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Church of St Colmcille Kells & Church of the Immaculate Conception Girley.
Mass Times
Kells. Saturday. 7.30pm. Sunday. 9.00am, 11.00am, 12.15pm.Girley. Sunday. 10.00am.
Weekly Notices courtesy of Martin Grace,
Parish Office
Parish News2003 Parish News2002
Priest on Duty Fr. Shortall Ph 9240213.
Times of weekend Masses: Sat Vigil 7.30pm,
Sunday 9am, 11am and 12.15. Girley 10oc.
Times of weekday Masses: Monday 7.45am, Tues-Fri 7.45am, 9.30am, Sat 10am.
Confessions: Saturday 10.30 11am, 2-3pm, 7 7.30pm, after Vigil Mass
Baptisms Second and Fourth Sunday 3pm.
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament : Monday Friday 8am-8pm
Holyday of Obligation. Masses as on Sunday with evening Mass on Monday at 7.30pm
(Note No evening Mass Sunday.) Girley: Mass Monday 10am.
Soul Nourishment for Christmas in Edmund Rice Centre Wedns Dec 10 and Dec 17 at 8pm.
Meeting on Tues Dec 9 at 7pm in Edmund Rice Centre
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will hold its Annual Church Gate Collection at all Masses next weekend Dec 13/14 in Kells and Girley. Due to the increased demands on the Societys finances and the marked increase in poverty, they now appeal to your generosity to give to the less well off at this time. We thank all that have supported them in the past and look forward to your continued support.
Meeting tomorrow Mon (Dec 8) at 8pm in Parochial Hse.
Meeting on Sat (Dec 13) at 8.15 in Parochial Hse.
A new Box of Envelopes will be distributed to all the homes in the Parish soon.
This box will also contain the LIST OF THE DEAD envelope for November next and the WHITE OFFERING DAY envelopes for the year. We thank the people who deliver the boxes and we look forward to a favourable weekly response. The new Box will be used from January 4 2004.
Many parishioners have indicated to us that they would prefer to pay by Direct Debit.
This can easily be arranged by contacting the Parish Office. Ph 9240213 or E-Mail gracemr@eircom.net.
DIVINE MERCY HOUR: Every Friday 3-4pm in Edmund Rice Centre
Recently Departed
Annie Conaty, Church View. Larry Farrelly, Rathmore, Athboy
Kathleen Wright (nee Geraghty) late Oakley Park died England (Sister Alice Phillips)
Mass Intentions for Week
Sat (Dec 6) 7.30pm 5th Ann Mary and P.J. Monaghan, the Carrick
Sun (Dec 7) 11am MM Nancy Shanahan, Beechlawn
12.15 MM Rosaleen Fitzgerald, Bective St
Monday: 7.30pm 5th Ann - Mary Teresa Sweeney, Church St
Tuesday: 9.30 Mass for Nancy Clarke and deceased members of Clarke Family,
Wedns: 9.30 Mass for Michael Carr and deceased members of Carr Family, Lord Ed St
Thurs: 9.30 5th Ann - Ann Fitzsimons, Suffolk St
Friday: 9.30 Mass for Kathleen Wright, late Oakley Park died recently
Saturday (Dec 13) 10am 3rd Ann Sean Brennan, Archdeaconry.
7.30pm 5th Ann Michael McGovern, Fair Green
Sunday (Dec 14) 12.15 1st Ann Eugene Monaghan, Beechlawn
Girley: Today Dec 7 - 10oc 2nd Ann - Nancy Lynch. Fordstown.
Anniversary Masses
Matthew and Julia Rourke, Maudlin Rd Michael Carroll, Oliver Plunkett Rd
John C. Tobin, Rosmeen Tommy Farrell, Ballinamona, Carnaross.
James and Mary Ann Smith, Calliaghstown
Michael and Margaret Canney, Mountcharles, Donegal.
Tommy and Kathleen Carry, Climber Hall John, Jane and James Smith, Suffolk St
Edward Reilly, Lord Edward St. Bernard 0Mahony, Tierworker.
Elizabeth Murphy, St. Colmcille Villas Patrick and Kate Ward, Kilmainham
Mary, William and Jimmy Carry, Sheeney.
