u.s.s. Lancelot NCC-74410
diplomatic/JAG dEPARTMENT
The Borg are an
immensely powerful civilization of enhanced humanoids believed to originate from
the Delta
Quadrant of the
Generally humanoid in appearance, the Borg implant themselves with cybernetic devices, or "implants" granting them superior technological and combat capabilities. Different Borg are equipped with different hardware to perform specific work tasks.
Each Borg member, or "Drone" is tied to a sophisticated subspace communications network, forming what is termed "The Borg Collective". This is a shared consciousness in which the ideas of individuality, freedom and self-determination are nearly meaningless concepts. For example, Borg Drones do not refer to themselves in the first person (i.e. "I" or "me"), rather in the plural, such as "we are Borg". Individual Drones do not have names in the common sense, rather they are designated into numerical groups, such as "Third of Five" or "Seven of Nine" and so forth.
The Borg exhibit a high degree of intelligence, granting them vast adaptability in their tactics. Most means of defense or offense against them were found to work only once, almost immediately after which the Borg developed a countermeasure.
The Borg do not "seek out new life and new civilizations" in the ordinary sense. Rather than expending time to communicate diplomatically with alien races they encounter, the Borg operate by conquering entire worlds, through a process known as "assimilation", and civilizations and the technology thereon. It is important to note that the Borg select only those worlds which will augment their "perfection", simply destroying the inferior civilizations they encounter. Individual members of assimilated races are implanted with sophisticated cybernetic implants, permitting each individual to perform a specific task as required by the Collective. Thousands of species and thousands of worlds across the galaxy have been conquered in this fashion. The Borg were responsible for the near-extinction of the El-Aurian people in the late 23rd century.
Stardate 42761.3: The first known contact between the Borg and the Federation is believed to be in 2365, when the god-like entity known as Q transported the Enterprise-D out of Federation territory into the path of a Borg cube vessel heading toward the Alpha Quadrant. Following this first contact, Starfleet began advance planning for the inevitable Borg offensive against the Federation. Lieutenant Commander Shelby was placed in charge of this project to develop both defensive strategy and weaponry. One of the advanced weapons systems which was developed at this time was the starship U.S.S. Defiant, a heavily armored starship prototype.
The anticipated Borg invasion came in late 2366, when a Borg cube vessel entered Federation space, heading for Earth. Starfleet tactical planners had anticipated at least several more months before the Borg arrival, and were thus caught unprepared. This early arrival demonstrated that the Borg possess vastly superior energy sources and means of faster than light travel. It was later learned that the Borg traverse the vast distances of space utilizing artificially created wormhole-like channels known as "transwarp conduits". Enterprise-D captain Jean-Luc Picard was captured and assimilated by the Borg at the beginning of this offensive, and became an entity known as Locutus of Borg. Tied to the Collective consciousness, Locutus was able to provide crucial guidance in the Borg attack.
Stardate 43989.1 through 44001.4: Starfleet massed an armada of some 40 starships in the hopes of stopping the Borg cube vessel at Wolf 359, but the fleet was decimated with the loss of 39 starships and over 11,000 lives, including the U.S.S. Saratoga. As Locutus, Picard explained that the Borg purpose was to "raise the quality of life for all species" of the galaxy by providing other life-forms the benefit of being part of the Borg Collective. Following the rescue of Picard from the Borg ship, a last-ditch effort was made to implant a destructive computer command into the Borg Collective. This plan was successful in destroying the Borg cube vessel which had made it all the way to Earth orbit.
Stardate 45854.2: By 2368, at least two more Borg vessels were known to have reached Federation territory. A crashed Borg Scout Ship was discovered on the surface of a moon in the Argolis Cluster. The sole surviving Borg, designated Third of Five, was rescued from the crash site by the crew of the Enterprise-D. This Borg, named Hugh by Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge, was nursed back to health. During his convalescence, the crew developed what they termed an invasive program, which, when introduced into the Borg Collective consciousness, was designed to cause a fatal overload in the entire Collective. In the process, Hugh befriended Geordi LaForge, a friendship that provided an argument that this invasive program, in essence as weapon of mass murder, should not be used. Hugh was thus returned to the crash site where he was found, and eventually rescued by another Borg Scout Ship.
