Research Services



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Irish Records

Research Services
   - Initial Survey
   - 5 Hour Package
   - 10 HourPackage
   - General Search
   - Record Search

   - Service Records
   - Awards Index

Irish Surnames

Irish Citizenship

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Submit your Ancestors' details here for FREE assessment and research plan
Visit every Wednesday @ 5pm EST for Irish genealogy Q&A with 'Celtic Histories' researcher Sean O'Sullivan

Research Services
Initial Survey    
5 Hour Package
10 Hour Package
General Search
Record Search

Initial Survey - NO CHARGE[Top]

On receiving your ancestor's details I will assess the information to determine what research strategy is most appropriate and what research package is the most suited to the sources available. This service is provided free of charge and the results should be available with 10-14 days

5 Hour Package[Top]

This package is designed to explore the basic more accessible sources before progressing to explore more obscure records. The primary sources to be exhausted would be the 1901 and 1911 Census and various nineteenth century Census records where appropriate; the civil birth, death and marriages records that include references to most people born after 1850 and the two main valuation surveys carried out in the 1820s/30s and the 1850/60s.

10 Hour Package[Top]

This package is designed to explore the more difficult sources that might be relevant to your ancestors. The main types of records would include church records, estate records, graveyard records, shipping lists, wills & administrations, newspaper records, etc.

General Search[Top]

This search is designed for those who wish to have further research done into the origin/history of their name or the locality that their ancestors were associated with. Research is generally undertaken in 2 hour blocks at IR£30.00 per hour.

Record Search[Top]

The Record Search is a record retreival available to those who know the exact detail required to locate a specific record/records. The details required and fees for this service are as follows:

Record Details Required Fee
Birth Full Name, Date/Place of Birth, Parents' Names IR£12.00
Marriage Both Names, Date, Fathers' Names IR£12.00
Death Full Name, Date/Place of Death IR£12.00
1901 Census Name, Townland/Street IR£10.00
1911 Census Name, Townland/Street IR£10.00
Griffiths Valuation Name, Townland/Street IR£8.00
Tithe Applotment Name, Townland/Street IR£10.00