Guest Book
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Date sent: Mon, 19 Jun 2000
Name: Willem Mugge
E-Mail Address: mugge@castel.nl
I love your internet pages about the Irish islands. Great job!!!
Date sent: Wed, 7 Jun 2000
Name: Judy Alford
E-Mail Address: JAlford633aol.com
I am a teacher in the USA. I am getting ready to help teach vacation bible school at my church. The 5 yr.old children in my group will be known as "the purple elephants." I will share all the elephant jokes from your wonderful website with my 5 yr. olds! Thanks!
Date sent: Tue, 9 May 2000
Name: Ruby Ferdinand
E-Mail Address: djferdinand@yahoo.com
Your Elephant jokes were so cool,I enjoyed each one of them.Hats off to the real genius behind them.Cool Wit indeed. Keep it up and God bless you.
Date sent: Tue, 9 May 2000
Name: Beth
E-Mail Address: thunder@penpals.com
I think you should get better jokes, you should go to a joke school (if there is one) You keep repeating your jokes, and they are not funny, half of your jokes don't even make sense. When I was reading your dumb jokes I was so bored and it was a waste of my time.
so you should delete your web site and make a website about dumb and not funny jokes.
Date sent: Wed, 12 Apr 2000
Date sent: Tue, 11 Apr 2000
Name: Noel Gilzean
E-Mail Address: n.a.gilzean@hud.ac.uk
Excellent site on the islands of Ireland
Date sent: Sun, 9 Apr 2000
Name: Neil Cremins
E-Mail Address: home@neil .co .uk
See u in the summer
Date sent: Sun, 9 Apr 2000
Name: Seb Creane
Age: 13
School: St Gerards
E-Mail Address: sebby@acidic.co.uk
I wish I was still in cronansnow because of the new school. It lookes so great. AND PLEASE NO MORE ELEPH ANT JOKES.
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Sun, 2 Apr 2000
Name: Kylie Walker
Age: 11
School: G.I.P.S.
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Sat, 1 Apr 2000
Name: Lisa Shefford
Age: 13
School: Northwood Senior School
Man U Rules!!
This web page is wicked and Northwood School is the Best!!!
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Fri, 31 Mar 2000
Name: Christie & Amber
We loved the little walking elephant as well as all your jokes. A great web-site!!!!!
Date sent: Sun, 26 Mar 2000
Date sent: Fri, 24 Mar 2000
Name: Des. Lavelle.
E-Mail Address: lavelles@indigo.ie
I love islands !
Date sent: Mon, 20 Mar 2000
Name: Pat Devery
Age: 35
School: St Gregroy's College, Cambelltown, Sydney, Australia
E-Mail Address: stgstaff@ideal.net.au
Thanks for the info on Ireland's population. My Yr 10 students found it very useful.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sun, 19 Mar 2000
Name: Francesca Leslie
E-Mail Address: peterleslie@compuserve.com
Hi, your page is lovely. I am from Essex, England. I love elephants
Date sent: Wed, 15 Mar 2000
Name: Javeed Ahmed M
E-Mail Address: JaveedAhmedM@hotmail.com
A Very Nice Site for a School to have ...
All the Best
Pl. Update the Pages Regularly ...
Good Luck ....
Date sent: Fri, 10 Mar 2000
Name: patrick williams
Age: 61
E-Mail Address: pilliams@mb.sympatico.ca
how do you shoot an blue elephant. with a blue elephant gun. how do you shoot a red elephant. choke it until it is blue and then shoot it with a blue elephant gun
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Fri, 10 Mar 2000
Name: Louise Bulmer
E-Mail Address: linda_shaw@lineone.com
Some of your jokes weren't very funny, but others were excellent!
Date sent: Sun, 5 Mar 2000
Name: Margaret MacDonald
E-Mail Address: mmac_40@yahoo.ca
Love your elephant jokes!!!!
Keep up the great work!!!
Great homepage...very interesting..what a beautiful country you live in. I live in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Date sent: Sun, 5 Mar 2000
Name: sami
Hi, every1, just thought i'd let u know that your jokes r really cool, and i will let my friends know where 2 find u!
Date sent: Sun, 5 Mar 2000
Name: Cathy Van Ostrand
E-Mail Address: vano@portjeff.net
I am happy I found your page. I live in Port Jefferson, New York. We will be hosting the Jeanie Johnston, the ship being built in Blennerville, Ireland. I was wondering if you have any nowledge of the ship?
Date sent: Sun, 5 Mar 2000
Name: Lily-lolly Loo
E-Mail Address: Lauralou@petlover.net
I really enjoyed your CLEAN elephant jokes. After reading some really nasty ones it was pleasent to read some nice ones.
Bye! Resident in the U.S.
Date sent: Sat, 4 Mar 2000
Name: Barry Doohan
E-Mail Address: BD912@aol.com
I live in New Castle, Delaware, USA. My father's family originated on Tory Island and my grandfather emigrated in the 1870's or 1880's. I was surfing looking up info on Tory and moved on to your web page and an excellent one it is. I've visited Ireland several times and have fond memories of Bray and evening walks along the coast. My best wishes to you all and keep up the good website.
Date sent: Thu, 10 Feb 2000
Name: Gnat
Age: 20
E-Mail Address: Natalie.down@uwe.ac.uk
I am training to be a teacher at Uni and the children in my class will love these. Thankyou very much
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 9 Feb 2000
Name: kerri-ann parker
Age: 13
School: figtree high
E-Mail Address: www.JoaDa@Bigpond
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 8 Feb 2000
Name: Les Hanrahan
E-Mail Address: lesh@cetco.co.uk
This is the best joke sight I have ever seen, I feel alot better for having stopped at this site.
Thank You.
Date sent: Sun, 6 Feb 2000
Name: Edward Ryan
E-Mail Address: sryan70377@aol.co.uk
Hi, I will be moving to Ireland in July and I would love to go to your school. I think your web site is great especially the jokes and the slide show. I live in Surrey, England Bye for now.
Date sent: Sat, 5 Feb 2000
Name: Gladys De Alfaro
E-Mail Address: montesdealfaro@yahoo.com
My students just loved them. We are from Guatemala
Gladys and Students
Date sent: Thu, 3 Feb 2000
Name: Gemma Bell
Age: 8
School: Lyndhurst Junior School
E-Mail Address: pacole@tinyworld.co.uk
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Mon, 31 Jan 2000
Name: The Dooling Family from Middlebury, Connecticut, USA
E-Mail Address: MichaelDooling@Compuserve.com
Thanks for the best elephant jokes on the net.
Date sent: Sun, 30 Jan 2000
Age: 11
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Sun, 30 Jan 2000
Date sent: Sun, 30 Jan 2000
Name: Mary
Age: 7
School: Birchland
E-Mail Address: mary-r@home.com
Q: what do you call a Elephant who go`s on the phone a lot?
A: a Telephant!
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Tue, 25 Jan 2000
Name: "Donkasta"
E-Mail Address: donkasta@england.com
Well, I'd love to talk about something other than elephant jokes, but that's what I'm here for. There's a couple in the mail... But I'm not from anywhere exotic like "Blubber Bay" or Florida, just dismally dull
Doncaster (England). Well, it's sunny at the minute, but it's a one off. My only claim to fame is that I have a friend in Australia and an aunt that lives some where near Skibbereen (spelling?) Oh well, I have to go
now, I have a lesson to go to. Later...
Date sent: Tue, 25 Jan 2000
Name: dave keogh
Age: 25
E-Mail Address: davek_oz@yahoo.com
Congrats on the website. I'm an ex pupil - left in 1986/87. Keep up the good work!
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Sun, 16 Jan 2000
Name: Irene
Age: 39
E-Mail Address: evoengine@earthlink.net
I told my husband that elephants are a symbol of good luck and fortune and he gave me a giant, warm, fuzzy, stuffed elephant for Christmas! I searched "elephants" on the WWW and I found your web site. Thank you for the very interesting information from elephants to Ireland. It's so very amazing how I can be sitting here at my computer, at 10 p.m. Pacific Time, in Lake Forest, California, watching Wayne's World on T.V., sipping orange tea, eating oatmeal/apple cookies, and be able to learn about your school and your town all at the very same time! Life is very good!
Best wishes that you grow to be wise and prosperous. Sincerely, Irene.
P.S. My town is in Southern California about 50 miles South of Los Angeles.
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Sun, 16 Jan 2000
Name: Eric
Age: 47
Q: Why are elephants wrinkled?
A: Because they can't be ironed
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Sat, 8 Jan 2000
Name: Connie Hill
Age: old
School: Life at large
E-Mail Address: chill@1starnet.com
I am from Sulphur Springs Texas, a small town in USA. I love elephant jokes and I love your site. The music is great too and you are lucky to have a chance to have such fun in school. I did not have the chance to have fun in school when I was going way many years ago, glad things are changing. Keep up the good work and I will think of you often.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sat, 8 Jan 2000
E-Mail Address: jamesmccartan@eircom.net
v/good site nice work keep it up
james mccartan
Date sent: Tue, 4 Jan 2000
Name: Lyndsey
Age: 11
School: St.Pats, BRAY, IRELAND
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Wed, 29 Dec 1999
Date sent: Fri, 24 Dec 1999
Name: Jani Crichton
E-Mail Address: jani.crichton@dial.pipex.com
Merry Christmas! Particularly impressed with your walking elephant...
