u.s.s. Lancelot NCC-74410
diplomatic/JAG dEPARTMENT
Crewman Andersson,
Alien Specialist
Name: Amanda Andersson
Rank: Crewman 1st Class
Assignment: Alien Specialist, U.S.S. Lancelot NCC - 74410
Year of Birth: 2359
Age: 19
Species/Race: Human
Place of Birth: Mars Colony
Marital Status: Single
Office: Assigned to the Diplomatic/JAG Department
Quarters: Quarters 3, Deck 3
Physical Description:
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 118 LBS
Physique: Above average build
Humans are one of the most influential races in this portion in the Alpha quadrant. Humans originate from the planet Earth, in the Sol system.
Physically, Humans are bilaterally symmetrical bipeds who's skin and hair can vary considerably between individuals. As with most species there are two genders, male and female, but unusually there are several different racial groups. In most other respects Humans are physically close to the average for an Alpha Quadrant species.
Personal History:
Amanda Andersson is the second eldest and only girl of four
children born to Starfleet Commodore Bjorn Andersson and his wife, Civilian
Engineer, Rebecca Andersson. Commodore Andersson currently commands U.S.S. Mentor
and Rebecca Andersson is Chief Civilian Engineer at Utopia Planetia Shipyards on
Amanda's father a native of Denmark on Earth met his wife, native of Mars, at an engineering convention at Starfleet Headquarters in 2353. The Commodore, a Lieutenant (j.g) at the time, being a keen engineer, attended while Ms. Andersson addressed Starfleet personnel. He had approached her after the convention and directly asked her to have dinner with him to which she agreed. They courted for two years and thereafter married. The then Lieutenant Commander Andersson transferred to Utopia Yards to be with his wife and shortly afterwards their first child was born, Damon. Three years later Amanda was born, the day her father was promoted to Commander. Within in the next four years they were to have two more children Steffan and Bo.
Damon was the first to enter the traditional Starfleet way his father had so gladly wished, he enrolled in Starfleet Marine Academy located on Mars and in 2377 graduated. He is now Deputy Platoon Commander aboard his father's ship with rank of 1st Lieutenant. Steffan and Bo aged seventeen and fifteen respectively attend the local school on the Mars Colony.
Amanda, unlike her brother before her, decided she would like to experience space travel and the Starfleet way before she would make a commitment and dedicate her life to such a cause. She enrolled as an non-commissioned officer with a desire for the Diplomatic Corps. She is now posted to the U.S.S. Lancelot patrolling a Gorn sector of space as an Alien Specialist aiding the Chief Diplomatic Officer directly.
As a child Amanda had an untroubled childhood being protected by her father and her three brothers. In that time, she developed into somewhat of a tomboy however this did not detract young men flocking to greet Amanda with the potential of a relationship. However being so protected by her family did not always have its advantages resulting in Amanda having never developed a serious relationship with any member of the opposite sex. This time away from all that is so familiar will surely enlighten Amanda and familiarize her with new concepts and a new way of life.
At school, Amanda excelled at languages and debating, two strong attributes desired of any personnel within the Diplomatic Corps. She lacked an interest in all things mathematical and engineering orientated. She was keen in sports, especially spring-ball where on three occasions she captained her team to the Earth-Mars Tournament final.
Amanda possess a captivating physical beauty to which some men seem to have a distant admiration for her. However as she states herself, "she is no original girl!". Slightly shy when spoken to she will give a clear, well-thought answer but will rarely begin a discussion.
Likes: Friendships forged on trust. Socializing is an interest Amanda has taken up in the aim of becoming a better conversationalist and to make new friends. Likes learning about new cultures.
Dislikes: People who judge her upon her physical features. Those who do not make an effort to understand.
Limitations: Unnecessary judgments and comments enrage Amanda. Likes to be seen as a person with feelings who experiences pain and not merely as "personnel".
Ambitions: To have life fulfillment, to experience life to the full and enjoy it. To have no regrets.
Strengths: Amanda will more often than not accomplish something to the best of her ability - and if not she is not afraid to ask for help. She does not feel intimidated by people who are superior ranking, merely sees them as people as herself, although does respect their rank as an indication of their commitment and talents.
Special Abilities: Amanda has an unobscured objectivity which lacks in most people, some even stating that this ability coupled with that of her ability to convey compassion would make her a great counselor or doctor.
Education and Service Record:
attended the local school on her homeworld, Mars and excelled at
languages and debating, two strong attributes desired of any personnel within
the Diplomatic Corps. She lacked an interest in all things mathematical and
engineering orientated. She was keen in sports, especially spring-ball where on
three occasions she captained her team to the Earth-Mars Tournament final.
She however, wishing to enroll in Starfleet, chose to experience Starfleet before committing herself to the Starfleet way.
Upon Crewman Andersson's posting as Alien Specialist aboard the U.S.S. Lancelot from Starfleet Headquarters, she was promoted to Crewman 1st Class.
Security clearance at Delta - Two whereby Amanda has limited access to all ship's records, systems, commands and computers although access is limited to duty related functions. Also holds Data Access Level 1.
File Update: Diplomatic/JAG Addendum
Report by Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer, Ensign Datz, U.S.S. Lancelot NCC-74410
Stardate: 63655.7
Amanda has integrated well into the crew overcoming some of her initial shyness which I believed would have hindered her both personally and in her related duties. She is an exceptional crewmember and undoubtedly she will be instrumental in the course of my own duties and I am confident she will substantiate the faith I have shown in her.
Although only here a few weeks she has expressed a desire to actually enroll in Starfleet in the aim to receive a commission, however wisely, she has halted at coming to such a conclusion so soon.
Upon her arrival and her posting in this department her father, Commodore Andersson, made contact with me via subspace, asking me to watch over his "little girl", although I could not help feeling it was more of a warning.......! The Commodore will be surprised the next time he sees his daughter, that she is no longer a little girl ....... but a lady.
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Should you have any questions or comments please e-mail the Chief, Ensign Datz at the Diplomatic/JAG Department.