Our School Tour


This year we went to "Disney's Jungle Adventures on Ice" on the 20th April in the Point Depot. It included "The Jungle Book", "Tarzan" and "The Lion King" with Simba, Mowgli and Tarzan. It's was a trip of a life time.

Our School Tour

On Friday morning I got up very excited because it was the school tour. I got dressed and when everyone was ready we went. When everyone got on the  bus we set off to Dublin. We had great fun on the way and a lot of sweets to eat. We got to the Point Depot at 2 o’clock to see Disney on Ice .It was great. When the show was over we went for something to eat in Mc Donalds, it was yummy. It was after 8 0’clock when we got home. I was tired but it was the end of a great day. Gillian


Our school went on a school  went on a school tour to Disney on Ice in the Pont in Dublin Friday the 20th April .We went on a lovely bus .Whenever we  arrived in Dublin we had a picnic on the bus . We got into a line of two’s and teacher gave  us our tickets . Then we went into the Pont . It was really big . The show started at 3pm . There were three different acts, “The Jungle Book” “Tazarn and Jane” and The Lion King”.The Bare Necessities, You’ll be in my heart, I just can‘t wait to be King and many other songs were sang .The lights and colours were nice. It was brilliant to see everybody skating on ice . After the show we went to M’Donalds . Then we went home .We had a great day. Glenn

[The Nativity Play] [MS Readathon]  [Gymnastics Lessons] [The School Tour] [The Red Cross]