Date sent: Tue, 14 Dec 1999
Name: Brian Joseph Dornan
Age: old
E-Mail Address: 9703673d@student.gla.ac.uk
It was interesting to see another Dornan there - I know that it is an Irish name, I am told that itcame over to Scotland when the scots settled at Dalriada (the scots were a group of Irishmen believe it or not). Does Eoin know where in Ireland it originated? Or do his parents? Gotta go do some work - email me if you know!
Verdict: Earthily Engaging
Date sent: Sun, 12 Dec 1999
Name: Martin Flynn
E-Mail Address: 0711@gofree.indigo.ie
I am a past pupil of St Cronans. My grandfather, Martin Daly was headmaster there in the 40s or 50s. He had a nickname. I am sure if you knew him you would know it. Better not publish it here. Great website.
Date sent: Mon, 29 Nov 1999
Name: Emer Foley
Age: 15
School: Loreto Bray
I always read your jokes again, and again... so I look forward to more. I
used to go to Paddys right beside you!!
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Fri, 26 Nov 1999
Name: Renate Stukenberg
E-Mail Address: SirATTA@gmx.de
Greetings from the little town Büren in Germany.
Date sent: Wed, 24 Nov 1999
Name: Patty Good
E-Mail Address: goodp@aea15.k12.ia.us
My name is Mrs. Patty Good. I am a 5th class primary teacher in Albia,
Iowa USA. My family is from the Dunderrow Kinsale area. I visited Ireland
last summer and will be spending 6 weeks this coming summer. I am very
impressed with your website and wanted to let you know. If you care to
email my class they would be very glad to hear from you. Tomorrow is our
American holiday Thanksgiving. Email us and tell us about your school.
Kindest regards,
Mrs. Patty Good
Date sent: Tue, 23 Nov 1999
Name: Jim Johnston
E-Mail Address: JimjCeleb@aol.com
Greetings from Connecticut, USA home of many who wish they were Irish.
Date sent: Tue, 23 Nov 1999
Name: kathy Kramer
Age: 34
School: Hermitage sr.high (Pa)
E-Mail Address: k_kramer@mailcity.com
I am from Pennsyvania. I gradurated in 1984,but I love jokes of allkinds So keep up the good work on the jokes
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Mon, 22 Nov 1999
Name: analicia
Age: 9
School: giberson
E-Mail Address: anazmail@prodigy.net
I love your site and those jokes. I love your jokes because I love elephants.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Mon, 22 Nov 1999
Name: Celia
Age: 15
School: Uplandschule
E-Mail Address: richter.usseln@t-online.de
Hi! I'm a german girl and searching pupils from Ireland. This sites are very nice! Perhaps you are going to write me?? CYA
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent:Mon, 22 Nov 1999
Name: Peter Stukenberg
E-Mail Address: stuk5101@uni-trier.de
Congratulations to your perfect homepage from Trier in Germany.Your work on the Internet should be an example for many German schools which can only dream of what you have already reached!!
Date sent: Thu, 18 Nov 1999
Name: Joshua Fogel
Age: 9
School: weston middle school Weston, Ct. U.S.A
E-Mail Address: JAFogel@ AOL.com
Q: What do you call a secret agent elephant?
A: 00elephant!
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sun, 14 Nov 1999
Name: Shane McCarthy
E-Mail Address: shanemccarthy1@hotmail.com
Well done on an excellent website. I am a former pupil working in Japan and was delighted to find your web page. Makes me proud to be an ex Cronan's pupil - 1985-86,
Keep up the good work.
Date sent: Sun, 14 Nov 1999
Name: Diana Norwich
Age: 10
School: The King's Academy
The elephant jokes were great! I wouldn't be able to think up of one like that myself!
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Wed, 3 Nov 1999
Name: Terri Lenox
E-Mail Address: lenoxtl@westminster.edu
Enjoyed your jokes! Thanks.
Date sent: Sun, 31 Oct 1999
Name: Megan Thorn
Age: 15
School: Pembroke Secondary Collage
E-Mail Address: Meha@bigpond.com.au
Hi Guys!
I just read your Elephant Jokes and some of them I thought were really funny! Thanks for the jokes.
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Fri, 29 Oct 1999
Name: Nicole Balmer
E-Mail Address: balmers@prcn.org
I live in Blubber Bay (yes, really) on Texada Island in British Columbia, Canada. Your elephant joke book is wonderful. I was looking for jokes to tell the Texada Island kids tomorrow night for a Halloween party. I don't know if I'll quite be able to tell these ones without laughing too hard! But I'll put on the elephant costume and give it a try! Thank you so much.
Date sent: Fri, 29 Oct 1999
Name: John Walsh
I Ilive in St. Helens England. I used to attend St. Cronan's between 1951 and 1957. Schoolmaster's who served us well had nicknames. The headmaster was known as Spike Nolan,other names were Cocky Ward, Mr.French, Sean Donegan (my teacher) Mr Tubberty, Mr. Farrell, Patsy Mac Donald. I read about the school every week in the Bray People that is sent to me by my cousin Julie Davitt from Beech Road. Great to see the school doing so well.
God Bless you all.
Date sent: Wed, 27 Oct 1999
Name: Thomas Robertson
E-Mail Address: pentatonika@hotmail.com
I needed some jokes which my English students in Korea could understand.
Date sent: Mon, 25 Oct 1999
Name: Stephen
E-Mail Address: mesmec@yahoo.com
it's good to see the webpage up and running. we had just got the new computers when I left in '96. best of luck.
Date sent: Mon, 25 Oct 1999
Name: Kristin Plischke
E-Mail Address: kristinmp@WA.freei.net
Hello! I am a graduate student at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington USA. I looked at your site for an assignment. Wonderful job!
Date sent: Sat, 23 Oct 1999
Name: Helen Dodd
Age: ?
School: St Kilians bray
E-Mail Address: doddhelen@hotmail.com
Congratulations on a great web page. What a super Gaelic team Go on the Crows!! Best of luck in your new school.I'm sure there will be great scholars from the new school.
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Wed, 20 Oct 1999
Name: maddy odonnell
Age: 16
School: notre dame cathholic css
it's ok compared to our web page find it if u can
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 19 Oct 1999
Name: Rick Blomberg
Age: 60
E-Mail Address: dad@netspace.net.au
Hello from Melbourne, Australia. What an interesting site! Thank you so much. It was a delight to discover you as I surfed the net.I am an ex (secondary) teacher (now retired) but I love to go to school sites. My wife an I toured Ireland in July 98 and got to lovely Dublin near you.
Best wishes to you all!
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Sun, 17 Oct 1999
Name: Stephen Bishop
Age: 42
E-Mail Address: Stephen@Bishop159.freeserve.co.uk
I think your page is fantastic.
"Why do elephants paint their toenails red?"
"So they can hide in cherry tree's"
" Why do elephants paint the bottom of their feet green?"
"So they can hide upside down on a pool table."
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 6 Oct 1999
Name: David Wickens
Age: 51
School: the school of hard knocks!
E-Mail Address: david.wickens@ukonline.com
....a man was walking through the jungle when he saw a dead elephant with a Pygmy sitting on top - the man said "Hi! - is that your elephant?" the pygmy replied, "Yes!" the man said, "Did you kill it?" "Yes" the Pygmy replied, the man said "How did you kill it?" "with my Club" replied the Pygmy, the man said "crikey! How big is your Club?" the Pygmy replied, "There are about 200 of us!!"
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Sun, 10 Oct 1999
Name: Tony Messitt
E-Mail Address: www.packet@tour.freeserve.co.uk
Hello St Cronans.
I have just come across your web site, and I would just like to say how very surprised I am that you are all connected to the Internet ??? I use to be a pupil there meny years ago. Im 50 now, so it was quite along time ago. I live and work in London now, but I will never forget St Cronans. Best of luck to you all, I am delighted the School is doing well.
By for now.
Tony Messitt.
(I used to live in Wolfe Tone)
Date sent: Sat, 9 Oct 1999
Name: James E. Pick
E-Mail Address: jimpick@hitter.net
Greetings from Inverness, Florida USA. Please tell yoyr students that I a 70 year old man enjoyed the elephant jokes every much, so by the way did my grandchildern and greatgrandchildern. What a great site. To bad there isn`t some way to tell the world where you are, if there were I would tell them. Thanks for a lot of good fun and information. To all of you my very best.
Jim Pick.
