u.s.s. Lancelot NCC-74410
diplomatic/JAG dEPARTMENT
Aboard the
U.S.S. Lancelot the
Chief Diplomatic Officer is Ensign Datz , who also acts in the capacity of sector
JAG Officer and is currently Deputy Commander of
Starfleet Diplomatic/JAG Corps. Other diplomatic personnel include Crewman Amanda Andersson, Diplomatic Alien Specialist.
There are, however many positions vacant.
Insofar as the Diplomatic/JAG Department goes, it had been arranged by Commodore S'Slanne, CO of the U.S.S. Lancelot that some space designated as Residential Apartments but unused on Deck 5 could be converted to a suitable Diplomatic JAG Office, suitable to the extent that it was close to the Bridge, Transporter Rooms, Intelligence Office and centered for easy access. A Diplomatic Department had previously been stationed here but had been made inactive, the Diplomatic/JAG office was re-introduced as a center for diplomacy, species analyzation and legal matters.
There are four sections to the department - an office for the Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer, a spare office considering the extent of the work to be done a more crewmembers may be required and a third room - a large conference room where meetings may be conducted regarding members of the crew, outside species, or briefings. However, it seems more likely that it may be used as war room regarding the section of space we are assigned to. And a fourth room for Computer input, usually monitored by the Records Officer and also utilized by the Intelligence and Security Departments. At present Crewman Andersson mans this station. To every extent it was a new state of the art design.
The Diplomatic/JAG Department often co-ordinates duties and actions with the Intelligence Office, moreover Lt. (j.g.) Digit, Chief Intelligence Officer and Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer, Ensign Johnson.
Also in the capacity of JAG Officer, Ensign Datz will also interact with the Security Department led by Security Chief, Lt (j.g.) Marshall and her team Lt. (j.g.) Drake and Petty Officer Kat'Tar.
The Diplomatic/JAG Department and furthermore the Chief
Diplomatic/JAG Officer reports directly to the ship's Commanding Officer and also reports to Starfleet Diplomatic and JAG Headquarters. The
Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer, however is a department head and all ship-bound junior
diplomatic crewmembers report to him directly. It must be noted, that all junior
diplomatic crew, when given an order by a superior ranking officer, must
instantaneously carry out that order, but are required to inform the Chief of
their current status.
The Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer may over-ride an order from a superior ranking officer in the capacity as Deputy Commander, except an order from the CO or XO, if it is deemed that his order is a primary necessity and needs to be completed with extreme urgency. This action is rarely taken as there is usual great compromise regarding crew status and orders.
Furthermore all Starfleet Diplomatic/JAG personnel report to the Fleet Deputy Diplomatic/JAG Commander who then conferences directly with the Starfleet Diplomatic/JAG Commander and forwards all relevant data.
The duty roster for the Diplomatic/JAG Department is:
Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer is on active duty on the Alpha Shift 0800 -1600. However, during Red Alert and combat situations, regardless of whether on duty, all senior officers and department heads must report to their stations. During Red Alert/Combat situation the CD/JAG Officer reports to the Bridge. Crewman Andersson's duty shifts vary from Alpha Shift to Beta Shift to ensure that the department is manned and active during essential times.
While not instrumental to the operation of a ship, Diplomatic/JAG representatives are vital when the ship encounters alien races and cultures. It is in that role that diplomacy, negotiations, and conflict resolution skills become vital.
The primary goal of the Diplomatic Corps (DC) & the Judge Advocate General (JAG) is to pursue and achieve justice, and promote intergalactic relations between the Starship in which they serve, the Federation, and any other civilization or species. All members of the DC & JAG operate as advisors to his/her crew with regard to relations with other races, resolving legal issues, negotiating treaties, foreign policy situations, First Contact situations, and representing the Federation at formal functions. They are Bridge Officers in a similar manner as the ship's counselor, but wear red uniforms
JAG officers provide defense legal services to personnel to ensure fair and impartial justice within Starfleet, and may also serve as prosecutors in some cases. All members of the JAG must be certified by the Fleet Diplomatic Commander (Lieutenant Commander Brandel) as competent to perform legal services. They represent personnel before courts-martial, administrative boards, and other proceedings. They may also act as consulting counsel as required by law or regulation. JAG officers also provide judicial legal services to secure fair and impartial justice proceedings within Starfleet. They may serve as military trial judges and preside over general courts-martial, (those involving non-commissioned officer's, or officers ranking Lieutenant or lower, but not a department head.) Special courts-martial are those involving any officer ranking Lt. Commander or above, and department heads.
In this sector of space, a region known as the "Crossroads" on the border of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, to which the U.S.S. Lancelot is assigned, a Starfleet Diplomatic/JAG Officer must most certainly be versed in Gorn, Romulan, Klingon, Tholian and Lyran issues whilst always being aware of the potential threat of the Borg, Dominion, Cardassian Union and Breen (among others) and to analyze the actions and movements of other species/races such as the Ferengi and the illegal trading of the Orion Syndicate.
The U.S.S Lancelot is currently on its third assigned mission ordered by Starfleet Command. Mission one and mission two, both in the Crossroads, were successfully completed by a dedicated crew who know what it means to be a member of Starfleet.
Judge Advocate General's Corps
Federation of Planets Constitution
Uniform Code of
Starfleet Justice
U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic /JAG Department
U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic/JAG Personnel
Starfleet Diplomatic/JAG Headquarters
Legal Topics:
Should you have any questions or comments please e-mail the Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer at the Diplomatic/JAG Department aboard the U.S.S. Lancelot.