Ceindreadh's Fan Fiction Page
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the following stories are multi-parted

The Right Decision (DR & CH)

Consequences (KW & DM)

Always on my mind (KW & DM)

Stuck with you (various) - fan-fiction challenge

A Very Odd Couple (LKo & DM - not a slash fic)

Lightning Strike (JC & DM - not a slash fic)

Road Trip (KW & LKo & DM & JC)

Malucci and the Minor

Seasonal Snippets (cast - humorous scenes from the ER)

February 14th 2001 (KW & DM)

A different day in May (DM/JC)


A day in the life (DM & cast)
What would you do? (cast)
Girls just want to have fun (CF & J-MC)
Wouldn't it be good (JC & DM)
I don't think that man should sleep alone (LKo & CM)
Happy ever after (Jeanie)
The Hen Night
Misery Loves Company
Kerry's Time Off
The Pregnancy Test
Midnight Plane to Georgia
A bird in the hand
A Trouble Shared
Second Chances


If you have any comments on these fan-fics email me at


DISCLAMER: "ER," the characters and situations depicted within are the
property of Warner Brothers Television, Amblin Entertainment, Constant
c Productions, NBC, etc. They are borrowed without permission, but
without the intent of infringement. The stories presented here are
written solely for entertainment purposes, and the author is making no