Date sent: Fri, 8 Oct 1999
Name: brandon beck
You guys are totally awesome!!! i love you jokes!! my favorite animals are elephants!! they remind me of myself in a ways i cannot explain! keep on telling those awesomly jokes they are soooo cool!!!!!!! rock on my brothers!!!!
Date sent: Wed, 6 Oct 1999
Name: Cheri Cleveland
My 11 year old son and I really enjoyed your elephant jokes. We live in Texas.
Date sent:Mon, 27 Sep 1999
Age: 6
E-Mail Address: dexterjr@webtv.net
How do you know if there has been an elephant in your refrigerator?
There will be foot prints in the butter
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Sat, 25 Sep 1999
Name: Neil Luscombe
E-Mail Address: neil.luscombe@virgin.net
From Torquay Devon England
New to the Net this week we have just enjoyed your jokes
Neil (young at heart) Adam (13) Daniel (10) Mark (much older) Karen (not
quite as old) Denise (just a bit younger than very old!)
Date sent: Fri, 24 Sep 1999
Name: S. Daly
Interesting site. I've been to Bray a few times, as my aunt lived in Dublin. I'm creating a web site for my school in Surrey at the moment. You might like to take a look. http://www.stalbans.cwc.net
There are a few competitions for those who like them.
S. Daly
Date sent: Fri, 24 Sep 1999
Name: Sean
Age: 12
School: Aughrim
E-Mail Address: aughrim.ias@eircom.ie
I am from a two teacher school in Hillstreet Co. Roscommon.My favourite sport is soccer.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 24 Sep 1999
Name: Paul Harrington
E-Mail Address: paulh@aldiscon.ie
Just started windsurfing a find your tide information very useful.
Thanks, Paul.
Date sent: Tue, 21 Sep 1999
Name: Dennis Hill
E-Mail Address: peprhill@aol.com
Thanks! The Elephant jokes were great!
Date sent: Tue, 21 Sep 1999
Name: Mark von Soosten
E-Mail Address: vons3@qwestinternet.net
Greetings from New Mexico, USA. I am the principal of Christ Lutheran School in Albuquerque, NM USA. Our school is very new and doesn't have students older than 10 years at this time. We plan on adding four more grades to the school in the next few years. The school's website is at www.clc-s.org
Visit us any time. We don't have anything as funny as your elephant jokes though. We hope to start adding to our website this year.
Date sent: Sun, 19 Sep 1999
Name: Lynsey Tate
Age: 10
School: Woodlands Primary School
E-Mail Address: j.mulholland@talk21.com
Hi I am Lynsey I live in Scotland my town is Paisley.I think the Elephant jokes are very good infact I am writing them down for school just now I hope that you keep adding to them and I will visit them again and again.
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Thu, 9 Sep 1999
Name: Ken Zito
E-Mail Address: vendorman@airmail.net
My daughter has just started junior high and is having her first exposure to Spanish. We have found his site very helpful and easy to navigate. Another plus is the audio.Keep up the GREAT work
Ken Zito
Date sent: Thu, 9 Sep 1999
Name: Stacey Lamp
Age: 11
School: eustace intermediate school
E-Mail Address: gpslp@stoutinternet.com:
hi grettings my favorite football team is dallas cowboys also i am from
eustace tx. anybody that reads this please tell me where you are from and
youe hobby mine is basketball what is yours???e-mail me and tell me
why did the chicken cross the road
to land on the other side
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 27 Aug 1999
Name: nancy brown-uga
E-Mail Address: nbruga@webtv.net
Aloha frm Molokai, HI. I really enjoyed your elephant jokes and my tour of Ireland, maybe some day I'll see it for real.
Mahalo nui (thanks a lot)
Date sent: Tue, 24 Aug 1999
Name: Marie Flanagan
Age: ?
School: St. Patrick's Loreto, Bray.
Hello neighbours!Congratulations on a terrific site.The new school looks great.It's a very exciting time for you all.Best of luck for the new school year.Hi to Daniel in Rang 5 and Ross in Rang 2.
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Tue, 24 Aug 1999
Age: 10
E-Mail Address: Losy@webtvnet
How do you stop an elephant from charging?
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sun, 15 Aug 1999
Name: Lisa D. Traeger
I was delighted to find this sight, I was looking for information on the
Great Blaskets, my grandmother emigrated from there in 1918 to the United
She was born on Inis Ichilean in 189? and left there with her family to
live on the Great Blasket Island.
Date sent: Sun, 15 Aug 1999
Name: Amber
Age: 9
E-Mail Address: amber009@webtv.net
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Mon, 9 Aug 1999
Name: Trudy Fleming (nee Byrne)
E-Mail Address: trudy.fleming@lineoneone.net
Congratulations on an excellent site.I really enjoyed the geography
Date sent: Wed, 4 Aug 1999
Name: Katurah
Age: 10
School: Brynt Elementry
E-Mail Address: Katie10@webtv.net
Thank you!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 30 Jul 1999
Name: April Silverman and Toni Monaghan
E-Mail Address: APESKATE@cs.com
Greetings and salutations from St. Louis, Missouri, USA, home of Budweiser
and Mark McGwire, and doesn't he have an interesting spelling for an Irish
name. Great page, sent you an e-mail re: Inishkea.
Date sent: Thu, 22 Jul 1999
Name: Alan Inns
E-Mail Address: Alan.J.Inns@tesco.net
Hi! Heffalump watchers The jokes were elephantastic
Date sent:Wed, 21 Jul 1999
Name: Zach Nulph
Age: 7
School: Hawthorne Elem.
E-Mail Address: bazookazach@webtv.net
I thought the jokes were very good.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 20 Jul 1999
Age: 7
E-Mail Address: lilsister6@webtv.net
Hey i really like your page i love the elephant jokes....my favorite football team is my brothers team the VIKINGS..I love my family especially my sister jessy she is 14....And i am from Pa
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 16 Jul 1999
Name: Sarah Martin
Age: 15
School: Belridge High School Perth Australia
Hi we'll visit this page again next week when we have an email address. If
my cousin stephen Gallagher still goes to this school say hello to him for
me. Will write again soon. Bye for now.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 14 Jul 1999
Name: Tia
Age: 15
School: North Eugene High School(Oregon)
I really enjoyed your elephant jokes. I even printed them out and shared them with my friends. We couldn't stop laughing!
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Thu, 8 Jul 1999
Name: Michael Wren
E-Mail Address: Kwren@sheltonbbs.com
I was very impressed with your webpage. Great job and keep up the good
Michael Wren
7th grade teacher
Date sent: Tue, 6 Jul 1999
Name: Deb Truskey
E-Mail Address: debtruskey@aol.com
I have been looking at your web page for a long time. I keep coming back because it is so interesting and enjoyable! I love the music too! My grandparents came from County Kerry. I very much would like to visit
Ireland someday. Thank you for letting me have this "virtual" visit through the computer and your school.
Date sent: Sat, 3 Jul 1999
Name: Mara Baker
Age: 9
School: Akahi Park Elementary
E-Mail Address: Moonship7@AOL.com
I'm from Kailua Hawaii
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Wed, 30 Jun 1999
Name: Peony
E-Mail Address: pennydesigns@earthlink.net
Your site is so fast! I am in Laguna Beach, California USA, on the southwest coast. Our native plants are palm trees and cactus, plus whatever we buy and water. It rains in Winter and a bit in the Spring. A friend said, "Californians are the only people who complain about the weather because it's cloudy." He was right. I make "people" jewelry from found objects in a small work studio in Laguna Canyon. Loved your student pages. I read every one of them. A friend here sells Club Rugs for soccer teams so I know Man United and a few others.
Date sent: Sun, 27 Jun 1999
Name: Ken Donohew
Age: 54
E-Mail Address: bear8@mediaone.net
Enjoyed your jokes. I have not heard them since I was in school. I also
enjoyed your music. Being part Irish, I plan to visit your lovely country
after I retire. Thanks for the entertainment.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sun, 27 Jun 1999
Name: Kimberley
Age: 15
School: gshs
E-Mail Address: grimberley@hotmail.com
Your elephant jokes were so funny, I had tears rolling down my face.
Verdict: Earthily Engaging
Date sent: Fri, 25 Jun 1999
Name: Julie Justin
Age: 12
Q: Why did the elephant hit someone's nose?
A: No body nose! (Knows)
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Mon, 21 Jun 1999
Name: Elizabeth Burns
E-Mail Address: burnsa@mpx.com.au
I found your wonderful web pages while looking for some information on
Newgrange. What a marvellous find they are. I am in Australia, in
Sydney, with a 12 year old son, and he loved all the elephant jokes.
Congratulations on a wonderful informative site.
Date sent: Sun, 20 Jun 1999
Name: Giulia Castelli
E-Mail Address: castelli@intercity.it
My brother and I liked your elephant jokes. I have sent a copy to my
cousins in Austria. My great grandmother came from Ireland (Co. Armagh).
I have never been to Ireland, but I hope I will some day.
