that has a connecting function is considered to be connective tissue. Tendons, ligaments, and even blood are connective tissue. The form of connective tissue that Hellerwork primarily affects is called fascia. Fascia is a plastic-like tissue that wraps all of the muscles, and all of the individual fibers and bundles of individual fibers that become muscle. Fascia comes together at the end of the muscle and becomes the tendon, which attaches the muscle to the bone.

The fascial system of our body can be seen as a multi-layer body stocking, with fascial sheaths wrapping the muscles and weaving in layers throughout the body. Because of this, stress in any area of the body has an effect on every other part of the body. For instance, tension in the connective tissue of the leg pulls the tissue throughout the torso.

In its optimal condition, fascia is a loose, moist tissue. When there is continual loose movement and balance in the body, the fascial body stocking stays loose and mobile, facilitating the movement between different parts of the body. However, under continual stress and lack of movement, fascia becomes rigid and loses its fluidity. Layers of fascia begin to glue to one another, causing the '"knots" you may have experienced in your back or neck. The sheaths of fascia stick in a systematic way, based on our habitual patterns of movement, or more correctly, lack of movement. Although people most often associate tension and stiffness with their muscles, it is actually the connective tissue that accumulates much of this stress.


What Do Gravity And Alignment Have to Do With Hellerwork?
Gravity is the force that pulls any two masses together, notably the earth and our human bodies. We learn about this force early in life, but then get used to it, although it continually pulls on us. Alignment simply means that things are in a straight line. If items are in a zig-zag pattern, we would say that they are out of alignment. In Hellerwork, the main direction of alignment that we consider is vertical alignment - are the body's segments stacked in a straight line from the ground up, or are they at a tilt, or perhaps a zig-zag.

If a body or structure of any kind is vertically aligned, gravity is a benign and positive force - it keeps us on the planet! It also supports us in being balanced. An imbalanced body, however, feels gravity as a stress. Consider the two buildings in the above illustration. The balanced and erect building has no problem with gravity. Gravity is the force that makes the earth a foundation for the building in the first place. The leaning tower of Pisa, however, is stressed by gravity. Since it is already imbalanced, gravity works to pull it down.

It is the same with our bodies - if they are aligned, gravity is supportive. If they are out of alignment, gravity becomes a primary force that is felt by our bodies as a demand to tense up and hold on!


How Did My Body Get This Way?
If you have lived even an hour, your body has experienced the aging process. Most of us have experienced years and years of this process. There is nothing inherently wrong with the progression of years - many things actually ripen with age. But what is it that causes people to physically shorten over time, that makes people get twisted and compressed into postures that cannot change by themselves, and that makes people move more and more slowly and with less and less comfort as they age?

Connective tissue - specifically fascia - holds our bodies in their contracted form, and movement patterns determine the particular form in which they get stuck. There are three main factors that cause our movement patterns to become unbalanced. They are (1) ongoing physical stresses, (2) ongoing attitudes and emotions, and (3) incidents of physical trauma.

Continually carrying a briefcase on one side of the body is an example of ongoing physical stress. Gravity pulls the briefcase down, and the shoulder with it. With repetition, the connective tissue layers begin to get stiff and to stick to one another, like ironing two thin sheets of plastic together. As a result, the body becomes stuck in that position and, even when the briefcase is not being carried, the shoulder still remains lower. The whole body will adjust to this imbalance, and soon the impact of the briefcase will be reflected throughout the entire body.

An example of one's emotional attitude causing imbalance in the body can be seen when we are depressed, which is often characterized by a sunken chest. If this feeling and the bodily substance become a continual pattern, the body becomes glued in This posture.

Imbalance is also caused through physical trauma. For example, if you were to injure your leg, you would be likely to walk in an themselves, and that makes people move more and more slowly :it imbalanced and even awkward way to protect the injury. After a time, that movement pattern might become a part of your body's way of moving, even though the injury had been healed long ago. An injury also directly traumatizes the connective tissue at the site of the injury; scarring and inflexibility may result from this. As described in the discussion of connective tissue, this tension is then reflected through the body and further influences our movement patterns.

As life goes on and aging continues, more and more of these patterns become embedded in our connective tissue simply because we don't move freely. In our misalignment, gravity becomes the enemy, compounding and magnifying any stress that is there. As the body accumulates these patterns, it begins to shorten and shrink. People get shorter and stiffer. This is what people identify as aging. This is what makes the body "average" but not normal.


The Foundational Principles of Hellerwork

1)We recognize the existence of a greater field in which we live, interact and express.

2) Our purpose is to enhance the individual's awareness of and relationship to that field.

3) Within the context of a healing relationship, we work with structure, psyche, and movement to improve function and well-being.

4) Our process follows an ordered sequence organizing the body along the line of gravity, through guided touch and education, introducing change towards a more functional pattern.

The Three Main Components of Hellerwork
Reconditioning the body after it has gone through this process of aging requires not only releasing the rigidity from the connective tissue, but also bringing awareness to and changing the patterns that caused the tissue to rigidify in the first place. The three components of Hellerwork - deep connective tissue bodywork, movement education, and verbal dialogue - aim to do just that.


Deep Connective Tissue Bodywork
Deep connective tissue body work is designed to release the tension that currently exists in the connective tissue, and to return the body systematically to an aligned position. This aspect of Hellerwork is a "hands on" process, in which the Practitioner works with his or her hands to release tension in the fascia and to stretch it back into its normal position. Bodywork accounts for about 60 minutes of the session period.

