Celtic Connections

The Journal of Celtic and Related Subjects

In 1990 David James placed a small advertisment in the Welsh Tourist Board publication Newyddion Celtica (Celtica News),
saying that if there were any folk keen on discovering more about Celtic subjects, he would be happy to correspond
with them and share his knowledge, and, if he couldn't help, almost certainly he would "know a man (or often woman)
who could."

He had expected just a few letters, so was completely amazed by the response. Enthusiasts were writing to him from
as far afield as Russia, China, Brazil and Norway, to name but a few countries. As the mail built up, a very close
friend, appropriately named Grace, had the inspired idea that he should start a small magazine containing information
on Celtic subjects. She suggested that the name could be Celtic Connections, as it would serve to link
Celtic-minded people everywhere. Without her enthusiasm and encouragement at that point, the
magazine would have got off the ground, and he shall always be immensely grateful to her. She has inspired many
people with different ventures and almost all of them have been successful, due to her very astute mind.

He never imagined editing a magazine, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed a logical progression
from all the correspondence that he was now engaged in. So, in 1992, Celtic Connections was born, and thanks to
Neuyddion Celtica, it received favourable promotion. Since then the magazine has gone from strength
to strength, and Celtic Connections now has subscribers worldwide.

Celtic Connections has grown not only as an interesting insight into the world of the Celts past and present but an invaluble source of reference for our studies.





To subscribe



One year's subscription of four issues costs only £7.00 post inclusive in the U.K.

Annual subscription to E.E.C. countries is £9.50.

To Australia, New Zealand and the Rest of the World is £11.00

All prices are post inclusive.

Please send sterling cheque/I.M.O. to

David James, Sycamore Cottage, Wadden, Portesham,

Weymouth, Dorset, DT3 4ER, U.K.

Tel/Fax 01305 871065. International +441305 871065

E-mail celtic connections

In the U.S.A.and Canada the magazine is available to individuals or stores/centres from;

New Leaf Distributing Co.

401 Thornton Rd, Lithia Springs

Georgia, GA 30122-1557

TEL: (770) 948 7845

A sample copy of the magazine is £1.75 p&p inclusive in the U.K. and £2.00 for the rest of the World

   Back Issues  
Here is a list of back issues of Celtic Connections and some of the subjects covered.

  Issue 1

  Pentre Ifan cronilech. St Non's Chapel. The harp.  

 Issue 2

 Carnac. The Lindisfarne Gospels. The Nevern Cross.  

  Issue 3

 Newgrange. the Lichfield Gospels. Tintagel.  

 Issue 4

St Davids cathedral. Book of Durrow. The Kildalton Cross.  

  Issue 5

 Callanish stone circle. The Bagpipes. Celtic Christianity.  

 Issue 6

 Sorry out of print  

  Issue 7

 Sorry out of print  

  Issue 8

 Sorry out of print  

  Issue 9

 Manx carvings. Welsh lovespoons. The Rudston monolith  

  Issue 10

  Manx crosses. St Piran's cross, Cornwall, Pictish sculptures.  

 Issue 11

 Hebridean jewellery. Poulnabrone dohnen. St Martin.  

  Issue 12

 White Island, co. Fermanagh. The Celtic harp. The Burren.  

 Issue 13

 Ogham script. Irish round towers. The Scilly Isles  

  Issue 14

 Penmon, Anglesey. The Orkney Isles. Irish sagas.  

 Issue 15

 Caesar and the Celts. The Chalice Well. The Goddess  

  Issue 16

 Celtic leatherwork. The City of Bath. The Aois Dana.  

  Issue 17

  Lindisfarne. Chambered cairns on Jersey. Swiss Celtic revival.  

  Issue 18

 An Orkney pilgrimage. Celtic women. Manx glass engraving.  

  Issue 19

 Stonecarving. The Yew tree. Celtic jewellery.  

  Issue 20

Silver jewellery. Celt's in the Auvergne. Orkney Folk Festival.  

  Issue 21

St. Seanach's Island, Co. Kerry. Cernunnos. Holy wells.  

Issue 22


Mistletoe the Sacred Plant Ancient Sites in Donegal..


  Issue 23

 Irish Monastic Sites, The Bodhrán,Cornish Language, Linton Yew Tree,  

  Issue 24

 The Celtic Harp, Ancient Irish Carvings,Gods and saints of S.W. Ireland,  

  Issue 25

 The Iona Community, Pictish Carvings, Woodcarving in Scotland, The Last Celtic Princess,  

  Issue 26

 Iron Age Bronze mirrors,music & the Celtic Otherworld,Artwork from Ireland  

 Issue 27  Iron age find at home of Celtic Connections,Mysteries of celtic mythology, Celtic cheiftains-Caradoc
Back issues are £1.50p per copy.

5 different issues of your choice for £5.00 including P&P in the U.K.
Overseas Customers Please enquire for postage rates.


David James, Sycamore Cottage, Wadden, Portesham,

Weymouth, Dorset, DT3 4ER, U.K.

Tel/Fax 01305 871065. International +441305 871065

E-mail celtic.connections@wdi.co.uk

celtic connections


 Front cover of the exellent Summer issue no.27, featuring David Bellamy exploring a 4000 year old Yew tree at Linton, Herefordshire



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