Date sent: Sun, 20 Jun 1999
Name: Matt Segatti
Age: 13
School: PvC Middle School
E-Mail Address: SMatthew86@aol. com
Hi, I'm from a small town called Croton-on-Hudson and there really isn't
much going on around here, but when someone reccomended this web site,
well, I just a blast stumping my friends on these hillarious jokes.
PS: I'm a horrible speller.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sat, 19 Jun 1999
Name: Sharon Maxwell
Age: 57
School: graduated in 1960
E-Mail Address: samfmc@slic.com
I do BEANIE the Clown for children here in town and love it....and I love
elephant jokes! Thanks for the humor!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent:Wed, 16 Jun 1999
Name: Danecia Morales
Age: 56
E-Mail Address: danecia.morales@fresnoedc.com
You're never too old to enjoy elephant jokes. Thanks so much
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Tue, 15 Jun 1999
Name: Donova O'Neil
E-Mail Address: oneil3@gate.net
I am writing from Brunswick, Georgia, USA. It is in the southeast part of the U.S. It is warm most of the year. I would love to visit Ireland. I plan to next year in the spring. My granda and grandma came to to U.S. a long time ago from Dublin.
Date sent: Sat, 12 Jun 1999
Name: Marilyn Mansfield
E-Mail Address: MMANS0451@aol.com
Enjoyed the pictures!!!
Date sent: Fri, 11 Jun 1999
Name: John McHale
E-Mail Address: jvmchale@aol.com
Your web site is wonderful - I have used it to look at details of the
islands of Inishturk, Clare Island, Inishbofin and Islandmore in Clew Bay.
I have relatives in all of them.
Date sent: Fri, 11 Jun 1999
Name: George Penner
E-Mail Address: gpenner@nvinet.com
I live at the other side of the world - the USA in the state of
Washington, Okanogan County up near the Canadian border just outside a
little town named Molson. Great web page.
Date sent: Thu, 10 Jun 1999
Name: june grimes
E-Mail Address: ladyluck@cmedic.net
Greetings from Cedar Springs. My greatgreatgrandfather came from there thru
Ellis Island. Maybe I have family there?
June Grimes
Date sent: Wed, 9 Jun 1999
E-Mail Address: jmcc189751@aol.com
free to e-mail me.
Date sent: Wed, 9 Jun 1999
Name: Alan Cawley
Age: 12
School: Stokane N.S, Sligo
E-Mail Address: alancawley@yahoo.com
Great site. My favourite team is CELTIC. Our website is
Here. The elephant jokes were deadly and I
hope you keep it up. See ya
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Mon, 7 Jun 1999
Name: JO
Date sent: Mon, 7 Jun 1999
Name: Tita Beaven
E-Mail Address: M.C.Beaven@open.ac.uk
I've really enjoyed your site. It's great to see such fantastic work. ¡Muy
Date sent: Wed, 26 May 1999
Name: Alle Dijk
E-Mail Address: kvdhhoog@gco.nl or fenaldyk@euronet.nl
i've sent you all an E-mail, but signing a guestbook is my favourite hobby, so here it is!!
Greetings from Holland
Date sent: Sun, 16 May 1999
Name: Steve Tunnicliffe.
E-Mail Address: steven.tunnicliffe@lineone.net
I have just surfed in searching for my family ancestors some of which I believe came from your area. I was hooked by your superb site and found it very interesting and informative.
All the best, Steve from Mold, Flintshire, North Wales.
PS I know its a little morbid but where do I find any Monumental
Inscriptions for cemetries in Bray?
PPS The music is great.
Date sent: Thu, 13 May 1999
Name: Peri Gardner
E-Mail Address: peri@swinternet.com
Hi to everyone at St Cronan's school in Irland. I'm writing from Glan Conwy, North Wales and I think your web site is very good.
Ta ra gan Peri
Bye from Peri
Date sent: Thu, 13 May 1999
Name: Eamon Farrell
School: Pres Bray ( years ago)
E-Mail Address: efarrell@eircell.ie
Congrats on great Web site. Particularly the Nature Table piece by Niall Quinn
Best of luck to First Communion Class on Sunday
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent:Tue, 11 May 1999
Name: Dermot Coleman
Age: 14
School: St.Brendans
Hello,long time no see !
Well the site was cool !
And would like to see more jokes!
note to all pupils study hard lol !
Verdict: Earthily Engaging
Date sent:Tue, 11 May 1999
Name: Br. Gerard Despathy, FPM
Greetings from Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
This is a great website!
Date sent Sat, 8 May 1999
Name: A.J.Stone
E-Mail Address: himself@g1nmw.demon.co.uk
Thanks for the music, the nice well laid out site and the informaion I was looking for about Irish counties.
An exiled Antrim man..
Date sent: Tue, 4 May 1999
Name: Melanie Iversen
Age: 23
School: Aarhus University, Denmark
E-Mail Address: fam_iversen@post.tele.dk
That is a very funny/entertaining homepage you've got yourselves there. Is
it something you all help keeping or is it the teachers etc?
I loved your elephant jokes.
After visiting your homepage one really feels like visiting the Bray area.
It looks beautiful and inviting on the pictures.
Have fun in life,
Melanie, Aarhus, Denmark
Verdict: Earthily Engaging
Date sent: Tue, 4 May 1999
Name: kathleen mcgowan
Age: 11
School: Four Masters N.S.Kinlough Co. Leitrim.
E-Mail Address: 4mstaff.ias@tinet.ie
My favourite football team is MELVIN GAELS.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sat, 1 May 1999
Name: Michael Heron
E-Mail Address: clontarf@home.com
Greetings from Canada.
I have to agree with Carrie Jones
"Cataclysmically Cosmic".
Congratulations to all.
Date sent: Fri, 30 Apr 1999
Name: Paula O'Regan
Age: zzz!
School: Long time past!
E-Mail Address: lasmuigh@tinet.ie
Greetings from Cape Clear Island Adventure Centre. Found your page through ISKA and a certain Dave Walsh. Excellent. Love the dancers!
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Sun, 25 Apr 1999
Name: Patrick H. McEvoy & Norman P. McEvoy
E-Mail Address: aggab1@aol.com
My son and I truley enjoyed your site. we are doing a report on your beautiful country and thought we would play on your site. We will be back.
Date sent: Sun, 25 Apr 1999
Name: Patti-Ann
E-Mail Address: geneic@gnt.net
Hello from Florida, USA. I enjoyed your website very much. I especially
liked reading the boys' essays about the 1798 rebellion. I think they
expressed themselves very well. I found the site very informative and
Date sent: Wed, 21 Apr 1999
Name: Mari Herron
Age: 11
School: Dooish N.S
E-Mail Address: dooishns.ias@tinet.ie
I support Man Utd
I Live in Welchtown
Verdict: Earthily Engaging
Date sent: Wed, 21 Apr 1999
Name: laura hogan
Age: 12
School: Dooish NS
E-Mail Address: dooishns.ias@tinet.ie
Man Utd
Dooish Donegal
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 20 Apr 1999
Name: ian keogh
Age: 8
School: St. Cronans
E-Mail Address: ger.keogh@aer-rianta.ie
i'am looking forward to my holy communion on the 16 May 1999. I hope my
friends have a nice day that day.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sun, 11 Apr 1999
Name: Eoin's cousins
Hello Eoin's school. This is just Eoin's cousins leaving a little message to embarass him. Good work with the web page anyway!!!!!
Keep up the good work, or we'll come round!!
Date sent: Mon, 5 Apr 1999
Name: Peter Doyle
E-Mail Address: peter.doyle@blairss.qed.qld.au
Well what an outstanding website!
I am a principal of primary school in Queensland Australia. We are only
now being connected to the WWW. Your web site is one of the finest I have seen.
Happy Easter!
Date sent: Fri, 2 Apr 1999
Name: Beth Smith
E-Mail Address: Bs23mcd@aol.com
Good Morning from Rochester, New York.
I was looking for some information on St. Brigid's Cross, and I found it our your website! What an amazing piece of work. I especially loved the music of Brayhead recording and your poems. I have worked with an Artist in Residence at the Alternative Junior-Senior High School where I teach Reading and Writing. My oldest son travelled through Ireland about 5 years
ago. He also has some beautiful photos (who took yours?) and warm memories. Perhaps I will get a chance to visit someday and see your Bray!
Date sent: Fri, 19 Mar 1999
Age: 9
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 19 Mar 1999
Name: Kathleen Mary Lockhart
Age: 51
School: Cecil Community College
E-Mail Address: klockhart@brandywine.net
Tis my first visit. I am just now looking at your web site for the very first time. In fact, I have not had the opportunity to browse. Maybe I should come back later. My occupation is an administrator at a junior college in Maryland, USA. I live in Pennsylvania in a small log cabin in a wooded setting with a "huge" dog and four cats. My dog's name is Kokoman Ruh which means huge spirit. I call him Ruh. He is larger than most dogs and his breed is Akbash.
