u.s.s. Lancelot NCC-74410

diplomatic/JAG dEPARTMENT


Ensign (Command)  Ensign Datz, Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer







Name:                           Coulten Jaevans Datz

Rank:                            Ensign

Assignment:                Chief Diplomatic Officer, U.S.S Lancelot

                                       Sector Chief JAG Officer, U.S.S. Lancelot

Year of Birth:               09/11 2354 (Host)

Age:                               23 (Host)

Species/Race:               Joined Trill

Place of Birth:              Trill Homeworld                                                

Marital Status:             Single (current host)

Education:                    Starfleet Academy

                                       Starfleet Diplomatic/JAG School

Office:                           Diplomatic/JAG Department, Deck 5

Quarters:                       Deck 8, Quarters 9


Physical Description:

Hair Color:                     Fair brown and cropped

Eye Color:                      Blue/Green

Height:                            6' 3"

Weight:                           185 LBS

Physique:                       In superb physical condition

Trills are a symbiotic species consisting of a humanoid host and a veriform symbiont which lives in the abdomen of the host. The worm-like symbiont is extremely long-lived, the current symbiont being alive for one hundred and twenty-nine years.

Trill LogoTrill hosts appear very human like, except for brown spots on both sides of the body from temple to toe which are extremely sensitive to touch. These markings are unique to each Trill, and are just as unique as a Terran human's fingerprints. They do not detract from appearance. Most Trills maintain an exceptional physique to permit the symbiont to be sustained at peak  performance.

As a joined species, Trills enjoy a special relationship with the past and the future. They live many lifetimes with the benefit of remembrance, knowing that in all likelihood they will survive beyond the lifetime of an individual host. This give them a certain air of wisdom and calm, shared only by species of great longevity, such as El-Aurians and the Vulcan race. Trills try to rise above the temptations of romance and greed; however, the goal of all symbionts is to live a rich and varied existence through the bodies of their hosts.

The relationship between a Trill symbiont and its humanoid host is complex. A joined Trill integrates the personalities of all the symbiont's previous hosts. Coping with so many different elements can be difficult. For this reason, host candidates are screened very carefully. The host must have a strong desire to lead a full life, and the will to pursue that life, otherwise he or she risks being overwhelmed by the symbiont's previous personalities.

Not all Trills are chosen to join with a symbiont. Every year at least 5000 candidates are accepted into the Trill Initiate Program but, in most years, only 300 symbionts are available for joining.

Trill Initiates go through a vigorous training program very similar to a university or an academy. However, while an initiate may do well in this part of the training, the visit with a joined Trill field docent is the deciding factor in whether or not the initiate is able to graduate to host status. The field docent must determine whether or not the initiate has the strength of personal direction and independence to become a host. The field docent can challenge an initiate to find their path in many ways, If the initiate doesn't answer the challenge, he or she will get a black mark on their record. Worse yet, they can fall behind seemingly less qualified initiates by simply following the rules too closely, or trying to formulate their goals to please others.

Hosts are considered a link in the chain of a symbiont's life. Each link must be strong and unique.

There are many taboos in Trill society. One of the strongest is that no joined Trill is to resume a relationship with another Trill from a past host's lifetime. This means that a joined Trill must avoid former hosts' family members and lovers. When these paths are crossed, great measures are taken to assure that the joined Trills do not get too close. Resuming a relationship from a past-host lifetime is called 're-association'.

Joined Trills who re-associate are exiled, condemning the symbiont to die with that host body. As the primary instinct of the Trill host is to protect the life of the symbiont at all costs, re-association happens only rarely.

Personal History: 

Ensign Datz Chief Diplomatic/JAG OfficerCoulten Jaevans Datz was born as an only child as Coulten Jaevans to a medical doctor mother and an archaeological father. They strived for excellence and raised Coulten in that very same way. Coulten was an isolated child due to his parents want of excellence. Most of his childhood was spent studying for which over years he resented his parents for. His parents had always planned for him to enter the Trill Initiate Program, which he was never enthusiastic about. He entered the program at age sixteen and three years later was joined with the symbiont Datz, thus becoming Coulten Jaevans Datz. Since then he has been called "C.J." by close personal friends and Datz by others.

The life of a Trill symbiont can be enriched by extreme variations in its host's personal goals. The symbiont had only two previous hosts prior to "C.J", a female Trill Ambassador to the Federation Council named Tori Niaco who died in a shuttlecraft accident at age 48 and a male, Stian Mesora, a Trill government minister who died at the age of 60. As a result, the symbiont Datz is widely regarded on both Trill and throughout the Federation. Despite the lack of outward sexual intimacy, Datz's experience of both genders has if anything broadened his view regarding romance, sex and life, not curtailed it.

