u.s.s. Lancelot NCC-74410

diplomatic/JAG dEPARTMENT




Section 1

The terms and conditions having been negotiated and agreed to be identically understood, the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets mutually pledge to each other to cease hostilities effective immediately or as soon as word of the armistice can be communicated to the commanders in the field.


Section 2

Between the adjacent territorial boundaries of the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets, there is hereby established a neutral zone, seven point five parcecs in width in the horizontal galactic plane and to the galactic boundaries in the vertical galactic plane.


Section 3

All personnel and facilities of any kind whatsoever identifiable with either party shall be removed from the Neutral Zone no later than 500 days from the date of this armistice. No such personnel or facilities shall be re-introduced to the Neutral Zone. Such re-introduction shall be deemed to be an act of war.


Section 4

In order to minimize the result of accidental or unavoidable violation of the Neutral Zone, both parties agree to maintain constant surveillance of subspace frequency 8086.23 MCy (Channel M)


Section 5

I, Krang, having read the terms of this treaty verbatim, and having confirmed the translation of dates and frequencies from Terran Standard and having been fully identified by voiceprint scan, do certify that I am Chancellor of the High Council of The Klingon Empire and am empowered to conclude this Treaty on behalf of the Klingon Empire.

I, Denise Cirroco, having read the terms of this treaty verbatim, and having confirmed the translation of dates and frequencies from Romulan Standard and having been fully identified by voiceprint scan, do certify that I am Secretary General of the United Federation of Planets and am empowered to conclude this Treaty on behalf of the United Federation of Planets.


Done 6 August 2245.



Judge Advocate General's Corps

Starfleet Directives

United Federation of Planets Constitution

Uniform Code of Starfleet Justice

U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic /JAG Department

U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic/JAG Personnel

Starfleet Diplomatic Headquarters courtesy of Lt. Commander Brandel 


Legal Topics:



                                    Administrative Law               

                                    Tort Law (Claims)                

                                    Contract Law 

                                    Criminal Law


                                    Legal Assistance

                                    Operational Law 



Should you have any questions or comments please e-mail the Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer at the Diplomatic/JAG Department aboard the U.S.S. Lancelot. 


Tango Fleet