Clogher Record 53-99 by volumes of years

The following guide to the Clogher Record is a complete contents list of all issues from the beginning arranged according to volumes.

1953,54,55,561957,58,59Clogher Record Album1960,61,62




Volume XIII

No. 1 (1988) Page
Dr James Donnelly, Bishop of Clogher (1865-1893) and the ascendancy in Monaghan C. McGimpsey 1
Made in Enniskillen: a brief survey of manufacturing and trading in earlier days C. McCullough 26
Clones rent roll, 1821 P. Ó Mórdha 32
The purposes of patronage: Brian Maguire of Knockninny and his manuscripts B. Cunningham & R. Gillespie 38
The county gaol and some past crimes and punishments in County Fermanagh Breege McCusker 50
The loan fund scandals J. Cunningham 56
Lough Derg in native Irish poetry T. Ó Dúshláine 76
Airgialla churches and churches in Donegal J. Silke 85
Inscriptions from St. Tighernach’s church of Ireland graveyard, Clones T. McMahon, S. Slowey and M. O’Neill 90
From Fintona to Wollongong, 1838 T. McMahon 116
Notes and comments:
Clones rent rolls 1679 and 1681 P. Ó Mórdha 126
Father Philip McArdle and his family D. M. Schlegel 128
An eighteenth-century traveller’s comments P. Marron 130
The Carraghers of Corrytanty D. Caraher-Manning 131
The voyage of the Adam Lodge P. McDonnell 132
Dominick Noone and how Noone’s hole near Derrygonnelly got its name Breege McCusker 137
Father Peadar Livingstone 141
Dr George Alexander Montgomery Gillespie 144
Macaulay, Patrick Dorrian: Bishop of Down and Connor 1865-85 146
Clogher Historical Society 147

No. 2 (1989)
St. George and Dill: a study of two Dromore clergymen P. McDonnell 7
The Soiscél Molaisse R. Ó Floinn 51
Notes on some Clones placenames P. Ó Mórdha 64
Two 18th-century medical doctors in Spain, Felix and Alexander Maguire M. Kerney 70
The landlord, the minister, the tenant and the tithe in Belleek in 1758
J. Cunningham 84
The mills on the Clones estate P. Ó Mórdha 91
Dr. Charles McNally, Relation Status, October 1853
D. Kerr and J. O’Kane 96
Notes and comments:
St. Tierney’s R. C. graveyard, Roslea O. McCaffrey 103
Holy wells: footprints and knee impressions of St. Patrick P. Magee 104
St. Patrick and Greenan’s Cross T. McMahon 105
Education/indoctrination, 1629 D. L. Graham 106
More on Hugh Jackson and Crazy Jane T. McMahon 108
He wrote New Zealand’s national anthem H. W. Coffey 110
Kelly, A guide to early Irish law 110
Ingram, Ulsterheart 110
McKiernan, Diocese of Kilmore: bishops and priests 1136-1988 112
Clogher Historical Society 114

No. 3 (1990)
The Presbyterians of County Monaghan [1] L. T. Brown 7
From the Lammas Fair to New South Wales: the story of a Dromore convict P. McDonnell 55
Rentals and reports of the Kane estate, Errigal Truagh, Co. Monaghan, 1764-1821 T. McMahon and Brendan O’Neill 72
Some notes on Mag Uidhir Fhear Manach C. Mac Murchaidh 92
A lease from the estate of the Earl of Essex, 1624 P. J. Duffy 100
Notes on some families of the Clones area P. Ó Mórdha 115
The investigation into the attempted assassination of Folliot Warren Barton near Pettigo J. Cunningham 125
The Lawless sortie into County Monaghan: September-October 1828 J. Murnane 146
St. Joseph’s orphanage, Bundoran M. Commins 163
Lowe, County Fermanagh: one hundred years ago (reprint) 180
McSorley, A while with your own ones 181
Cox, Welcome back to Mullinaskea 181
Miller, Peep O’Day Boys and Defenders 181
Gillespie (ed.), The Borderlands: essays on the history of the Ulster-Leinster border 182
Clogher Historical Society 183

Volume XIV

No. 1 (1991) Page
Most Rev. Dr Patrick Mulligan 1912-1991 7
Excavation at the Black Pig’s Dyke A. Walsh 9
Some MacMahon wills from Clogher diocese P. B. Ó Mórdha 27
The impact of partition proposals on County Monaghan A. Carville 37
A textual history of The Spiritual Rose M. McKenna 52
The plundered tates: Cahill Duffe O Connally and the bishop’s lands in Clones parish D. M. Schlegel 74
Jack Carrothers – a soldier of the Great War B. McCusker 83
Clogher parish – some early sidesmen 1662-1734 J. Johnston 89
Some County Monaghan extracts from the 1821 census T. McMahon 92
Diocese of Clogher census 1990 115
Boycott and the ‘Boycott medals’ 116
Clogher Historical Society 118

