Cork Peace
Ongoing Campaigns
Against exploitation of people and our environment.
We've helped organise ten successful picnics at the Old Head of Kinsale to reclaim access to the headland for everyone.
Compiled and distributed 12 demands for May Day 2002 and participated in the commemoration of that day.
Supported the Reclaim the Glem Campaign, which is working to keep the Glen and Murphy's Quarry available to the people of Cork.
Made links with CHASE (Cork Harbour Area for a Safe Environment) to campaign against the Incinerator in the lower harbour area. which will poison the air of Cork.
Organised a public meeting on the Nice Referendum and distributed 'no vote' information at stalls and door to door.
Against imperialist wars
Shannon Airport - we called the first national demonstration and supported and participated in every one thereafter to stop the refuelling of American warplanes during the bombing of Afghanistan and the war on Iraq. Helped set up and support the Shannon Peace Camp. Held several stalls in Daunts' Square on the use of Shannon. Called for and supported direct action on the airports grounds.
Held several anti-war public meetings addressing Israel's occupation of Palestine, the War on Iraq, and the use of Shannon airport. Speakers such as Dennis Haliday (former United Nations Minister for Human Rights), Ali Halimeh (Palestinian Representative in Ireland0, Ciaron O'Reilly (Catholic Workers Movement) and Uri Davis (anti-zionist Israeli Jew.
Helped establish the Cork Anti-War Campaign during the build up to the war on Iraq.
Supported and participated in all the anti-war marches in Dublin.
Worked with other anti-war groups on demonstrations in Cork City including the largest demonstration seen in the city in years.
Held a Non-violent Direct Action Training to share skills and ideas.
- Set up a legal support group and fund to aid activists facing anti-war related charges.
Gathered and distributed information on the Arms Trade in Cork and Ireland.
For human rigts and against racism
We organised Diversity Day in Bishop Lucey Park on the summer of 2002, celebrating diversity of culture in Cork City. The event included music, circus, alternative energy, story telling, political stalls and debate. It was supported by Nasc, TVG,
Comhlámh as well as all of Cork's leftwing parties.
Worked with TVG and other traveller groups bringing together travellers and settled people in an evening of skits, discussion and socializong which lead to the develpoment of T.A.S.S., Traveller and Settled People Solidarity.
How We Work
CPA is a democratic, participatory group. We have no leaders and no formal membership. Anyone who shares a commitment to justice and human rights can participate in the group.
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