u.s.s. Lancelot NCC-74410

diplomatic/JAG dEPARTMENT




The Fleet Diplomatic/JAG Commander is the command authority of the Diplomatic/JAG Corps and its personnel and as such will sit as the department head and be a voting member of the Command Council.  The Commander will be responsible for:

(A) Maintaining the Fleet Diplomatic/JAG Pages - which should include:


A manifest of all members of the Diplomatic/JAG Corps and the ships on which they serve.

Directives and Treaties relating to Starfleet and  the UFP. 

Federation/Starfleet codes of conduct.

A list of races.

Links to related resources/pages.


(B) Help develop and approve a curriculum for diplomatic cadets in Tangofleet Academy, and train officers wishing to become JAG officers.
The curriculum for Tangofleet Academy should include:


Basic negotiation skills.

Race identification skills.


The instruction for JAG officers should include the above plus additional courses in:


Basic trial/court Defense skills.

Basic trial/court Prosecution skills.

Basic judicial skills.


(C) Act as one of Tango Fleet's JAG officers for special trials.  All Tangofleet officers ranking Commodore or higher make up the other members.  They can act as JAG in any trial and overrule lesser judgments.  Court-martials involving officers of Lt. Commander or above require a trial by one or more of the special JAG judges.  They can overturn a ruling of a lesser JAG.


(D) Ensure that all JAG officers in the fleet meet minimum requirements to perform the duties outlined above for their ranks.


The procedure for officer approval is as follows:

A Diplomatic Officer (or their CO, XO) would make a request to the Fleet Diplomatic/JAG Commander or his Deputy

The Fleet Diplomatic Commander will interview the candidate by contact over e-mail or other methods to determine if he/she is able to meet the duties.

If the officer is deemed prepared, then the Fleet Diplomatic/JAG Commander will instruct the officer in the duties of the JAG.

The Fleet Diplomatic/JAG Commander will review the results of the instruction courses and make a determination of the officers skills.
The Fleet Diplomatic Commander will either Approve or Deny the officer based on results. A JAG may be of any rank, (Non-commissioned officers excluded unless Warrant Officer or above, Ambassadors excluded unless rank holders) and there can be multiple JAG officers per ship.



Command UniformThe Fleet Deputy Diplomatic/JAG Commander is a supplementary position to that of the Commander, much like an Executive Officer is aboard a vessel/base. The Deputy Diplomatic/JAG Commander  is the second command authority of the Diplomatic and  JAG Corps and, as such, is responsible for legal matters pertaining to Starfleet Command and the fleet itself in the absence of the Commander.

The Deputy Fleet Diplomatic/JAG Commander will sit as the deputy department head.



The Chief Diplomatic Officer of each vessel/base must be familiar with a variety of areas: history, politics, economics, and military, and understand how they affect potential threats. A wide range of operations can occur in response to these areas and threats. These operations occur within three general states of being: peacetime competition, conflict and war.

S/he must be equally flexible and demonstrate initiative, agility, depth, synchronization, and improvisation to provide responsive legal services to his/her CO as well a diplomatic advise on current status of an Alien Species both aligned and non aligned to the Federation. 

Alpha 2 security clearance and data access level 4 are normally a forwarded to the Chief Diplomatic Officer which means s/he has unlimited access to all ship's records, systems and computers but no access to ship localized command functions unless directly ordered so by the CO, XO of the designated ship or indeed by Starfleet Command itself. 



The Diplomatic Aide/Officer responds to the ship's/base's Chief Diplomatic Officer, and is required to be able to stand in and run the Diplomatic Department as required should the Chief Diplomatic Officer be absent for any reason.

The Aide must there for be versed in all Diplomatic information regarding the current status of the Federation and its aligned and non aligned neighbours.

All Diplomatic Officers/Aides must be familiar with a variety of areas and should understand how they affect a variety of situations.  A wide operations can occur in response to these areas and situations.  These operations occur within three general states of being:


peacetime competition,




Diplomatic Officers/Aides must be equally flexible and demonstrate initiative, agility, depth, synchronization, and improvisation to provide responsive legal services to his/her CO.

Diplomatic Officers/Aides may or may not be involved in active combat duty as required.  The Commander has the right to take charge of the duties of the Diplomatic Officer whenever he or she wishes.  All members of the Diplomatic Corps and the JAG may employ lesser diplomats and interns as part of his workforce.


Security clearance authorized at Beta 2 and data access level 2 are common among Diplomatic Officer/Aides however material may be supplied under direct supervision of the department head.



The JAG Officer's are responsible for the investigation, prosecution, and defense of the men and women enlisted in Starfleet. In addition, they practice interplanetary, operation, labor, contract, environmental, tort, and administrative law.