Ruh stands 32 inches at the withers and weighs 130 pounds. He is white with black eyes and nose. Ruh is my companion and protector. He does not like strangers. Ruh's breed is from Turkey. I don't know what else to say except that I will now look at your web site to see what intersting things you have posted. I would like to hear from you.
Peace, Kate
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 18 Mar 1999
Name: Steven Eischens
E-Mail Address: mwmovr40@yahoo.com
Yours is a a beautiful Web page. Well crafted and and thoughtful. I have used your Elephant Jokes as a search page for my Internet classes and they have brought many chuckles at the end of a long night class. I teach in a small high school (15 - 18 year old) in southern Illinois in the USA.
With much appreciation for your effort,
Steven M. Eischens
Date sent: Wed, 17 Mar 1999
Name: Carrie Jones
Age: 10
School: Frankfort Elementery
E-Mail Address: kjonesauto
Farnkfort Wildcats are the BEST
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 12 Mar 1999
Age: 12
E-Mail Address: carnns.ias@tinet.ie
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 9 Mar 1999
Name: Bruce Denis
E-Mail Address: bdenis@mtbike.mv.com
I enjoyed the elephant jokes. I'm sharing them with the folks I work with. We enjoy little jokes like those, and your's make us laugh. I'm adding this web site to my favorites list. It appears worth another visit.
I'm from Concord, NH USA.
Date sent: Mon, 8 Mar 1999
Name: Noel Poynton Jnr
E-Mail Address: npoynton@smcsurvey.com
hi from Boston,
I was surfing the net at lunch time at work and was surprised to find this site. My father attended the school around 1944 =\-...he was very proud to have had the chance to say he went to St Cronans. I wish the school, its teachers and pupils all the best as we approach the new millennium.
Date sent: Sat, 6 Mar 1999
Name: Matthew
Age: 44
E-Mail Address: mseibert@defnet.com
Why do elephants wear red sneakers?
So they can hide in strawberry patches.
Have you ever seen an elephant in a strawberry patch?
No, see how well the shoes hide them.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 4 Mar 1999
Name: Jackie Troy
E-Mail Address: jackie.troy@columbia.net
The Troy family emigrated from Bray to San Jose, California in 1989. My son Ben would have attended St. Cronan's as he had already finished two years at St. Patrick's NS! Great school site. Keep up the good work.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Thu, 25 Feb 1999
Name: Rose Ball
E-Mail Address: jroball@az.com
Just a note to let you know how much I enjoy your site. My very old, dear friend will enjoy the elephant jokes that I have printed for her. As a former teacher of teachers, it is so gratifying to see your goals, curriculum, etc. Keep up the good work.
Date sent: Thu, 25 Feb 1999
Name: Fr John Durkan
E-Mail Address: jjdoherty.ias@tinet.ie
Very good
Date sent: Wed, 17 Feb 1999
Name: Emily Beckerleg
Age: 25
School: Selwyn House School, Montreal, Canada
E-Mail Address: beckerle@selwyn.ca
Hello. I am a Grede One teacher at Selwyn House. We are a private boys school in Montreal. We are looking for a group of boys who may enjoy writing to our students and receiving letters from them. We will be learning about Ireland throughout February and March. If you are interested we would love to hear from you. Have a nice day.
P.S. You have a wonderful website. Our website is HERE
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Mon, 15 Feb 1999
Name: Tom MacMurray
E-Mail Address: macmurre@alpena.cc.mi.us
Thanks for the elephant jokes. I laughed so hard I cried while reading them.
With laughter all the world seems better. You've made mine a better.
Date sent: Sun, 14 Feb 1999
Age: 12
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sun, 14 Feb 1999
Name: Brendan Devitt
Age: 12
School: St.Peters
I would like to say hello to all the boys who play for Bray Emmets.
PS. St. Peters are way better!!!
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Thu, 11 Feb 1999
Name: Lusiana Saleh
E-Mail Address: Lusiana_s@hotmail.com
Hello, it's nice that I can fill in this book. This homepage is good for
us. I come from Indonesia. and I love to see it. thank you anyway.
Date sent: Wed, 10 Feb 1999
Name: Brendan Patrick Lynch
Age: 8
School: Alimacani Elementary School,Jacksonville,Florida USA
E-Mail Address: dad100@mediaone.net
I am doing a presentation on children from another country and with my
name, of course I had to pick Ireland! I like yor web page!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sun, 7 Feb 1999
Name: Stacey Glassett
E-Mail Address: saglassett@aol.com
Great web page! I was visiting it for a project on the school system in Ireland. Your site was very helpful. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
Date sent: Sun, 7 Feb 1999
Name: Mike Lovett
E-Mail Address: mlovett@bedmond-school.freeserve.co.uk
Dear St. Cronan's,
I was browsing to get some ideas for updating my school's Vision Statement
and I came across your site - it's wonderful! When we get the hang of the
Net, I'd love to get some of our children visiting your site and swapping
ideas. Best wishes,
Mike Lovett
Bedmond School
Date sent: Sat, 6 Feb 1999
Name: Josh C.
Cool webpage. Greetings from St. Thomas More School, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
Date sent: Mon, 1 Feb 1999
E-Mail Address: keal@tinet.ie
Just having a look around , very good site. 2 suggestions, altho Kealan's now in 6th
& maybe too late for him but how about homework on the web (great for children out through illness etc.).
Date sent: Mon, 1 Feb 1999
Name: Justin, Jonathan & James
Age: 8-9
School: Citrus Springs Elementary
E-Mail Address: sieg_c@popmail.firn.edu
Hello from Florida, USA
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sun, 31 Jan 1999
Name: Marc Cronan
E-Mail Address: simul8r@anent.com
Greetings! I was just doing some general surfing, lokking for information about my ancestry and I found your site. It is a wealth of information about Bray and the area and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Someday I would like to travel to Ireland with my family and research my roots further. When I do, I'll be sure to take a trip to Bray. If you have any suggestions for finding additional information on the Cronan name, please let me know.
Date sent: Sat, 30 Jan 1999
Name: peggy regan
E-Mail Address: regan@johnabbott.qc.ca
Hello St. Cronan's. Greetings from Montreal, Salut! I have been doing a bit of research for a geography project (undergrad at Concordia University here, but I also teach at a junior college, in the theatre department...technical stuff). Your information site is wonderful, so
well done. Thank you, it's been of immense help to me. I hope to visit Ireland in 2000 and between now and then shall check in on your site. I will be doing more research, primarily on the Irish in Montreal (Quebec still has a considerable number of people of Irish ancestry). My
grandfather came to Canada from Dublin with his family, in fact, my father is the only one Canadian-born. Many Irish-Canadians are very active in cultural activities that keep them feeling connected and we are certainly all interested in news from Ireland...any part of it. Guh raibh muh agat,
slan guh foil.
Peggy Regan.
Date sent: Wed, 27 Jan 1999
Name: Susan D'Attilo
E-Mail Address: sdattilo@prcnet.com
I am creating an adult training class on the web and how to use browsers.
I began searching under the category of elephants and ran into your Cool
Elephant Joke page. I laughed until tears were rolling down my cheeks. I
am a mother of two boys ages 6 and 7 and we live in Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, USA. I thank you for your creativity, I will visit again!!
Date sent: Sun, 24 Jan 1999
Name: Ciaran Murray
Age: 10
School: St. Cronan's BNS, Bray
E-Mail Address: ventnor@indigo.ie
Hi we have just got on the Internet. This is just to say hello to all my
classmates and Ms. Breatnach, my teacher.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sun, 24 Jan 1999
Name: Brenda Buck
E-Mail Address: jbuck@trinex.net
I am a third grade teacher in Kingston, Oklahoma, U.S.A.. Very impressive
Date sent: Fri, 22 Jan 1999
Name: Keith Clarke
E-Mail Address: keithcl@wcj.nl
Great elephant page!!!
Date sent: Thu, 14 Jan 1999
Name: Leanne Sweeney
Age: 11
School: Annagry National School, Co Donegal
E-Mail Address: scoilanagaire.ias@tinet.ie
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 14 Jan 1999
Name: Jennifer Marcheschi
Age: 25
School: Nathan Hale Elementary
E-Mail Address: Teachergirl4@hotmail.com
I am a fifth grade teacher at Nathan Hale Elementary School in Whiting, IN, USA. My students and I are very impressed with your website. It is EXCELLENT!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 14 Jan 1999
Name: Jody McStravick
E-Mail Address: mcstravick_jody@yahoo.com
I used walk past the school every day for nearly 10 years, and though I never actually attended St Cronans, it was and is one of fondest memories of Bray.
Date sent: Sun, 10 Jan 1999
Name: Seán McCarthy
Age: 9
School: St. Anthonys
E-Mail Address: sean.mccarthy1@virgin.net
Nice home page. I may be joining your school in January or Febuary when I move to Bray.
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Sun, 10 Jan 1999
Name: Katie Doherty
Age: 12
School: Chaparral Middle School
I am Irish living in California. I would love to visit my ancestors home land some day. I love the Irish music. I did not read all the elephant jokes but I enjoyed the ones I did read.