Stardate 46982.1 through 47025.4: Following the return of Hugh to the Collective, Hugh's new sense of freedom and individuality began to permeate the portion of the Collective which he came in contact with. The results of this were dramatic: deprived of their group identity, individual Borg were unable to function as a unit. The unexpected arrival of the android Lore changed this chaos. Lore appointed himself the leader of those Borg, and promised them he would provide them with the means to become completely artificial life-forms, free of dependence on the organic portion of their bodies. In 2369, Lore led the Borg in launching a major new offensive against the Federation. Utilizing transwarp conduits, they penetrated Federation space and attacked the outpost at Ohinaka III. During this offensive, the Borg attacked with uncharacteristic anger, later found to be due to Lore's influence on them. The offensive was halted when Lore was dismantled by his brother, Data.
Stardate 50893.5: In 2373, the Borg launched a second invasion in an attempt to assimilate Earth. Although the Federation fleet was successful in thwarting the Borg attack, a single Borg Sphere escaped into a temporal vortex technology to Earth's 21st century. While in the past, the Borg attempted to thwart a pivotal moment in Earth history by preventing space pioneer Zefram Cochrane from making Earth's first faster-than-light spaceflight in 2063. The crew of the newly commissioned Enterprise-E, following the Borg Sphere through the temporal vortex into the past, ensured that Cochrane was able to make his legendary first warp flight. In doing so, the Enterprise-E crew destroyed the Borg Queen, an entity which was believed to be the central nexus of the Borg Collective.
It was later learned that this Borg Queen was only one of many such entities existing within the Borg Collective. Some four years later, the Federation starship U.S.S. Endeavor discovered a crashed Borg Sphere on an M-Class planet in the Beta Quadrant, designated System M-24. The sole survivor of the crashed Borg vessel was another Borg Queen, which was later discovered to be the very creator of the Borg Collective some 1.5 million years ago.
On stardate 50641.2, the crew of the starship U.S.S. Voyager discovered a Borg corpse on a planet in the Delta Quadrant while trading with the Sakari Colonists for the mineral gallicite. A few weeks later in a region of space known as the Nekrit Expanse, the starship Voyager discovered a planet inhabited with former Borg Drones that had somehow broken free of the Collective some five years earlier. Unfortunately, in a free society, the former Drones reverted to destructive ethnic warfare. The survivors asked the crew of the starship Voyager to help them reactivate a derelict Borg Cube ship in order that a new "collective" could restore harmony to their society.
On Stardate 50984.3, the starship Voyager approached the heart of Borg territory in the Delta Quadrant. The crew witnessed the destruction of a Borg fleet by an unknown alien lifeform which appeared impervious to both Borg and Starfleet weaponry. An away team sent to investigate one of the heavily damaged Borg cube ships discovered that they are able to investigate one of the mysterious alien lifeform's bio-ships, which is still attached to a hull fragment of the decimated Borg cube. The away team discovers that they are not alone aboard the crippled Borg ship, and moments before they are transported out, Ensign Harry Kim is attacked by one of the mysterious organic looking aliens. As he lie in Sickbay, contaminated with alien cells and transforming him into one of the alien beings, Kes had a terrifying premonition about this new enemy and Captain Janeway realizes that it is no longer the Borg which is a threat to them. The Holographic Doctor soon learns that these unknown aliens possess an extremely potent immune system, and thus the Borg Nanoprobes are unable to assimilate them. The Doctor is successful in modifying the Borg nano-technology, allowing the alien cells in Ensign Kim's body to be destroyed. Still in danger of assimilation, Captain Janeway is forced into making an unholy alliance with the Borg, offering them a way to defeat their new enemy in exchange for safe passage through Borg space. The Borg Collective agrees to this arrangement, and the two sides collaborate to create a biogenic weapon which could defeat the invading aliens, which the Borg designated Species 8472. The Borg select one of their own, Seven of Nine, to work with the crew of Voyager on the weapon. Commander Chakotay and Captain Janeway struggle with opposing feelings about working with the Borg, as time runs out for the very survival of the Borg. The alliance proved successful, with the biogenic weapon serving its purpose as a deterrent against Species 8472 from further attacks on the Borg. With Species 8472 defeated and the alliance complete, Seven of Nine attempted to take control of Voyager, but her link to the Collective was severed by Commander Chakotay utilizing Borg Neural Link technology. Captain Janeway allows Seven of Nine to remain onboard Voyager, as they were responsible for severing her link to the Borg Collective.
Assimilation -
Definition: The process of transforming a being into a Borg Drone by the connection of the individual to the Borg Collective consciousness and the implantation of cybernetic components into the organic body.