Cake Sale: Today Sunday 7 Dec 9am-1.30pm. Proceeds to Sunshine Corner Community Playgroup Kells. Selection of home-made cakes and breads.
Offertory and missalettes Kells 2369 Girley 175
Weekly envelopes Kells1910,Girley 65
We thank all who contribute weekly and by direct debit
Girley Hall
Christmas Partner Whist Sat 13 Dec at 9pm.
St. Colmcilles Villas Golden Jubilee Commemoration Committee: Launch of Calendar in Kells Library on Tues Dec 16 at 7pm. All welcome.
Rehab Christmas Craft Fare: Sunday 7 Dec in Ardboyne Hotel 11-6pm. Adm. 2.
Handball Club: Lotto no winner, this week 2500. Collection this weekend 6/7 Dec. Pongo every Wedns at 8.45, AGM Tues Dec 9
Kilmainham Lotto no winner, this week 1670.
Drumbaragh Lotto no winner, this week 8400.
Drumbaragh Ladies Club: Christmas Party Wed Dec 10 at 7.45pm.
Balloon Photographic Exhibition: An opportunity to examine photographic footage of the Medieval Town of Kells and environs from the air. Perhaps even spot your own home. Video footage of recent balloon festival along with the photographic display. Exhibition not to be missed. Dec 5-24 in Kells Heritage Centre.Competition for free Balloon Flight. Organised by Kells Chamber of Commerce/ Kells UDC/Pride of Place Initiative.
Priest on Duty Fr. Liam Ph 9240213.
Times of weekend Masses: Sat Vigil 7.30pm, Sunday 9am, 11am and 12.15. Girley 10oc.
Times of weekday Masses: Monday 7.45am, Tues-Fri 7.45am, 9.30am, Sat 10am.
Confessions: Saturday 10.30 11am, 2-3pm, 7 7.30pm, after Vigil Mass
Baptisms Second and Fourth Sunday 3pm.
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament : Monday Friday 8am-8pm
On Monday 22 Dec (Monday week) there will be a special reconciliation service in Kells Church at 8pm in preparation for the Feast of Christmas.
People who wish to meet the Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation that evening will be asked to approach the Sanctuary as if they were coming to receive the Lord in Holy Communion. You then go to one of the priests and say words such as I ask Gods forgiveness or I am sorry for all my sins especially -- -. Then the priest will give you absolution.
A large number of priests will be present.
Soul Nourishment for Christmas in Edmund Rice Centre Wedns Dec 17 at 8pm.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will hold its Annual Church Gate Collection at all Masses tonight and tomorrow Dec 13/14 in Kells and Girley. Due to the increased demands on the Societys finances and the marked increase in poverty, they now appeal to your generosity to give to the less well off . The Society thank all who have supported their work in the past and look forward to your continued support.
The 7.30pm Vigil Mass next Saturday Dec 20 will be recorded by Radio LMFM and will be broadcast on next Sunday morning at 9am.
A Bereavement Support Group is now available to help people deal with the death of a loved one or loss of any kind. A safe space will be provided for people to talk freely, either in a group setting or on a one to one basis, about their experience of grief. Contact Parish Office 9240213.
DIVINE MERCY HOUR: Every Friday 3-4pm in Edmund Rice Centre
MISSALETTES OF DEC 21, DEC 28 and JAN 4 2003
Our printers will close for holidays until Monday Jan 5 2004.
Notices for the Missalettes of Dec 21, Dec 28 2003 and Jan 4 2004 must reach the Parish Office before this Wedns Dec 17.
Flowers and donations for Christmas Altar greatly appreciated by the Parish Altar Society. Kindly leave in Church Sacristy before Monday 22 Dec.
Sunday 14 Dec in Presbyterian Church at 7pm. All welcome.
Sunday 21 Dec in St. Columbas Church of Ireland at 7.30pm. All welcome.
