Guess what? I've been Snippeting again

WARNING - I am not responsible if you choke on your food, spit on your monitor or get hiccups for the rest of the evening.
Some scenes were inspired by rumors for Season 8.


"John," said Abby. "I couldn't help notice that you seem to be having a little trouble with your back."

"I'm fine Abby," said Carter with a smile.

"DR. GREENE!" yelled Abby, "Carter's denying he has a problem again!"


"I know why you don't want to sign the consent order for emergency surgery on Mr. Jeffries," Peter said to Cleo. "It's because of what happened with Carla. I swear to you, she came on to me...I didn't lay a finger on her...the only reason I didn't say anything was cause I didn't want to upset you."

"Peter Peter Peter," said Cleo gently. "The reason I won't co-sign the consent order is because I believe we should respect the patients wishes...whatever our personal feelings on the matter."

Pulling Peter in close to her, she swiftly kneed him in the groin. As he collapsed, groaning, on the floor, she continued in the same even tone, "*that* was for not telling me about Carla."

As Peter gasped out, "'re be on *my* side..." Cleo stepped over him and said, "Oh save it for your next girlfriend."


"Carter, don't lie to us," said Mark sternly. "We know you have a's time you admitted it."

"I saw you Carter," blurted out Abby. "I saw you wince when you had to lift that patient off the gurney. I'm sorry, but I couldn't just let it go without saying anything. You need need to admit that you have a problem."

"There's a clinic over on the west side that specializes in doctors with back pain...take my van...they're expecting you...we're doing this for your own good."

"You're all crazy...I'm leaving," said Carter, quickly walking out of the room.


"Um, Deb?" asked Carter. "Do you know of any good herbalists? I need an alternative treatment for my back pain."

"That's just typical," snapped Jing-Mei. "You assume that because I'm Asian that I know all about acupuncture and herbal remedies and old wives tales and things like that. It's racist and unfair and I'm shocked at you John Carter."

"I...I'm sorry," stammered Carter. "Forget I said anything." He backed away hurriedly and disappeared into the Lounge.

Randi looked up from filing her nails. "Didn't you tell me that your Uncle ran an alternative medicine clinic over on the West side? Why didn't you tell Carter that?"

"Hey, when he remembers my proper name...then I might tell him."


"You can save your pathetic apologies Peter," snapped Cleo. "I've been meaning to break up with you for ages now. My friends were a guy like you was bad for my image."

"Why? Because I'm black? How can you say such a thing?"

"No, they said I should dump you because you're a selfish egotistical bastard, who expects everyone to fall in with *his* plans and who doesn't give a damn about other people's feelings."

"So that's it?"

"No...this is it..."

Grabbing the ice pack from the fridge, she jammed it in Peter's groin. "Here...keep it on ice for your next partner."


"Back still troubling you?" Luka asked sympathetically, seeing Carter wince.

Carter looked up in surprise. "Well yes actually. It's probably just a mild sprain...but it's really sore."

"Have you thought of trying acupuncture? I believe Dr. Malucci is quite proficient at it."

"Really? Well he does know a lot about alternative medicines...and at this stage I'm ready to try anything. Thanks for the suggestion Dr. Kovac...I'll see can I find him." Carter quickly left the Lounge.

Chuny looked up from her magazine. "You really hate Carter, don't you?"

Luka smirked. "I can't imagine why you'd think that."


"Oh come on Dave," said Carter pleadingly. "I really need some way of easing my back pain...and I'm scared to use any type of drugs."

"I don't know man," said Dave reluctantly. "I mean, it's been a while."

"Please..." said Carter, turning his best 'lost puppy' expression on Dave. Behind him Randi and Amira made faces and gagging sounds.

"Oh...okay...but you gotta promise you won't blame me if it doesn't work, okay?"

"Okay," said Carter with just a trace of smugness. He'd known that nobody could resist the 'Carter charm'...well, apart from Abby, that is...but it was only a matter of time. "I'll just finish up with my patient and then you can get to work." He headed away merrily.

"So Malucci," drawled Randi once Carter was out of earshot. "Want me to start a pool on how many pins you can stick in Carter before he starts screaming?"

"Randi Fronczak, I'm shocked at you," said Dave. "Don't you know that we use needles...not pins?"


"You have done this before?" Carter asked nervously as he lay face down on the gurney.

"Oh sure," said Dave as he peeled open a pack of surgical needles. "On a cadaver," he muttered to himself.

"What was that?"

"I said lie still...this may hurt a bit..."



Kerry looked at Carter, with an air of puzzlement. "Why is Dr. Carter walking so awkwardly?" she asked Randi.

"Um...he had an acupuncture session with Malucci," said Randi, popping her gum audibly. "Got a whole bunch of needles stuck in him."

"Oh...let me guess...Dr. Malucci hasn't a clue about acupuncture and Carter was left in more pain than ever?"

"Oh no...turns out Dave actually did a full semester on alternative medicine...he sorted Carter's back pain out, no problem...he even got him to give up smoking."

"So what happened?"

"Well, he put in 50 needles...but he only took out 49...and Carter didn't notice until he pulled his pants back on."


"You're telling me...word is they could hear his screams all the way up on the psych ward."



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