No. 2 (1992)
Assisted emigration from the Shirley estate 1843-54 P. J. Duffy 7
Some christenings, marriages and burials in the parish church of Clogher, Co. Tyrone in 1666 with some notes J. Johnston 63
Saints in the catalogue of bishops of the lost Register of Clogher P. Ó Riain 66
The conflict surrounding the drainage of the River Erne 1881-1890 J. Cunningham 78
Notes on some public buildings in Clones P. Ó Mórdha 104
Some finds on the Sillees river around Ross Lough, Co. Fermanagh F. Carroll 109
Notes and comments:
Additional notes on the Hamiltons 132
"Roslea for King and country"
Bits and pieces
A Scotshouse family in Australia
A Killeevan family in Australia 134
Another Scotshouse family in Australia 135
The Boycott Volunteers 136
O’Riordan, The Gaelic mind and the collapse of the Gaelic world 137
Ross, Tombstone inscriptions in Castletown graveyard Dundalk 138
Clogher Historical Society 140

No. 3 (1993)
Banker and absentee landowner: William Tennent in County Fermanagh, 1813-32 W. A. Maguire 7
Dr Lombe Atthill and his picture of Fermanagh before the Famine J. Cunningham 29
Why Monaghan Protestants opposed Home Rule T. Dooley 42
The Irvine baronetcy B. Barbour 47
The murder of Arthur Champion and the 1641 rising in Fermanagh R. Gillespie 52
A bardic poem by Diarmuid Mac an Bhaird on the destruction of a MacMahon stronghold in Co. Monaghan 1647 AD A. J. Hughes 67
A Fermanagh census B. MacDonald 77
The Griffiths of Laurelhill, County Monaghan and associated families P. Ó Mórdha 111
The capture of Conor O Devany, martyr K. Devlin 125
Edward P. Sherry 129
Patrick Smyth 131
Clogher Historical Society 132

No. 1 (1994) Page
A poem on the rights of the Coarb of St. Molaise T. Ó Canann 7
Extracts from the diary of Reverend John Nixon W. K. Parke 25
The Trillick derailment 1854 D. Fitzgerald 31
Early schools and schoolteachers in Clones P. Ó Mórdha 48
Patrick Kavanagh: early religious and devotional influences on his work Ú. Agnew 51
Some notes on Clones workhouse P. Ó Mórdha 74
The Great Famine in County Fermanagh N. McAtamney 76
From the Belfast boycott to the Boundary Commission: fears and hopes in County Monaghan T. Dooley 90
Church of Ireland members in the Aghadrumsee area in 1823B. MacDonald 107
Notes and comments:
A famous Clones general D. McCabe 122
The Flying Cosgroves J. O’Neill 126
O’Carragher Clan Association T. McMahon 128
Little bits and pieces [press cuttings] 129
Clogher Historical Society 131

No. 2 (1995)
The Portora school-lands B. MacDonald 7
The Presbyterian dilemma L. T. Brown 30
An index to the rebels of 1641 in the County of Monaghan depositions D. Schlegel 69
Summary of inquests held on Currin, Co. Monaghan victims, 1846-1855 P. Ó Mórdha 90
William Smith O’Brien: petitions of mercy G. Duffy 101
The Barton estate and Lough Bawn in County Monaghan D. Schlegel 104
Smith, Oidhreacht Oirghiall: a bibliography … 146
WEA, The road to the hills… [history of the Coonian district] Geraghty, A heritage in stone 147
Clogher Historical Society 149

No. 3 (1996)
The Irish College Antwerp J. Nilis 7
Protestant migration from the Free State to Northern Ireland 1920-25:
a private census for Co. Fermanagh T. Dooley 87
Sir Brian and Lady Mary MacMahon D. Schlegel 133
Two Clogher constitutions W. O’Sullivan 145
Clogher diocesan census 1995 156
Notes and comments:
‘Landlord liberality’ during the Great Famine D. Gore 157
Willoughbys in Fermanagh and Monaghan R. Connelly 158
Addenda to the ‘Summary of Inquests held on Currin…1846-1855
P. Ó Mórdha 158
Very Rev. Pádraig Ó Gallachair 160
Right Rev. Monsignor Laurence Marron 163
Clogher Historical Society 166