The perspective two previous lifetimes has left Datz with a broad view of life which surprisingly is inclined to the unpredictable and even mischievous rather than the sedate and conservative. Datz is now preparing for the Trill zhian'tara Rite of Closure, a ritual which allows the current host to meet all previous hosts.

Coulten always wished to enter Starfleet Academy and become an officer, it was a noble profession and he loved Trill and thus the Federation and wished to defend and protect their sovereignty. At the age of nineteen, two months after the joining, he entered the Academy much to his parents displeasure. As a result he has not spoken to his parents since, although he does acknowledge their want of excellence as an elementary factor of his personality and being.

Notable romances include Loriana Kraora, an Iniatiate on the Trill Homeworld. They had met through mutual friends but romance was short. As soon as Loriana was rejected from the Program she went into total seclusion.

Also a  half-Bajoran/half-Betazoid, named Lauren Kaxa, a Starfleet Cadet whom he met through a mutual friend.  The romance lasted for a year until both had mutually agreed they wanted to concentrate on their Starfleet careers. They remain good friends and keep in regular contact. Lauren is now the Chief Medical Officer aboard the U.S.S. Cambrian.

Likes: Likes people who are honest and fair. People who are outgoing and offer the hand of friendship. Prefers to spend free time with friends or keeping mind and body fit. To make people feel at ease, usually a bit of a jokester. Preferably drinks Icoberry Juice while on duty and either Acturian Fizz or Rynthehol when off duty. Favorite food is Azna or Moba Fruit.

Dislikes: Injustices of any kind. Believes justice will prevail! Arrogant people tend to also have a disliking factor with Datz. Cooking.

Quirks: When nervous or confused, recites the Starfleet Directives in order to calm him down and clear his mind - a quirk he began as a Cadet.

Limitations: Injustices will severely enrage Datz to the extent he will focus his mind on resolving the injustice or punish the individual (s) in due course of the law. May become irrational at times regarding this limitation.

Ambitions: To gradually earn rank to Captain and command a vessel specialized for legal and diplomatic issues.

Strengths: Speaks five languages: Federation (Standard), Vulcan, Bajoran, Andoran and some Klingonease. Persevering to maintain a more than adequate solution when a problem arises. Will try most things at least once.

Special Abilities: Since the Joining of host and symbiont, Datz took up the ancient Terran art of Tae'kwon'do. He now uses this mastery as a meditative technique but will use as defense when required. Wisdom, calmness, vision and enlightenment due to Joining. Holds flight experience certification level 5.


Education and Service Record:

Starfleet CommbadgeWhile on the Trill homeworld, and moreover in the Initiate Program, C.J. studied a three year concurrent law and politics program. His academic achievements include a Federation standard Law degree, a Political Science degree and achieved class salutatorian. This choice of study versed him in all aspects of Federation law and political views, probably influenced by the symbiont's two previous hosts.

He entered Starfleet Academy at age nineteen with rank of Cadet and after the first initial year of basic training, attaining 97%, he decided to major in Law and Diplomacy, and take a minor subject in Operations. After four years of study after the basic year, Datz graduated on Stardate 53212.7.

As an Ensign in Starfleet of the same year, Datz was posted to the U.S.S Lancelot NCC - 74410 where he was assigned as the Chief Diplomatic Officer.

On Stardate 53601.0, as a result of attending JAG School and fulfilling specific criteria, he was formally assigned a new supplementary position to that of Chief Diplomatic Officer as sector JAG Officer, holding rank of Ensign.

Security clearance upgraded to Alpha - One whereby as CD/JAG Officer, Datz has unlimited access to all ship's records, systems and computers but no access to ship localized command functions unless directly ordered so by the CO, XO or indeed by Starfleet Command itself. Also, data access level 4.


             Rank        Year/Stardate      Assignment  


     Ensign (Command)       53212.7-         CD/JAG Officer 

      Cadet (4th/5th Year)      2377-53212.7 SFA JAG School

      Cadet (3rd Year)      23762374        SFA JAG School      

      Cadet (2nd Year)      2375                SFA JAG School  

      Cadet (1st Year)      2374                SFA Basic Training



Judge Advocate General's Corps

Starfleet Directives

United Federation of Planets Constitution

Uniform Code of Starfleet Justice

U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic /JAG Department

U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic/JAG Personnel

Starfleet Diplomatic/JAG Headquarters 


Legal Topics:



                                    Administrative Law               

                                    Tort Law (Claims)                

                                    Contract Law 

                                    Criminal Law


                                    Legal Assistance

                                    Operational Law 



Should you have any questions or comments please e-mail the Chief, Ensign Datz at the Diplomatic/JAG Department


Tango Fleet