Court N.S. 2002 |
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Court N.S. was officially opened and blessed on Monday 16th September 1968. Seamus Kavanagh was Head Master with Mrs. Mary McDonald and Mrs. Siobhán Doyle as Assistant Teachers. There were 101 pupils on Roll that day. Currently it is a three teacher school with seventy two pupils. Mrs. Majella Murphy, Principal, teaches Junior and Senior Infants, Mrs. Sinéad Parnell teaches 4th. 5th and 6th classes with Mr. Liam Turner teaching 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes. Fr. James Murphy, C.C. Monamolin, is Chairperson BOM and is also the Chaplain in Court N.S. ETHOS Our school is a Catholic School with Fr.Murphy as Manager. However pupils of different religions are welcomed in Court N.S. Formal religous instruction is given each day and in accordance with the Rules of national schools, parents, may if they wish, withdraw their children from formal religious instruction. Every effort is made to impart Christian values and ideals in an informal way, so that the children live their religion rather than learn it. All classes are mixed and all pupils are treated equally. The pupils come from varying backgrounds and every effort is made to encourage kindness and tolerance towards, and acceptance of everybody in Court N.S. Fr. Murphy frequently visits the school and plays an active and important role in the Religious Education of the children. Mass is celebrated in St. Moling's Church at 9.30am on the first Friday of each month. During Lent, ceremonies are organised by Fr. Murphy e.g. Mass, Rosary, Stations of the Cross and talks on religious themes. The children are prepared for the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Confirmation. Parents of non-Catholic children are encouraged, at all times, to discuss with the teachers any worries they may have concerning the teaching of religion. They are also encouraged to view, in school, any books or resources used for the teaching of religion. The school acts as an agent for a number of Religious magazines and in fund-raising from time to time for charities, religious and otherwise. SCHOOL HOURS School commences at 9.20am and finishes at 3.00pm. For Junior and Senior Infants school finishes at 2.00pm. The bell is rung for mid-morning breaks at 10.55am and this break lasts from 11.00-11.10am. Lunch break is from 12.30-1.00pm. At the beginning of the school year a list of school closings for the forthcoming year will be sent to all parents. This may be altered throughout the year, but every effort is made to give parents plenty of notice of any alterations to the aforementioned list. SUPERVISION OF PUPILS Children are not normally admitted to the school before 9.10am. In exceptional cases i.e. bad weather, children are admitted before 9.10am and are supervised. Pupils are supervised at all breaks. CURRICULAR AREAS Curricular subjects taught include Maths, English, Irish, PE, Arts Education (incorporating Music, Visual Arts and Drama), Religious Education, Social, Environmental and Science Education (incorporating History, Geography and Science) and Social, Personal and Health Education. Court N.S. has the services of one Remedial Teacher on a shared basis with Kilmuckridge, Kilnamanagh and Oulart schools. Remedial Education is usually done with a small group or on a one to one basis, with the child being withdrawn from the class. Resource materials and class programmes are designed with the educational needs of the particular child in mind. Parental permission, consultation and support are very important components of the Remedial Education Programme. National Standardised Testing is carried out on all pupils in Court N.S. from Senior Infants to 6th Classes in Maths and English. This testing allows for identification and remediation of difficulties in numeracy and literacy. In Court N.S., the importance of the Arts in the development of the whole child has always being recognised. Each year every effort is made to ensure the children have access to a live performance of the Arts and \ or participate in an Arts workshop. Every classroom in Court N.S. is equipped with at least two computers and a printer. Parents play a very important role in facilitating computer classes for the pupils in small groups. Software programmes designed to compliment the curriculum are widely used and there is a comprehensive array of reference programmes for use in the Senior Classes.
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Children are encouraged to participate in as many games \ activities as they want. While the emphasis is always on participation and enjoyment, the school enters many competitions covering a wide range of sporting, creative and artistic activities. Wexford GAA County Board has qualified coaches in Court N.S. for all classes. The exercises and skills developed through these sessions are an integral part of physical development and central to many games. These sessions are regarded as a part of the PE programme and are therefore compulsory. Court N.S. encourages each family to have a hurling helmet with visor and at least one hurl (all clearly labelled). HOME SCHOOL LINKS Court N.S. is committed to fostering positive Home \ School links. Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time to consult with the Principal and \ or Class Teacher. Formal Parent \ Teacher meetings are time tabled during the year to discuss each child's social and educational development. Parents at Court N.S. are an integral part of running the Sports Day, fund raising, preparation of school teams, driving children to various school events and teaching computers. Court N.S. is made available to Parent and Community Groups for Music Lessons, Computer Classes, Speech and Drama Classes, Draughts and the preparation of items for Scór and Réadóirí Competitions. SCHOOL TRANSPORT A private bus service operates in the school. The Board of Management, Principal and Staff of Court N.S. accept no responsibility for these pupils before 9.20am and after 3.00pm. SCHOOL TOURS \ VISITS The Deputy Principal, in consultation with the rest of the Staff, organises a school tour each year. Individual teachers sometimes arrange trips specific to their own class. SCHOOL SAVINGS SCHEME There is a School Savings Scheme (Post Office). The scheme was set up in 1987. Friday is the collection day and children can save upwards of €1 each Friday. Each child has a Savings Book and monies can be withdrawn twice a year, at Christmas and summer. SCHOOL SHOP A school shop operates daily for the sale of copies, pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, sharpeners, plastic pockets etc. The shop is run on a non-profit basis and is managed by the pupils themselves. SCHOOL UNIFORM All pupils are encouraged to wear the school uniform, which consists of a wine tracksuit and a grey polo shirt. A wine shorts can be worn during the summer months. Ben Kavanagh's Drapery Shop, Main Street, Gorey stock all items. BOOK GRANT AND BOOK LEASE SCHEME A Book Rental Scheme operates within the school and al pupils from 1st to 6th classes can rent their books each year for a fee of £15. The Book Grant of £10 p.a. is available to Junior and Senior Infants who qualify for it.
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