Bye. :)
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Wed, 30 Dec 1998
Name: Cecilia Beuchat
Age: 52
School: Catholic University of Chile
E-Mail Address: cbeuchat@puc.cl
Thank you very much. I was looking for elephant jokes for a class and found your wonderful web site.
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Mon, 28 Dec 1998
E-Mail Address: gawlikt@mail.epcusd.w-cook.k12.il.us
Glad that I came to visit, wonderful music, fabulous pictures, and a spectacular web site. I am a teacher in a kindergarten through 12th grade school district in Illinois USA. We welcome you to visit our two grammar schools, middle school and high school here
Date sent: Sat, 26 Dec 1998
Name: Brian Mc Neice
Age: 9
School: St. Cronan's B.N.S.
I am a pupil in the school. My favourite sport is football. Happy Christmas.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sat, 26 Dec 1998
Name: leslie sacharko
Age: 39
School: i finished school some time ago
E-Mail Address: jamiesmom@webtv.net
this is my first day playing with my new web tv which i receivrd for christmas. I was first trying to locate information about tide the laundry detergent and instead wound up learning about tide schedules in Ireland then taking a quiz at an irish school. I did not do very well
maybe i should go back to school. but i am having alot of fun with this. My boyfriend's family is originally from ireland when he gets home from work he will surely laugh at me when i tell him this funny story. I now know what adventures i can have with my new gift. I woke up this morning on 91 tulip street apartment #7 in Bristol, CT. USA and ended up going to school in Ireland Thank You for a wonderful time.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 10 Dec 1998
Name: Mary Browne
E-Mail Address: mb128@hotmail.com
The site is excellent. Well Done!!
Date sent: Sat, 5 Dec 1998
Name: Neelum
Age: 8
School: Kleckner Elemantary School
E-Mail Address: kamal.amin@internetmci.com
My dad was reading your elephant jokes and he was laughing really hard. I
thought they were funny too, especially the one about the chicken's day
off! Best wishes!
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Sat, 28 Nov 1998
Name: Cloud Strife
Age: 21
I was looking at your Elephant Jokes And am I sick of elephant jokes
Why did the elephant cross the road?
Cos he wanted to crush the cars
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 24 Nov 1998
Name: Chris Husker
E-Mail Address: chusker@fdic.gov
I visited the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. about a week ago to see the Van Gogh exhibit. I then visited your page, a good replication. Keep up your good work, I find it interesting.
Date sent: Thu, 19 Nov 1998
Name: Mark O'Rorke
E-Mail Address: mark@netsoc.ucd.ie
I was a pupil from 1986 to 1991.
Date sent: Tue, 17 Nov 1998
Name: Mrs. Hart's Third Grade Class
School: St Marys Elementary (St. Mary's, Kansas, USA)
E-Mail Address: thirdworld@usa.net
Why don't you take some of the old jokes off and put on new ones THAT ARE REALLY FUNNY !!!! We enjoyed your page and would like to come visit someday.
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Tue, 17 Nov 1998
Name: Mrs. Litke's First Grade Class
E-Mail Address: tmlitke@yahoo.com
Hello from South Carolina in the U.S.A. Our school is celebrating Geography Awareness Week and our class chose Ireland to study. Please write us back. We would love to learn more about Ireland from you! Our school website
Good-bye from the Palmetto State. Mrs. Litke and class
Date sent: Sat, 14 Nov 1998
Name: Summer Henley
E-Mail Address: smf19@csufresno.edu
Hello, I just thought I would let you know what a wonderful web site you have. I am a student teacher at Fresno State University. One of our assignments is to create a resource unit. I decided to make my unit about Ireland. I am planning on using your site in a lesson on geography. I had fun learning through your games, and I am sure my students will too!
Date sent: Thu, 12 Nov 1998
Name: Barbara Nolan
E-Mail Address: vbrofp@iol.it
I'm excited because I've just found you in a course here in Italy. My father, Michael Nolan was once headmaster in St. Cronan's!
Date sent: Tue, 10 Nov 1998
Name: Molly McClellan
Age: 12
School: Our Lady of Lourdes
E-Mail Address: mollyb@cheerful.com
Hello I am e-mailing you from Indianapolis, Indiana U.S.A. I found your
web site while researching Ireland for a school report. Your web page is
the coolest! I have a pen-pal who lives in Kilgar. If you would like to
e-mail me with some fun facts about Ireland for my report that would be
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Wow!! Thanks to all of you 36 pupils at Cassidy Elementary School in Kentucky USA who filled in the guest book page. Most of you just wanted to write but here are five of the entries.
Date sent: Thu, 5 Nov 1998
Name: Lyle Blunck
Age: 09
School: Cassidy Elementary School
E-Mail Address: gvaughan@fayette.k12.ky.us.
My name is Lyle Blunck. I live in Lexington Kentucky. My favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys. Here is an elephant joke for you.
Q. What do you get when you mix an lephant and an alligator?
A. An elevator!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 5 Nov 1998
Name: Rebekah ROCKE
Age: 9
School: Cassidy School
E-Mail Address: gvaughan@fayette.k12.ky.us
I have 1 brother and he is on a football team. I love Ireland. HOW is it up there? See you later.
Bye now!
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Thu, 5 Nov 1998
Name: Miles Bell
Age: 10
School: Cassidy School
E-Mail Address: gvaughan@fayette.k12.ky.us.
Wuz up dood. Do you like Sammy Sosa? I do he is my favorite baseball player. Do you like football? I do .When I am visiting Ireland I might stop by your school. Is it cold there? It is here. Write me back.
Your friend,
Miles Bell
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Thu, 5 Nov 1998
Name: Blake Allen
Age: 10
School: Cassidy Elementary
E-Mail Address: gvaughan @ fayette.k12.Ky.us.
I like soccer do you, but in the U.S. soccer to you is football to us.
P.S. My favorite football team is Dallas Cow Boys.
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Thu, 5 Nov 1998
Name: Dustin Lehnert
Age: 10
School: Cassidy Elementary
E-Mail Address: gvaughan @ fayette.k12.Ky.us.
I woud like to write you more often. I would like to meet you. I like soccer do you?
P.S.My favorite sport is hockey.
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Wed, 28 Oct 1998
Name: Emily Mulhall
E-Mail Address: danger_powers81@hotmail.com
G'day from Sydney Australia. I was just looking up some schools in Ireland
as I would love to come over and work as a Gap student if anyone can help
me out please write Seeya !
Date sent: Tue, 27 Oct 1998
Name: Sarah Atherton
E-Mail Address: sarah.atherton@mailcity.com
Hi there. I'm from Australia, and I was looking for elephant jokes, and I
came across your site and it looks great. You seem to have a lovely
school, hope all is well in the future, from Sarah...
Date sent: Fri, 23 Oct 1998
Name: Mary Fogarty
E-Mail Address: Industrial@tinet.ie
Hi! My brother will be going to this school in two years.
Date sent: Fri, 9 Oct 1998
Name: Emily Daly
Age: 10
School: Mary Queen of Ireland Caherdavin Limerick
E-Mail Address: Eileen.Daly@ul.ie
Hi Cronews, I'm a fifth class pupil in a great school in Caherdavin in Limerick. We are just now getting ready to publish our home page, we are all submitting stories, jokes etc our teacher Miss O'Connor is organising it for us. I think your homepage is fab, well done.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sat, 3 Oct 1998
Name: Jordan & Matt
Whaz up Ireland were from Kirtland Ohio in the United States, Sorry we have no e-mail address.
Date sent: Thu, 1 Oct 1998
Name: Tracie
E-Mail Address: bmol@tinet.ie
We are going to do a homepage for St Patrick Ns School on Clare Island
Date sent: Sun, 27 Sep 1998
Name: St Andrew's School Online
Age: 8
School: St Andrew's School, Malabar
Hello from Australia ..... we had a great time visiting your website!!!! .... Keep the jokes coming! Will check back later to see more of your work.
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Fri, 25 Sep 1998
Name: Special Class
Age: 12, 9, 8, 10, 10, 11.
School: St. Patrick's BNS, Wicklow.
E-Mail Address: naomhpat.ias@tinet.ie
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Fri, 11 Sep 1998
Name: Jason Brown
Age: 9
School: Norwood Primary Bellevue, IL U.S.A
E-Mail Address: mojo1989@hotmail.com
I enjoyed the elephant jokes tremendously! I liked the dead ant jokes the
best. Thank you.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 10 Sep 1998
Name: Marie Pimperl
E-Mail Address: tinkerbell_5678@hotmail.com
Greetings! I live in your sister city of Dublin, CA in the USA. I thought I would check out what's happening over seas. Being half Irish, I'm always interested in what's going on in Ireland.