Volume XVI

No. 1 (1997) Page
Bishop John O’Corcoran of Clogher (1373-1389) at the University of
Prague, the Purgatorium Sancti Patricii and the debate about Purgatory in the later Middle Ages K. Walsh 7
County Monaghan immigrants in the Consett area of County Durham, England, 1842-1855 G. Duffy 37
The organisation of Unionist opposition to Home Rule in Counties Monaghan, Cavan and Donegal, 1885-1855 T. Dooley 46
Aghabog Church of Ireland survey 1824 B. MacDonald 71
A Clogher chronology: October 1641 to July 1642 D. Schlegel 79
Early history of modern Clones (1604-1640) P. Ó Mórdha 95
Management problems on a large estate in mid nineteenth-century Ireland: William Steuart Trench’s report on the Shirley estate in 1843 P. J. Duffy 101
Personal and death notices in the Philadelphia Public Ledger for Monaghan, Fermanagh and Cavan 1848-1873 Genealogical Society of Philadelphia 123
Heber MacMahon, Bishop of Clogher B. Millett 136
Altered states: Tyrone migration to Providence, Rhode Island during the nineteenth century E. T. McCarron 145
Some transactions in Currin Parish in the first quarter of the eighteenth century P. Ó Mórdha 162
The Swanzys of Clontibret D. C. Swanzy 166
Notes and comments:
Willoughbys and Willoughby-Montgomerys in the North of Ireland R. Connelly 177
Cholera in Tonytallagh townland in Currin 1834 S. Mac Annaidh 180
Jefferies, Priests and prelates of Armagh in the Age of Reformation… 182
de Pontfarcy, L’Espurgatoire Seint Patriz 183
Ernest J. McPhillips 185
Clogher Historical Society 186

No. 2 (1998)
Belleisle and its owners A. P.W. Malcomson 7
Cathal Óg Mac Maghnusa: his time, life and legacy N. Ó Muraile 45
The obituary of Cathal Mac Maghnusa (1498) S. Ó Dufaigh 65
The Enniskillen family, estate and archive A. P. W Malcomson 81
The Monaghan Militia & the tragedy of Blaris Moor B. MacDonald 123
County Monaghan, 1914-1918: recruitment, the rise of Sinn Féin and the partition crisis T. A. M. Dooley 144
The origin of the three Collas and the fall of Emain D. M. Schlegel 159
Conflict during the incumbency of the Reverend Augustus B. R. Young,Rector of Ballybay, Co. Monaghan 1872-1920, Prebendary of Devenish 1906-1911 and Precentor of Clogher 1911-1920 D. Scarlett 182
Emmanuel Ley, and the Ley or Lee family of Tyrone, Monaghan and Cavan E. Lee 201
Reviews & notices
Collins, Pathways to Ulster’s past 210
Day & McWilliams ed., Ordnance Survey memoirs of Ireland: counties of south Ulster 1834-82 210
Kelly, Early Irish farming… 211
Griffin, A cathedral renewed: St Macartan’s Monaghan 211
Clogher Historical Society 213

No.3 (1999)
Medieval Monaghan: the evidence of the placenames S. Ó Dufaigh 7
Violating the rubrick: Introducing politics into divine worship D. Scarlett 29
Scots Clan Donald in Dartree and Monaghan baronies D. M. Schlegel 38
The Swanzys of County Cavan D. Swanzy 58
The rise and fall of a dynasty: medieval west Tyrone as reported in the annals C. Devlin 71
Dissension, radicalism and republicanism in Monaghan and the role of Freemasonry up to and during the 1798 rebellion L. Conlon 86
The Blennerhassetts of Kesh J. B. Cunningham 112
George Montgomery, first protestant Bishop of Clogher (1605-1621) H.A. Jefferies 127
Guide to the Clogher Record 1953-1999 Brian MacDonald Clogher Historical Society, New Millennium Project 130
Reviews and notices:
MacAnnaidh, Fermanagh books, writers & newspapers of the nineteenth century 254
Turner, An alphabetical list of family names of County Monaghan 254
Castleblayney Heritage, Photographic memories. A pictorial history of Castleblayney 255
Garry, The Cord cemetery: historical tombstone inscriptions 256
McKay, A dictionary of Ulster place-names 257
Ulster Place-Names, Ulster Place Names Society celebrating Ulster's townlands 258
Taggart & Smyth, The Medical Missionaries of Mary in Drogheda 1939-1999 258
Graham, The GAA in Monaghan 1887-1999. Some account of its progress 259
Brack ed.., Irregular marriages at Portpatrick, Wigtownshire 1759-1829 259
Clogher Historical Society, 1999
