u.s.s. Lancelot NCC-74410

diplomatic/JAG dEPARTMENT




The Cardassian-UFP Treaty is an agreement that ended hostilities between the United Federation of Planets and the Cardassian Union in 2370.


Negotiations for the treaty were begun in 2367 and lasted for three years.


The treaty established new boundaries between Federation and Cardassian space and created a Demilitarized Zone between the borders.


The Demilitarized Zone was a region of space along the border between Cardassian and Federation space, established as a buffer by this treaty signed. 


Neither side was permitted to place military outposts, conduct fleet exercises, or station warships anywhere in the demilitarized area. As part of the treaty, territorial borders were redrawn, resulting in several Federation colonies becoming Cardassian property and some Cardassian colonies being placed within Federation territory.


The peace was fragile at best. Federation colonists, believing their government had abandoned them, banded together to form the Maquis terrorist organization, while the Cardassian Central Command secretly supplied weapons to Cardassian colonists in the zone.


This treaty is still active, however in this time after the Dominion War, Cardassia will be rebuilding under the implementation and guidance of the Federation/Klingon/Romulan Alliance therefore the Treaty is somewhat void.




Judge Advocate General's Corps

Starfleet Directives

United Federation of Planets Constitution

Uniform Code of Starfleet Justice

U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic /JAG Department

U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic/JAG Personnel

Starfleet Diplomatic/JAG Headquarters 


Legal Topics:



                                    Administrative Law               

                                    Tort Law (Claims)                

                                    Contract Law 

                                    Criminal Law


                                    Legal Assistance

                                    Operational Law 




Should you have any questions or comments please e-mail the Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer at the Diplomatic/JAG Department aboard the U.S.S. Lancelot. 


Tango Fleet