Date sent: Wed, 9 Sep 1998
Name: Pam Mumma
E-Mail Address: wmoo@intrepidnet
I am a reading teacher in Maryland. Today a fifth grade class asked me to tell a thigh-slapping joke while they were waiting for the bus. It had been a crazy day, and I went blank, but promised to find a joke on the net and bring it to school tomorrow...... so, tomorrow the 5th graders at my school will find out about elephant jokes and your school! Hope your year is going well!
:) Pam Mumma
Date sent: Wed, 9 Sep 1998
Name: megan
Age: 12
I am in 7th grade and i live in the United States. Does anyone else?
When is an elephant like a cute little bunny?
When he's in his cute little bunny suit.
ha ha!
Loved the jokes. Add more. What fun!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 2 Sep 1998
Name: Nick Burdett
Age: 10
School: Sir Issac Brock P.S.
E-Mail Address: bburdett@golden.net
Read the elephant jokes. Groan...Groan...Groan... !
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sat, 15 Aug 1998
Name: jonners
E-Mail Address: jon@ndirect.co.uk
I used to live in Bray, now live in Gloucester uk
Date sent: Fri, 14 Aug 1998
Name: Henry Kirwan
E-Mail Address: kirwilli@bigpond.com
As an expat from Dublin, it is great to see such an excellent site come out of an Irish School.
Date sent: Fri, 7 Aug 1998
Age: 13
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Thu, 30 Jul 1998
Age: 12
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Wed, 29 Jul 1998
Name: Kristina
Age: 10
School: Körfältsskolan Östersund
E-Mail Address: borje.hoflin@mail.op.se
How did the elephant get down from the tree?
He sat on a leaf and waited for the fall.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Mon, 27 Jul 1998
Name: Siobhan
Age: 12
School: St. Adelaids, Highland, California, USA
E-Mail Address: 143mama@gte.net
Though I live in Southern California my Father, Jarlath, was born and raised in Dublin. When Christmas comes I will spend Christmas with my Grandfather in Dublin or maybe my uncle in Cork. I also may be going to Dublin to attend school possibly next year. I would also like to comment on the interesting comments and other things I found in this Web page.
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Thu, 23 Jul 1998
Name: year two
Age: 7
School: Lancelin Primary School
E-Mail Address: lancelinps.com.au
Why did the elephant cross the road ?
Because he wanted to show his girlfriend he had guts.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 22 Jul 1998
Name: Joshua Cronan
Age: 13
School: St. Thomas More School, Baton Rouge Louisiana
E-Mail Address: cronaa@eatel.net
I liked your page. I was surfing the net looking for other "cronan's" and that's how I found your page. Just thought I would let you know that there are other "Cronan's" in this world. Of course my parents would not think I could be a "ST. CRONAN".
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 16 Jul 1998
Name: Roza Brondz
Age: 17
E-Mail Address: brondz@netvision.net.il
I collect elephant jokes and I have one you don't (it's familiar, though) so I'll write it: A mouse and an elephant walk in a desart. The elephant says to the mouse: "you're making too much dust walking infront of me"!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
see you.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Mon, 13 Jul 1998
Name: Chris Husker
E-Mail Address: chusker@fdic.gov
I am very impressed with the effort you have put into this web site. The Tour De France is one of my favorite events throughout the year and I pay attention to most sites that report on it. I will follow your site and report back to you at the end of the race, but I can say now that this is indeed a pleasure. I am an official in the United States Government here in Washington, D.C. and I have been a bike rider for the last 45 years.
Date sent: Sat, 11 Jul 1998
Name: Gary Davis
Age: 44
E-Mail Address: melinga@hypermax.net.au
Hi From down under,
Great Site, helped me heaps with my Family History Research
Gary Davis
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 10 Jul 1998
Name: Ian Doyle
Age: 16
School: Past Pupil Of St.Cronans
Date sent: Thu, 9 Jul 1998
Name: Packie Boner
E-Mail Address: packieboner@hotmail.com
We also have a St. Cronan's N.S. in Dungloe Co. Donegal!
Date sent: Tue, 7 Jul 1998
Name: Eileen O' Connor
A big hello to all in St. Cronans, especially Luke and Adam Benson. Made a flying visit to your site while
doing a computer course-July 1998. I was very impressed with your website .WELL DONE TO ALL INVOLVED!
Date sent: Mon, 6 Jul 1998
Name: Mark Christopher
E-Mail Address: edieamin@aol.com
I was just taking a look at various schools in Ireland.
Date sent: Tue, 30 Jun 1998
Name: Lisa Molohon Moreno
Age: 42
School: Gage Elementary School
E-Mail Address: Doesn't fit here
Hello Ireland! I am teaching at a summer day camp for students ages 10-15. We are enjoying a beautiful summer in Minnesota.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 26 Jun 1998
E-Mail Address: terry@saturncom.com.au
Dear St. Cronan's School
Loved your elephant jokes. Bright homepage! Fantastic!
Here is a riddle I know.........
Why did the first elephant fall out of a tree?
It died!
Why did the second elephant fall out of the tree?
It was tied to the first elephant!
Why did the third elephant fall out of the tree?
Peer pressure!
Why did the fourth elephant fall out of the tree?
It was hit by a flying fridge!
Why did the girl fall of her bike?
She was hit by four elephants and a flying fridge.
Best of luck!
Date sent: Thu, 25 Jun 1998
Name: Leanne Tunney
E-Mail Address: jcgjersey.demon.co.uk
Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Very good page!!
Date sent: Tue, 23 Jun 1998
Name: Katherine Stone
E-Mail Address: www.k.stone@cms.k12.nc.us
I have enjoyed visiting your homepage. I found the graphics charming. This is my first communication outside of the United States. I am developing a homepage this fall and would like to invite your students to visit. I teach 8th grade Science and would love to have my students exchange information with yours.
I will be in contact early this fall.
Date sent: Mon, 22 Jun 1998
Name: Ben
E-Mail Address: Bentibbits@yahoo.com
Thank-you for an excellent site. It has given me many ideas for our school
site:- watch this space.
Date sent: Wed, 17 Jun 1998
Name: raymond liebenberg
Age: 33
School: closed!!
E-Mail Address: uniclean@iafrica.com
i look forward to visiting your country for the TOUR DE FRANCE early in
july. Great site , keep up the good work
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 17 Jun 1998
Name: Meaghan
Age: 11
School: Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart
E-Mail Address: meaghan_mccarthy@hvrsd.k12.nj.us
How can an elephant go on a vacation?
He packs his trunk!!!
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Wed, 10 Jun 1998
Name: Devlin Rogers
Age: 8
School: Belmont Hills Elementary
E-Mail Address: tomk8t@aol.com
Thank you for the info I got from your site. I am doing a school paper on
my ancestors from Wicklow. I live in Trevose, PA, USA and my favorite
football team is the Phila Eagles.
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Tue, 9 Jun 1998
Name: Luke Hoban
Age: 12
School: St.Cronan's
E-Mail Address: gerardhoban@tinet.ie
Hi i'm Luke and i support man utd. F.C. the best
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Thu, 4 Jun 1998
Name: Pete
E-Mail Address: PETEOCEAN@aol.com
I enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again. Some very nice
things here.
Date sent: Tue, 2 Jun 1998
Name: Kaci Christian
E-Mail Address: slickaci@netbox.com
Really enjoyed your "counter" that calculated how many days I've been alive! Very interesting and fun.
Now I'll be sure to use my days more wisely! Heard about your website from the
BTIMCA newsletter (Be Thankful It's Monday-Consider the Alternative).
My website is here
Date sent: Thu, 28 May 1998
Name: Don & Bev
Age: 50+
What a pleasure to read your jokes knowing that they represent boyish
humour. We enjoyed also reading about the town & school. We send you
greetings & best wishes from Ancaster, Ontario, Canada.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Thu, 21 May 1998
Name: Jena Eichenlaub
Age: 12
School: Kendallville Central Middle School
E-Mail Address: eich@noble.cioe.com
I am from America. I live in Indiana, and I like this site. It is a
neat experience to discover things about other countries. It is
educational and fun at the same time. I am glad I have found this site,
and I will want to come back again.
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Wed, 20 May 1998
Name: Patrick
Age: 10
School: Hawthorne Elementary
E-Mail Address: mlpaxton@rmci.net
Hi! My name is Patrick Beall. I am 10 years old and I live in Idaho, USA. I am going to visit Ireland this summer.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Mon, 18 May 1998
Name: Conor Deane
E-Mail Address: c.deane@agora.stm.it
Just saying hello and congratulations on a
page that should make some corporate websites blush. Any of the children
who want to say hello to an Irishman in Italy can w drop and e-mail: I'll
Date sent: Mon, 18 May 1998
Name: Michael Horan
E-Mail Address: clannhoran@yahoo.com
I think your site may benefit from the use of a white background, as it's
a bit more soothing to the eye. Regardless, you've done a wonderful job
in introducing yourselves to the world while at the same time keeping the
visitor's interest.
Cheers, Mike
Date sent: Wed, 13 May 1998
Name: Michael Patrick Eiermann, Jr.