The following is a list of the standard technological components that Borg Drones are equipped with during assimilation. There are other various technological components which Borg Drones may possess as each Drone is equipped with components required for a specific work task assigned to them.
terminal - A small port located in a Borg Alcove which
individual Drones can attach themselves to. These terminals serve a
wide variety of functions, such as; serving as a direct link to the Collective;
Absorbtion of power; Regeneration of damaged components; Access to library
databank information. These Alcoves and access terminals also serve as the
functional duty stations for the Borg Drones that are located aboard Borg
Designator Interface Circuit - A small circuit located on the exterior of Drones. This circuit contains information on the Drones numerical designation as well as information it has accumulated since last connected with the Collective. Removal of this circuit activates a self-destruct program that completely vaporizes the Drone.
Personal shield - An energy emitting device used to shield against defensive energy weapons. These shields cannot repel energy discharges of a frequency not previously encountered, but can quickly adapt once the attacking frequency has been analyzed.
Disruptor - An energy weapon that can be implanted in a Borg Drone and used for offensive or defensive combat situations.
- An enhanced visual receptor implanted directly into the
optical centers of the Drone. These eyepieces are capable of granting a
Drone the ability to see far more than an organic eye. These optical
enhancements possess a wide variety of functions, including the ability to
analyze complex three dimensional shapes and focus on objects to the microscopic
Tubules - Two clawlike extensions implanted in the arm or hand
of a Drone. These tubules are capable of penetrating any known alloy or
energy field. These tubules are used to inject nanoprobes to assimilate
the cells by reprogramming the DNA sequence. This is the first stage of the
assimilation process. They can also be used to penetrate and take control
of computer systems.
Exoskeleton - The protective cybernetic implant of a Borg Drone
covering part of the arm and hand. These exoskeletons can protect a Drone
from shocks with direct contact with energy fields of at least five million
gigawatts of power.
Microcircuit fibers - Part of the internal biological changes made to a being during the assimilation process. While a link to the Collective is active, these fibers alter the DNA and make it impossible to disconnect implants from the Drone.
Neuro-processor - A memory circuit implanted into a Drone which contains all instructions the Drone has received from the Collective
Neuro-transceiver - A small transmitting device implanted into the spinal column which serves as the connection of a Drone to the Collective.
Organelles - Tiny devices implanted directly into the bone marrow of Drones. These organelles have the ability to regenerate removed Borg components.
Maturation Chamber - Biomedical chamber utilized in the rapid maturation of infant specimens of an assimilated world. Infants are placed in these chambers for 17 cycles until matured. The Borg do not procreate in the same manner as other species do, instead they place infants in these chambers and begin the assimilation process immediately. The Maturation Chamber is capable of generating an adult Borg Drone within a matter of hours from a single strand of DNA.
Vinculum - Device located at the heart of every Borg vessel. The Vinculum is the central point to which Borg Drones are locally tied to the Collective. The Vinculum serves to purge individual thoughts from the multitudes of Drones aboard Borg vessels and harmonize them into the single group mind of the Collective. This device, in essence, brings order to the chaos of individual thoughts.
Root Command Structure -
Definition: The base programming scheme of the Borg Collective, of which there are three primary functions. These primary functions are:
Borg Collective - Also referred to as the "hive mind" or "collective consciousness", this is the term used to describe the group consciousness of the Borg civilization. Each Borg individual, or Drone, is linked to the Collective by a sophisticated subspace network that ensures each member is given constant supervision and guidance. The collective is broadcast over a subspace domain similar to that utilized by the transporter. Being part of the Collective offers significant biomedical advantages to the individual Drones. The mental energy of the group consciousness can help an injured or damaged Drone heal or regenerate damaged body parts or technology. This is instrumental in the Borg ability to adapt with great speed to defensive tactics used against them.
Distribution Node - Part of the technology of the information distribution system on Borg vessels.
Borg Queen - The personification of the Collective mind, this individual proclaimed to control the Borg. This claim remains subject to speculation, as the Borg Collective appears completely unaffected by her death aboard the Enterprise-E.
Cutting Laser - An effective energy beam utilized for slicing segments of a starship for examination.
Tractor Beam - An energy beam used to seize another ship. Borg tractor beams also possess the ability to drain power from the protective shields of another vessel.
Disruptors - Primary offensive weapons system utilized by the Borg. Borg disruptors are far more powerful than any other known phaser or disruptor technology.
Multikinetic Neutronic Mine - A Borg weapon of mass destruction. These mines are similar to Quantum Torpedo technology, yet are far more destructive. The average mine has an explosive yield of five million isotons.
Torpedo - Primary offensive weapons system utilized by the Borg. Borg torpedoes are similar to standard photon or quantum torpedoes, but are far more destructive.
Resonance Signal - Homing signal transmitted by Borg the Borg to locate lost Drones or vessels.