Each holding a legal degree, Starfleet Judge Advocates uphold and protect the rights of Starfleet personnel and the virtues of the Federation and Starfleet Charters. 

Starfleet Judge Advocates assist in the development and ratification of treaties and act as legal advisors to members of the admiralty. Each JAG officer is responsible for a certain group of individuals, or sphere of influence, in Starfleet. Be that sphere of influence a vessel, base, planet, or branch, all Starfleet JAG's report to the sector JAG officers and to the Branch Commander.

Holds much the same clearance as the Chief Diplomatic Officer.


NOTE: Not all Diplomatic Officers are members of the JAG, but all JAG members are Diplomatic Officers!  Officers must be approved by the Fleet Diplomatic/JAG Commander as listed above before beginning any JAG duty.  Officers ranking Commodore or above may also approve candidates as outlined above in the Fleet Diplomatic/JAG Commander or his Deputy's absence, and should notify him/her upon return.



The  Records Officer responds also to the ship's/base's Chief Diplomatic Officer, assisting him/her and the Diplomatic Aide in research, legal development and maintains the upkeep of the administration of the Diplomatic Department.

Very much like the Diplomatic Aide the Records Officer must be versed in the operation of a Diplomatic Department. Has security and data access clearance to all non-classified or secret material on a duty related basis usually on the same level as the Diplomatic Officer/Aide.  



The Historian  responds to a ship's/base's Records Officer who follows the chain of command, a forwarding data to the Diplomatic Officer/Aide who in turn deciphers all relevant data and relays it to the Chief Diplomatic Officer and JAG Officer.

The duties of the Historian  include research of Federation Articles, Treaties, diplomatic orientated documentation, or any necessary duties assigned by the Records Officer. This position is held by a commissioned officer. Possess security and data access clearance much the same as the Records Officer but under direct supervision.



The Archivist very much like the Historian follows the direct chain of command linking to the Chief Diplomatic Officer and JAG Officer. The Archivist's main duty is to maintain the files and updates submitted into the Federation database. This position is held by a non-commissioned officer.

A high level of security and data access clearance is usually required for this post therefore the Delta 2 or Level 2 clearance normally a forwarded to the Archivist will not suffice. S/he must seek authorization from the department head to view any "sensitive" files.



The Alien Specialist responds to the ship's/base's Diplomatic Officer/Aide,Command Uniform assisting him/her in required duties. Any relevant data a forwarded by the Alien Specialist to the Diplomatic Officer/Aide will be relayed to the Chief Diplomatic Officer.

The Alien Specialist's primary duty is to maintain and upgrade all information relating to aligned and non-aligned for easier access. S/he must also be versed in certain aspects of the operation of the Diplomatic Department. This position is

Usually holds security clearance Delta 1 and data access clearance level 2 whereas all data is only supplied on a duty related basis.



The Xeno-Sociologist reports directly to the Chief Diplomatic Officer on matters pertaining to inter-species information. The Xeno-Sociologist duties include much the same of those as the Alien Specialist except this crewmember analyzes specifically how species react to each other and to "alien" species, they monitor the society of aligned and non-aligned species.

Holds the same security and data access clearance as the Alien Specialist.



The Curator responds to the ship's/base's Records Officer and in turn any relevant data will be relayed to the Diplomatic Officer/Aide and then onto the Chief Diplomatic Officer if deemed necessary.

The duty of the Curator is the overall maintenance of the Diplomatic/JAG Department under the direction of the Records Officer.  This position is held by a non-commissioned officer.

Holds much the same clearance levels as the Alien Specialist.



The Captain's Yeoman is for Petty Officers who wish to continue as administrators. They are a member of the Diplomatic Corps and respond directly to the Commanding Officer of a vessel. 

It is technically a non-Mate position. Use of this position is completely at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. File work, and sensitive message transport are but two examples of the Yeoman's possible duties.




Currently the U.S.S. Lancelot is awaiting the assignment of the following:

Diplomatic Officer/Aide 

Records Officer





Captain's Yeoman


If one wishes to apply for any of the above positions please contact the U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic/JAG Department and the Chief will instruct you accordingly.



Judge Advocate General's Corps

Starfleet Directives

United Federation of Planets Constitution

Uniform Code of Starfleet Justice

U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic /JAG Department

U.S.S. Lancelot Diplomatic/JAG Personnel

Starfleet Diplomatic/JAG Headquarters 


Legal Topics:



                                    Administrative Law               

                                    Tort Law (Claims)                

                                    Contract Law 

                                    Criminal Law


                                    Legal Assistance

                                    Operational Law 




Should you have any questions or comments please e-mail the Chief Diplomatic/JAG Officer at the Diplomatic/JAG Department aboard the U.S.S. Lancelot. 


Tango Fleet