Part V
(set approx 2 years after season 6 finale)

spoilers for ‘Mayday’

Previously on <my> ER
Dave and Kerry are married
Kerry is expecting their first child
Mark and Elizabeth got married
When Kerry went into labor Dave felt her pains


Dave got to OB just as another contraction started.  He staggered into Kerry’s room and collapsed on a chair. 

“Kerry,” he said, when he got his breath back.  “Are you all right?  How long since you started?”
“I’m fine,” said Kerry. “It’s been a couple of hours, but I was three centimeters dilated at my last check.  Dr Coburn says it’ll be several hours yet.  Are <you> all right?  You didn’t get sick on the chopper again, did you?”
“No, I didn’t.  But I think I’m feeling your labor pains.”
“Oh dear.”  Kerry tried not to laugh.  “Well it shouldn’t be for much longer.  I think I’m going to get an epidural.”
“Are you sure?  I mean, I know you wanted a natural birth.”
“I know my limitations.  Even with you here, I’m not sure I could manage.  I’ll give it another few hours and then decide.”
“Whatever you feel is best.”


A few hours later, Luka found Dave pacing nervously in the corridor.
“Did Kerry kick you out already?” asked Luka.
“She sent me downstairs to get something to eat.  When I came back, they were setting her up for the epidural and wouldn’t let me back in until they were finished.”
“I’m sure it won’t be much longer,” said Luka comfortingly.
“Yeah.  I just can’t stand to see Kerry in pain and not be able to do anything.”
 At this, the door opened and Kim, Kerry’s OB nurse looked out.
“You can come back in, Dave.  We’re all set.”
“Give my regards to Kerry,” said Luka.  “And let us know how things are going.”
 Kerry was looking a lot more comfortable than she had been when Dave had left her.
 “I think I’m in love with the epidural man,” she said as Dave approached the bed.
“Hey, if he’s stopped your pain, then I’m in love with him too.”
“Looks like another notch on your stethoscope, Dr Babcock,” said Kim as she helped him tidy up.


 Downstairs in the ER, time was passing slowly.
“Any news, Dr Kovac?” asked Haleh as Luka walked up to reception.
“Not yet,” replied Luka.  “But it is her first labor. It will probably be several hours yet.”
“Damm,” said Haleh under her breath.  “Another half an hour and I’m out of it.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Luka, confused.  “Your shift isn’t over for three hours yet.”
 “We have a pool going on the time of birth,” said Randi.
“You are gambling on the birth of a child?” said Luka in shock.  “That’s terrible.”
“The closest time gets half the pot,” explained Chuny.  “The rest we’ll use to buy a present for the baby.”
“I hope you asked Kerry or Dave about it first.”
“Oh, Dave said it was alright as long as he could have a go as well.”
“Hmm.  And what time did <he> pick?”
Chuny consulted the chart.  “He went for between 9 and 12 tonight.”
“The rat,” said Haleh.  “He’s probably upstairs right now, telling Weaver not to push that baby out for another five hours.”
Luka smiled.  “It would seem that Dave is more in tune with Kerry than we realized.”


Six hours later, Dave was sitting behind Kerry supporting her firmly as she pushed again.

“Okay,” said Kim.  “One more big push.”
“C’mon, Kerry we’re nearly there,” said Dave.  “Just a little bit more.”
“I can see the head,” said Kim.  “Now just ease off for a minute and when I tell you, push as hard as you can.”
Kerry gathered her strength.  Even with the epidural to ease the pain, she was still exhausted.  She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.
“Okay, now push,” ordered Kim.
Kerry pushed with the last of her strength and then flopped wearily against Dave’s chest.
 The sound of the baby crying was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard.

“It’s a girl,” said Kim as she carefully wrapped the baby in a towel before handing her to Kerry. 
“Oh my God,” said Kerry weakly as she held her daughter.  “Is she really ours?”
“She’s so beautiful,” said Dave with a catch in his voice as he embraced the two of them.


A few minutes later the nurse said, “Kerry, we’re just going to weigh and clean up your daughter.  Have you decided on a name?”

“Her name is Sarah Florence,” said Dave.
“Sarah Florence Weaver-Malucci,” said Kerry.
 “You just rest for a bit and we’ll have Sarah back to you in a few minutes.”
 “Weaver-Malucci?” said Dave to Kerry.
“And as soon as I’m out of here that’ll be my surname too,” said Kerry.
“Thank you, Kerry.”  He kissed her gently.
“Thank <you>, Dave.”


 Cleo put down the phone and smiled at the crowd that had surrounded the reception desk when they had realized who was calling.

“Well,” said Luka.  “What’s the news?”
“It’s a girl, nine and a half pounds.  Mother and child both doing fine.”
“That’s great news,” said Luka.
“Exactly what time was she born?” asked Chuny checking her chart.
“About half an hour ago.” Cleo checked her watch.  “About ten-thirty.”
“Who won the pool?” asked Lydia.
“Malucci got it,” replied Chuny.
“I don’t believe it,” said Lydia.
“I told you that Dave was in tune with Kerry,” said Luka with a smile.


 A few hours later Luka joined Dave on the roof.