Warp Drive - The standard method of faster than light travel utilized by the Borg. The Borg are capable of sustaining warp speeds in excess of warp factor 9.99 for an indefinite amount of time.
Transwarp Conduits - The fastest means of travel for the Borg, often simplified as "transwarp". Artificially created "tunnels" through space, these conduits allow the Borg to travel at speeds far beyond normal warp, much like that of a worm-hole. They are primarily used to travel vast distances in a short length of time. Temporary transwarp conduits can be formed by a specialized tachyon emission. These transwarp conduits are known to be disruptive to the subspace, often making it impossible for other ships to engage warp drive in their vicinity. Transwarp conduits can be opened by emitting a specialized high-energy tachyon pulse.
Temporal Vortex - A time spanning conduit created by the controlled emission of chronometric particles. The temporal vortex is the method of time travel utilized by the Borg.
Singularity Dimensional Portal - An artificially created portal utilized by the Borg for inter-dimensional travel.
Since the Borg are in part technology themselves, they are perhaps the most technologically advanced race known. It is their nature to improve themselves by locating and assimilating technology which is highly advanced, and will augment their own capabilities. It is important to note that the Borg do not assimilate technology or species which they consider inferior, opting to destroy that which they consider to be lesser species.
Interface - Much
like other races of the galaxy, the Borg utilize tactile computer control
interfaces in conjunction with their neural link to the Collective. These
user operated panels permit a Drone to input data into the central computer or
other systems of a Borg vessel. A control interface such as those found on
Borg vessels generally permit the display of feedback information or to show the
results of an inputted command sequence. These control interfaces vary in
function, based on the technological capabilities and system needs which the
individual interface terminal is applied to. These terminals are capable
of a wide variety of output, including; vocal, visual and sensor-based
commands from the Collective.
port located in a Borg vessel which individual Drones can attach themselves to.
These terminals serve a wide variety of functions, such as; serving as a direct
link to the Collective; Absorbtion of power; Regeneration of damaged components;
Access to library databank information. These Alcoves contain access
terminals and serve as the functional duty stations for the Borg Drones that are
located aboard Borg spacecraft.
Autonomous Regeneration Sequencers - Technological devices utilized to regenerate damaged or removed components of Borg technology. This particular component of technology was assimilated from species 259.
Borg Alphanumerics - The Borg equivalent of a "written" language. All information within the Collective is transmitted and stored in this alphanumeric sequencing.
- A component used
in monitoring and storing information on individual Drones of the Borg
- The standard Borg
unit. Each Drone is cybernetically enhanced and biologically modified
during initial assimilation, granting them several advantages over ordinary
biological beings. For example, the typical Borg Drone has superior
physical strength and intelligence, the ability to survive the vacuum of space
without protective gear and various other enhancements. Each Borg Drone is
linked to the Collective via Borg neural-transceiver technology.
Nanoprobe - A microscopic robot used to assimilate the blood cells which serve as the first stage of the assimilation process. These nanoprobes are able to reprogram the DNA of the assimilated being.
Power Distribution Node - Part of the power distribution system aboard Borg space vessels that serves to transfer power and the mental energy of the Collective throughout the ship. These distribution nodes are an integral part of the Borg ability to adapt in combat scenarios, and allow a Borg ship to function even if seventy percent of the ship is destroyed.
General Information-
The Borg employ a wide variety of spacecraft for interstellar travel. Although the broad range of starship technology which has been assimilated into the Collective varies upon the species from which it originated, the following listing is of the typical Borg design and primary use.
Cube - A massive
cube-shaped spacecraft operated by the Borg Collective. These standard
cube ships have a highly decentralized design, having no specific operations
center, engineering center or living quarters. Each Borg Cube is equipped
with powerful offensive and defensive weapons systems. Repairs to damaged
Borg Cubes is carried out by the Collective mental energy, thereby allowing
damage incurred to be repaired near instantaneously. Each Borg Cube
contains a compliment of over 91,000 Borg Drones. They are able to travel
at both normal warp and transwarp speeds.
Borg Scout - Smaller version of a Borg Cube vessel utilized in long range exploratory scenarios. A Borg Scout vessel has a mass of 2.5 million metric tons. The approximate number of Drones aboard a scout vessel is five.
Sphere - A small
spherical Borg vessel contained within a Borg Cube used in combat situations
where escape is necessary. These spherical vessels are able to create a
temporal vortex in space used for time travel by the controlled emission of
chronometric particles.
Borg Warship - An irregular vessel design based in part on the Borg multikinetic neutronic mine. This vessel was used by a rogue group of Borg controlled by Lore in an assault on Federation colonies between 2369 and 2370.
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