To the client, this is felt as a great release of tension throughout the body. Releasing chronic tension allows the body to feel free and rested, producing what might be an uncommon (but truly normal) state of wellbeing.

Movement Education
If the bodywork aspect of Hellerwork is like taking the dents out of a car's bumper after the car has run into a tree, then movement education can be likened to reeducating the driver so that he won't continue to destroy his vehicle. No amount of removing dents will keep a car beautiful if the driver is continually hitting trees!

Through the Hellerwork movement education program, you become profoundly aware of your body and your movement patterns, and as a result discover easier, fuller ways of moving. Simple and easy to remember suggestions and visualizations are used to rebalance your movement for optimal alignment and fluidity.

In movement education, we focus on the use of your body in daily activities. With all clients we work with sitting, standing, walking, and movement patterns that are common to everyone. Additionally, your particular movement interests, like your favorite sports, or your job activity, will become the focus of some movement lessons. Video feedback is often used to assist the movement education process, and to allow you to get a picture of how your body is moving from the outside.


Verbal Dialogue
The verbal dialogue component of Hellerwork focuses on allowing you to become aware of the relationship between your emotions and attitudes and your body. As you become aware of these relationships, you are able to become responsible for your attitudes so that they are less likely to limit your body and your self expression.

The focus of the dialogue begins - with but is not limited to - the theme of each section. The theme highlights the more common attitudes and emotions that are associated with the area of the body that is worked on in each session. In Section 1, where we work on the chest, the theme is "Inspiration." Your Practitioner will inquire into your experience of inspiration: Do you feel inspired? What inspires you? What affects your ability to feel inspired? Through this process you can begin to understand some of the attitudinal and emotional forces that impact your body. Simply becoming aware of them begins the process of change. As the tension that is associated with these emotional patterns is released, some of the pattern itself may be released. Your awareness facilitates the process of change in your body and mind.

The Structure Of The Hellerwork Series
Hellerwork is like peeling an onion - the first layer must he gone through before we can go to the next layer. The series is divided into three groups of sections to facilitate this layer-by-layer release: (1) the superficial sections, (2) the core sections, and (3) the integrative sections. Your practitioner will determine in consultation with you how many sessions are needed to release each of these layers in your particular body. The sections described in this handbook are a general plan of action which in many cases can be accomplished in one session but sometimes requires more. In this way you and your practitioner can customize the Hellerwork series to your own needs.


The Superficial Sections
Sections one through three focus on the surface, or "superficial" layers of the body's connective tissue, which are associated with those muscles that are near the surface of the body, also called the sleeve muscles. Developmentally, the superficial sections deal with issues of infancy and childhood: breathing, standing up, and reaching out.

The Core Sections
Sections four through seven are the core sections. When we talk about the core, we mean the deeper musculature and connective tissue of the body. The concept of core tissue is demonstrated in the picture of the apple, which also has core and superficial tissue. The nature of the core muscles - also called intrinsic muscles - is that they assist us in fine motor movement. These muscles must be used in order to produce graceful and fluid movement. For instance, Tai Chi Chuan relies on the refined movement of the intrinsic muscles. Prior to Hellerwork, these muscles are often under utilized, tight and immobile. The core sections focus on development issues of adolescence: control and surrender, gut feelings, holding back feelings and intellectual development.


The Integrative Sections
Sections eight through eleven are designed to integrate the core and sleeve during these sessions, the Practitioner balances and aligns the unique patterns of each client's body. In the earlier sections a clear map existed to guide the flow of each section. Because each body is so unique, the integrative sections have no general map. The specific focus of these sections is on rotational patterns in the body. The eleventh section is unique in that it does not necessarily include bodywork and it integrates the Hellerwork series with your entire life. Developmentally, the integrative sections focus on issues of maturity: masculine and feminine styles and values, integration and coming out into the world.


Follow Up For the Hellerwork Series
When you complete the Hellerwork series your body is in a new state of alignment. It is much more balanced and much freer in movement. You are more aware of your body and able to determined its needs.

Your body will continue to change for some time as a result of the Hellerwork series, perhaps for as long as a year. If you continue using the movement education lessons the changes will continue indefinitely.

Your should talk with your Practitioner at the end of your Hellerwork series to determine your optimal followup program. We also recommend that you have a session after any kind of trauma, physical or emotional. In that session, your Practitioner can focus on rebalancing your entire body. (Remember that Hellerwork is not a treatment for your injury. Consult your physician for proper treatment.)

Of course, it is all up to you. You are in touch with your body and are in the best position to know its needs.


Your Hellerwork Practitioner
Hellerwork Practitioners are a unique group of health educators. They have all received extensive training in Hellerwork. They are individuals who are committed to actualizing the principles of Hellerwork, not only in their Hellerwork sessions, but in their personal lives.

These principles include the results easily visible in the Hellerwork series: body alignment, fluid movement, and the free flow of energy in the body. Practitioners are equally committed to less visible principles - relationships that are filled with true rapport, selfexpression And free flowing communication. Hellerwork Practitioners practice the true meaning of responsibility - the ability to respond. It is these characteristics that make your Practitioner unique.

All Hellerwork Practitioners are certified by Hellerwork International, which is responsible for the continuing education required of all Practitioners, and for the maintenance of the highest professional standards. If you would like a directory of all the Practitioners throughout the world, or have any questions or comments you would like to address to Hellerwork International you can contact them at:

Hellerwork International
3435 M Street
Eureka, CA 95503
707 441 4949
(800) 392-3900
707 441 4949 (fax)

          European Hellerwork Association
Stretton on Fosse
Morton in Marsh
Gloucestershire GL56 9RA



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