Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition

For the past four years schools from the Control Technology Empowering Minds Project have been invited to exhibit their work at the Esat BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition.

Follow the links below to check out the projects that we have shown at the exhibition



In 2003 we exhibited a project which we called "The Break-In". We based it on a story of a robbery in a house. We built robots to represent the Owner of the house and the Robber. We put them into a wooden house and we decorated the house. We also built a robotic Jewellery Cabinet and robotic front and back doors. All these robots communicated with each other so that the story could run through from start to finish without us having to start or stop the robots. At least that was the idea! If you follow this link it will take you to the page where we show all the different models we have built.

The Break-In


In 2002 our project was based on a story of an earthquake in Springfield, the home town of the Simpsons. We built a model of the town and we built robots to represent two trucks, the nuclear power station, the mine, and a bridge over the River Homer. The story is about an earthquake which damages the nuclear power station. Containers of nuclear waste have to be transported from the power station, over the river and deposited deep in the mine. You can find all about the project if you follow the link below to our page of models and robots.

Earthquake in Springfield


In the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election there was huge confusion over whether some votes should be counted or not. The problem was to decide which were valid votes and which were not. Many people had problems with the computerised voting because there was no way to change your mind when a mark had been made.
Pupils set out to design a voting paper reader that would allow a voter to change their mind and still have the vote read properly by the machine.

The U.S. Election Voting Machine (Background)

The U.S. Voting Paper Reader (Model)

The Wooden Horse of Troy


The Robotic Nature Quiz


Ally the adding Alligator

The Bomb Disposal Unit


Theseus and the Minotaur

The Táin Bó Cuailnge

Alice Kyteler

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