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Thinking Day  (Irish Info..)

 Games and ideas about Ireland for Thinking Day

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Thinking Day Resources

Here are some activities, and crafts that might be useful if you are looking at Ireland for your Thinking Day Program

Irish Craft

If you are looking at Ireland for Thinking Day, why not try making something traditional. One thing that we all made in school was a St Bridget's Cross. Its a very simple and traditional cross that has a legend written about it. You'll find more information on this excellent Irish page along with three methods of making it.

Irish Food

If you are looking at Ireland as one of your countries for
Thinking Day, why not try some of the food we eat.
This is a good site recipes that aren't to hard to try with the guides.

A game we play - Fishes

This is a game that we often play in our unit. It may be a
game that you already know, or perhaps not. All you need
is a chair for each person and a whistle. The guides make
a circle with their chairs with every girls sitting on
her chair facing outwards. You number the guides 1-4, an
easy way to do this is to start with one person, get her
to say 1, then the person beside her is 2, when they
reach 4, the next person starts again at 1. You then give
a name to each number, depending on what you want the
theme to be. If you were using this for Ireland, you
might use the four provinces, Leinster (Lenster),
Munster, Ulster and Connaght (Con-oct). Or you could use
the four world centres, what ever you want.

So, for example, all the number 1's are Pax Lodge, all
the number 2's are Our Chalet etc. The guider then calls
out Pax Lodge, at which all the number 1's stand up and
run clockwise around the cirle. The winner is the first
person back to their chair. The last person back loses a
life. To make it more interesting if you blow a whislte
while the guides are running they must change direction
and run anticlockwise. And then, if your really mean you
can wait until the guides are almost back to their place
and blow the whistle to make them go all the way back
again. You can also call WAGGGS for this version where in
everybody gets up and runs

My Unit

I am a guider in Rathfarnham Guides. We currently have about 30 guides and 5 patrols. Our patrols are called Snowdrop, Swallow, Kingfisher, Forget -me -not, Robin and Fushia. Within each patrol we have a Patrol Leader and a second, that the Patrol Leader chooses. The rest of the patrol is made up of the other guides and then any recruits. Recruits are either Brownies that have just flown up or girls that were never in the movement that have not be enrolled in Guides yet.

In our meetings when we have notices or we are taking the roll or if we need to discuss something we sit in a horseshoe shape, with the Guiders and any young leaders standing at the open end of the shape. The guides sit or stand in their Patrols, with the Patrol Leader at one end, the newest member beside her and then the next newest all the way up to the second who stands at the end of her patrol.

We often have patrol time as well where the patrols sit in their patrol corners around the room and talk about something, or make something. Each patrol also has their own patrol box, in which they keep everything that they need - first aid box, scissors, pens, maps, nature books etc,.

Our Promise and law

I promise on my honour, to do my best,
to do my duty to God and my country,
to help other people at all times,
and to obey the Guide law

Guide Laws

1. A Guide is honest and reliable
2. A Guide is loyal.
3. A Guide is useful and helps others.
4. A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide.
5. A Guide is polite and considerate.
6. A Guide cares for all living things and their environment.
7. A Guide is responsible and respects authority
8. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in difficulties.
9.A Guide makes good use of time, talents and materials.
10. A Guide respects herself and others in all she thinks, says and does.

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