Recenly Departed
Jim McGovern, Rodstown, Balrath
Mass Intentions for Week
Sat (Dec 13) 7.30pm 5th Ann Michael McGovern, Fair Green
Sun (Dec 14) 12.15am 1st Ann Eugene Monaghan, Beechlawn
Tuesday: 9.30 2nd Ann Bried Daly, Dublin
Wedns 9.30 4th Ann Sheila Reilly, Ballyjamesduff
Friday: 9.30 4th Ann Mary Dunne, Cakestown.
Saturday (Dec 20) 10am 5th Ann Mary and Christopher Kiernan, Maudlin St
7.30 5th Ann Lil and Frances Barrett, Kenlis Place
Sunday (Dec 21) 11am - 1st Ann Rose Reilly, Rosmeen.
12.15 Mass for Paddy Rooney, London
Anniversary Masses
Owen and Josephine Flood, Suffolk St Ellen Finnegan, Maudlin St
Harry and Ann Ryan, Crarick St Patrick Geraghty, Suffolk St
Delia Duckworth (nee Geraghty) late Suffolk St Farrelly Family, St. Brigids Tce. Martin and Sadie Sherry, Oristown Joe and Bertha Sherry, Rosmeen.
Des and Mary Sherry, Navan Mullen Family, Rosmeen.
John and Teasie Black, Fair Green (2) William and Catherine Doherty, Nobber.
Offertory and missalettes, Kells 2056, Girley 240
Weekly envelopes Kells 1791, Girley 260.
We thank all who contribute weekly and those who have opted to pay by direct debit.
Anyone for Table Tennis?: Contact Maria 086 1080218 (after 3pm).
Community House, Carrick St :Annual Collection next weekend Sat and Sun 20/21 Dec. Please support.
St. Colmcilles Villas Golden Jubilee Commemoration Committee: Launch of Calendar in Kells Library on Tues Dec 16 at 7pm. All welcome
Handball Club: Lotto ---- no winner, this week 3000. Best wishes to Club in All Ireland Final Sat 13 Dec, Pongo every Wed 8.45.
Kilmainham Lotto no winner, this week 1870.
Gaeil Colmcille: No winner, jackpot Dec 11 3750.
Priest on Duty Fr. John Ph 9240213.
Times of weekend Masses: Sat Vigil 7.30pm, Sunday 9am, 11am and 12.15. Girley 10oc.
Times of weekday Masses: Monday 7.45am, Tues-Fri 7.45am, 9.30am, Sat 10am.
Confessions: Saturday 10.30 11am, 2-3pm, 7 7.30pm, after Vigil Mass
Baptisms Second and Fourth Sunday 3pm.
Adoration of Blessed Sacrament : Monday Friday 8am-8pm
The 7.30pm Vigil Mass this evening will be recorded by Radio LMFM and will be broadcast tomorrow Sunday morning at 9am.
Kells: Wednesday: Confessions 12-1PM, 5-7pm
Vigil Mass for Christmas Day at 9pm.
Thursday: Christmas Day. Masses as on Sunday (9am, 11am, 12.15 )
Girley: Wednesday: Confessions 4.305pm.
Vigil Mass 8pm.
Thursday: Mass 10am.
The Choir will sing at the Vigil Mass (9pm) on Christmas Eve and at the 11am Mass on Christmas Day, the Silver Band will play at the 9am Mass and the Folk Group will sing at the Special Childrens Mass at 12.15.
On this Monday 22 Dec there will be a special reconciliation service in Kells Church at 8pm in preparation for the Feast of Christmas.
People who wish to meet the Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation that evening will be asked to approach the Sanctuary as if they were coming to receive the Lord in Holy Communion. You then go to one of the priests and say words such as I ask Gods forgiveness or I am sorry for all my sins especially -- -. Then the priest will give you absolution. A large number of priests will be present.
Volunteers (male and female) needed to steward the 12.15 Mass on Christmas Day. Contact Parish Office.
Friday: Feast of St. Stephen. Mass 10am
Saturday: Feast of St. John. Mass 10am and Vigil 7.30pm.
Adoration will continue until 1pm on Christmas Eve and will resume on Monday Jan 5 2004 at usual times.
Christmas Day is an Offering Day. Please use the WHITE envelope from your box or an ordinary envelope with name and address.