“Dave,” he said.  “The OB nurses said you were up here.”
“Is something wrong?” asked Dave with concern.
“No, no, Kerry and Sarah are both fine.  I looked in on them to see how they were doing, but they were both sound asleep.  I thought you would be getting some rest as well.”
“I tried, but I just couldn’t settle.  I’m half afraid that I’ll wake up and find this has all been a dream.  I mean twenty-four hours ago Sarah was just a blur on a monitor.  And now she’s here and looking to Kerry and me to take care of her.  I’ve never had that type of responsibility before.  I’m afraid I won’t be able to cope.”
“We all feel that way in the beginning,” said Luka.  “You just have to take it a day at a time.  Soon you won’t remember what it was like to not be a father.”  He sighed heavily.
“You still miss your children,” said Dave.
“Every day.  But every day I thank God for the time that I was allowed to be a father to them.”
There was silence on the rooftop for a moment.
“Let’s go inside,” said Luka.  “It’s getting too cold up here.  You can buy me a coffee to celebrate your daughter’s birth.”
“Yeah, I should have got some cigars.”
“The canteen coffee is probably as poisonous as cigars anyway.”

Smiling, they both headed for the door.


A few weeks later

Dave walked into the ER with Sarah in a sling on his chest.
A crowd of adoring nurses soon surrounded him.
“Oh, isn’t she just the sweetest thing,” said Haleh.
“I thought you weren’t on until later,” said Yosh.
“Yeah, but I had some paperwork to catch up on, and I figured Kerry could use a break.  She’s going to pick up Sarah before my shift starts.”
“I never thought I’d see you with a baby in a sling,” said Randi.
“Yeah, well I had to keep my hands free so I could steer my bike.”
“Don’t tell me you took that sweet child on the bike with you,” said Haleh looking shocked.
“Course not,” said Dave.  “I took the El.  Mind you, I’d say the bike would have been a lot easier.”

There was more oohing and aahing over Sarah before Dave finally said, “Anyone know where Carter is?”
“I think he’s in exam one.”
“Thanks, Yosh.  I’ll catch you guys later.”

Dave stuck his head around the door of exam one.
“Yo Carter.  You busy?”
“Hi Dave.  No, I’m just about finished here.”
“I need a quick word with you.  I’ll be in the lounge.”
“Okay.  I’ll be with you in a minute.”


A few minutes later, John opened the door to the lounge.  Dave was singing softly to Sarah.  John waited for a few moments so as not to disturb them. 
As he reached the end of the verse Dave looked up and noticed John standing there.

“I never thought I’d hear you singing lullabies,” said John with a grin.
Dave smiled ruefully and said, “Yeah, well, <she> likes it.”

“So how’s Kerry doing?”
“She’s good.  Actually, neither of us are getting a lot of sleep but we’re managing.”
There was silence for a moment before Dave spoke again.
“Listen, John, are you doing anything the first Sunday of next month?”
“I’ll have to check the rosters.  Why do you ask?”
“We’re having Sarah christened then, and, well, Kerry and I would like you to be her godfather.”

John was stunned.  This was the last thing he had expected.
“I didn’t know you believed in that sort of thing.”
“Old habits die hard.  We figure when Sarah’s old enough she’ll make her own decisions on what to believe.  We just want to start her in the right direction.”

“Who else have you asked?”
“Kerry asked Jeanie Moore, Jeanie Boulet that was, and I asked my friend Dee from college.”
“Are you sure that you want me?  I mean I’m not the most religious of people, plus I’d hardly call myself a good role model what with my drug problem.”
“That’s all in the past.  You haven’t touched the stuff since you got out of rehab.  As for not being overly religious, well, what Kerry and I want most is someone who will look out for Sarah when she’s growing up.  John, you’ve been my friend for years now.  Will you do it?”

Dave was looking more serious than John had ever seen him before.

“In that case, I’d be honored to accept.”

Dave smiled and said, “Thank-you, John.  Would you like to hold your goddaughter?”
“Of course.”  He reached out to take Sarah.
“Be careful to support her head,” warned Dave.
“Dave, I <have> handled babies before,”
“Not my baby, you haven’t,” said Dave protectively
“Uh-oh, what?”
“I think somebody needs her diaper changed,”
John held Sarah up, revealing a damp patch on his lab coat.

“Oh, Sarah,” said Dave with a grin as he retrieved his daughter.  “That’s no way to treat your godfather.  C’mon, Carter, let me introduce you to one of your first responsibilities as a godparent – diaper duty.”
“I knew there was a catch to this god parenting business.”


John was in the middle of changing the diaper when Chuny looked in, “Carter, Dr Kovac wants you to take an incoming trauma.”
“Saved by the bell,” said John.  “Looks like you’ll have to take over, Dave.”
“Not so fast.  You finish here and I’ll take the trauma.”
“What if I get stuck?”
“Call a nurse, of course,” said Dave with a grin as he followed Chuny out of the room.
A few minutes later Haleh walked in.  “Dr Malucci said you might need a hand.”
“Thanks, Haleh,” said John holding out the clean diaper to her.
“Oh, no you don’t.  Malucci specifically told me to supervise and <not> to actually change it.”
“But I’ve never done this before.”
“You’ve seen it done before, haven’t you?”
“Yes… a few times.”
“There you go then: see one, do one, teach one.  Don’t worry, Dr Carter I’ll talk you through it.”
John sighed, and set to work.  At least it had only been a wet diaper, and not a dirty one.


to be continued

Part IV

Part VI

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