Kells UDC will hold the annual commemoration at the Paupers Cemetery Loyd on Christmas Day at 12 noon. Christmas Day can be a fitting time to pause awhile and remember all who suffered and died in more hungry and desolate years in our history. All welcome.
Flowers and donations for Christmas Altar greatly appreciated by the Parish Altar Society. Kindly leave in Church Sacristy before Monday 22 Dec.
Sat 7.30pm Anne Moloney.
Sun 9am Patrick Duff, John Griffin, 11am John Grant,
12.15 Eileen 0Reilly.
Group 1. Ministers are kindly requested to check their Rota
Carol Service: St. Columbas Church Sunday 21 Dec at 7.20pm. All welcome.
Kells Silver Band
The Band will pay on Christmas Day at 9am Mass, at St. Columbas Church of Ireland at 11am, at 11.30 at the Nursing Home and at 12 noon at the Paupers Cemetery.
The Band will hold its annual collection next weekend Sat and Sun 27/28 Dec.
Recently Departed
Peter Smyth, 0Growney Tce
Mary Cranny (nee Nelson) late Kilmainham died Dublin
Mass Intentions for Week
Sat (Dec 20 ) 7.30pm 5th Ann Lil and Frances Barrett, Kenlis Place
Sun (Dec 21) 11am - 1st Ann Rose Reilly, Rosmeen
12.15 - Mass for Paddy Rooney, London.
Wedns 7.45 3rd Ann Patrick Mulvany, Carrick St.
9.30 5th Ann Marie Carry, Lord Ed St
Friday: 10am 4th Ann Mattie Morris, Circular Rd
Saturday (Dec 27) 10am 3rd Ann Kathleen Grace, Kenlis Crescent
7.30pm 4th Ann Eddie Dolan, Carrick St
Sunday (Dec 28) 11am MM Molly Vaughan, St. Colmcille Villas.
Anniversary Masses
Thomas and Josephine Carpenter, Church View
Paddy Mallon. 0Growney Tce. Bridget and Francis Morris, Newmarket St
Michael, Margaret and Patrick (Pattie) Grace, Maudlin St.
Paul and Mary Smith, Rathkenny
Maisie and Farrell Tully and Farrell Tully jnr Cakestown Glebe
Morris Family, Church Lane John and Harriet McGovern, Carrick St.
Joe Rooney, England. Kit and Kitty Cummins, Balrath. Peter Nelson, Kilmainham
John and Rose Smyth, Castle St. Kathleen Campbell, Loyd (3)
Francis Farrelly, Kilmainham. Patrick and Margaret Farrelly, Boolies.
Samuel (Sonny) Black, Kilmainham. William and Catherine Doherty, Nobber.
Patrick Lynch, Lord Ed St Carmel lynch, OGrowney Tce.
Marie McConnell, St. Brigids Tce Liam Maguire, St. Brigids Tce.
Edward Smith, Calliaghstown. James and Mary Garry, Clonmellon
Mary and Phil Halpin, Oldcastle Sean Tormey, Headfort Grove
James and Margaret Black, Loyd.. Kitty and Eileen Black, Loyd
Philip McDermott, Castlepole. Sam and Nancy Black, Palmerstown.
Pad Black, Kenlis Crescent. John and Teasie Black, Fair Green
Bridie Tiernan, Headfort Grove John, Mary Kate and Maura Tormey, Church View
Josie and Hughie McMahon, 0Growney Tce. Kathleen Heeney, Headfort Grove
Bill 0Connor, Duleek.
Offertory and missalettes Kells 2236, Girley 195
Weekly envelops Kells 1525, Girley 70
We thank all who contribute weekly and by direct debit
Annual Dues:
We thank the residents of Carrick Court and collector Ann Moore for their generosity and time.
Gaeil Colmcille Lotto no winner, jackpot 19 Dec 3900.
Handball lotto no winner, this week 3500. Best wishes to Brian Carroll and Donnacha Maguire who travel to USA for Championship.
Kilmainham GFC Lotto no winner, this week 2070. The Club thanks all that helped in the development of their new pitch in 2003.
Al-Anon Meeting every Monday at 8.30 in Edmund Rice Centre
We wish our parishioners and friends, at home and abroad, a very Happy, Holy and Peaceful Christmas.