Age: 9
School: Hanscom Primary School, Massachusetts
E-Mail Address: craftyt@erols.com
Q: Why did the elephant paint its toenails red and yellow?
A: So it could hide in a bag of M&Ms.
Q: Why did the elephant paint its toenails red?
A: So it could hide in a cherry tree.
Elephants don't hide in cherry trees! See...it works!
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Thu, 7 May 1998
Name: Anthony Muirhead
Age: 11
School: Myrtle Creast
E-Mail Address: Starfisser@aol
Dallas cow boys
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 1 May 1998
Name: vicki kena
E-Mail Address: kena@backmeup.net.au
hi i'd just like to say that i enjoyed your website and i'm from australia and thought it
was really neat
Date sent: Fri, 1 May 1998
Name: Lynn Keegan
Age: OLD
School: College
E-Mail Address: keeganl@iol.ie
Well done to everyone, this is a great page. I love the jokes by the way....
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Thu, 30 Apr 1998
Name: Drecilla-Charisma Decker
Age: 18
School: Adams Elementary shcool
I love Ireland and visit it a lot. I live in Ruskin,Tampa, Florida so I don't get snow but you
do kinda. I as well go to Germany cause thats where I come from. I have an accent too.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Tue, 28 Apr 1998
Name: Norma Jean Baker
Age: 80
School: I don't go to school
E-Mail Address: turner@webtv.net
This page is so entertaining and valuable for childeren
of all ages and other people. This is a great page and I will
visit it in the FuTuRe!
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Tue, 28 Apr 1998
Name: Catalina
Age: 14
School: RL Thomas midlle school
E-Mail Address: scooby_snacks_girl@yahoo.com
I'm from New York in the United States and I like to talk to people. You people sound really cool. Some things I like are, one the t.v. shows South Park and Daria. I also like animals.
Well i have to go
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 24 Apr 1998
Name: Patty Mac Tigue
E-Mail Address: pattymact@aol.com
I am a teacher in the suburbs of Washington D.C. . Your web page is beautifully designed. My
husband is from Sandyford, Co. Dublin. He will be amazed when I show him your web page. Theydid not have computers in the primary and secondary schools when he went to school in the 70's. Best of luck to all the staff and students at St.. Cronan's School.
Date sent: Fri, 24 Apr 1998
Name: Mrs Copland
Age: old
School: Illawarra Christian School
I'm a year 2 teacher and I thought I would tell you how impressed I am with you homepage.
Our school does not have such facilities! Keep up the good work. Maybe it is time to start
the chicken jokes instead of elephant jokes. Here is one to start you off.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because he wanted to see his "flatmate".
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Thu, 23 Apr 1998
Name: Sean Ambrose
E-Mail Address: Sean_Ambrose@fc.mcps.k12.md.us
I am incredibly impressed with these pages. As a teacher of 13 year old in America, I know
how hard this is. I was happy to see a picture of Sugarloaf Mtn. That is where my family
Date sent: Thu, 23 Apr 1998
Name: Crystal McDermott
Age: 17
School: Archbishop Romero C.S.S.
E-Mail Address: mcdermottc@romero.mssb.edu.on.ca
Hey all you across the ocean I liked your page I was just looking around while I was in
class and my families country of origin interested me so here I am. I'm from Canada Eh!
But I long for another country :)
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Thu, 23 Apr 1998
Name: Luci Plack
Age: 100
School: North Ridge Ele
E-Mail Address: Pokkaany1 @aol.com
Just At school, learning about the internet and here you were!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 23 Apr 1998
Name: Casey Autry
Age: 12
School: Caywod
Love this homepage!!!!!!!!!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 23 Apr 1998
Name: Neil Kelly
E-Mail Address: symdra@hotmail.com
Greetings to all in St.Cronans,
I would just like to say how much I enjoyed this
website, As a past pupil I am very impressed with all
that has been done for the school and the fact that this
website even exists is a credit to the school. When I left
computers were only being introduced and the whole school
was going through the preliminary stages of Development
educationally and physically. I am now a student in
Cork Institute of Technology studying computers, and I
would like to wish the students and teachers all the
best for the future.
Date sent: Tue, 21 Apr 1998
Name: Trudy Reisz
E-Mail Address: reisz@lavi.co.il
I discovered your page while browsing and was delighted to see that a school from Bray is
connected to internet. I used to live in Dublin but left 26 tears ago so it's always nice to
see something Irish. Keep up the good work.
Mrs. Trudy Reisz
Date sent: Thu, 16 Apr 1998
Name: Claire Jarvis
E-Mail Address: c.jarvis@ucl.ac.uk
As someone with an interest in Ireland and County Wicklow in particular, I found your web
page about the Tour de France very interesting and informative. Thank You
Date sent: Thu, 16 Apr 1998
Name: Paul Molloy
Age: 12
School: St.Cronans
E-Mail Address: fcorkery@iol.ie
Hi I`m Paul and I support Manchester
United.My teacher is Mr Barry. BYE.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Mon, 13 Apr 1998
Name: Cian
Age: 11
School: Norman Rockwell El.
E-Mail Address: DandPMalone@msn.com
I was born in Ireland and moved here when I was 10. I lived in Dublin, in a place called
Blackrock. I like your website!
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Wed, 25 Mar 1998
Name: Tony Lee
Age: 30
School: I work for EdView
E-Mail Address: tonyl@edview.com
What a wonderful website!
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Sat, 21 Mar 1998
Name: Jericka Jones
Age: 9
School: St. Ambrose
E-Mail Address: Jericka@iquest.net
Hello! I'm in 3rd grade and go to ST. Ambrose Catholic School in Indiana, USA. We like to play baseball. I am in gymnastics and cheerleading too.
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Sat, 21 Mar 1998
Name: Brandon Jones
Age: 8
School: St. Ambrose
E-Mail Address: jericka@iquest.net
Hi! I'm in 1st grade at St. Ambrose School in Indiana, USA. Does everyone at your school like the Simpson's? I like science and all kinds of music.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Fri, 20 Mar 1998
Name: Laura Ferrell
Age: 11
School: Salida Middle School
E-Mail Address: rferrell @ ix.netcom.com
Hi! My school is great. This is how I got interested in Ireland, through school. I have a report on your country! I am also the editor of our school newspaper, the Pawprints.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 17 Mar 1998
Name: Mrs. Cox's Social Studies
Age: 7
School: Liberty Elementary School
E-Mail Address: coxg@aviator.stark.k12.oh.us
Happy St.Patrick's Day from the primary social studies classes at Liberty Elementary school in Alliance, Ohio, USA.Our school is 75 years old this year. How old is your school? We would love to hear from you!!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 17 Mar 1998
Name: Renwick's First Grade
Age: 6-7
School: Pleasant View Primary
E-Mail Address: prenwick@laurens55.k12.sc.us
Hi, we are from Gray Court S.C. We are in the first grade. We play baseball, football, and
soccer. We like your web page.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 17 Mar 1998
Name: Tom Lobby
Age: 12
School: Kellogg Middle
Hey, I'm Way Irish. My last name is my Great Grandma's last name, it's Irish. Well, Happy St. Patty's Day
Your Irish friend,
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sun, 15 Mar 1998
Name: Mike
Age: 11
School: Witch Hazel
E-Mail Address: Theburks@pacifiar.com
My name is Mike and I'm from Hillsboro, Oregon. My favorite football team is the Greenbay Packers!!
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Sun, 15 Mar 1998
Name: Alan O'Nuallain
E-Mail Address: alo-nuallain@metronet.de
Alice, you were right, the school has a great site here. Keep up the good work.
Date sent: Sat, 14 Mar 1998
Name: Maggie Fitzpatrick
E-Mail Address: maggie@northbham.ac.uk
I like your page very much, I was having a quick surf and looked up Bray as my mother comes from there, I've printed out a few pages to show her. My home page is not very good, but I work at a College of Further Education in Birmingham
Date sent: Fri, 13 Mar 1998
Age: 25
E-Mail Address: rroe@panagora.com
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Thu, 12 Mar 1998
Name: Edward J Casey
E-Mail Address: edward_j_casey@fleet.com
Greetings from the Fixed Income bond trading desk of Fleet Investment Advisors in Boston
USA. Very impressed with the web developments of my alma mater. Keep up the great work.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Mon, 9 Mar 1998
Name: Ken Cole
Age: ++
School: Baneker Middle School
E-Mail Address: kpcole@earthlink.net
I just wandered onto your website following a search for elephant jokes. I never thought I
would end up looking at a list of them on a school web site! That is fantastic! I loved
reading about all the things your are doing and hope you get your new school soon. I
particularly liked looking at the pictures of your town. You live in a beautiful place.
I also invite you to visit the home page of the school where my fiancee is the principal's secretary. Their page isn't nearly as elaborate as yours but they are trying. If you should ever come to the USA and visit Washington DC, we are only about 20km from there.
Wishing you the very best,
Ken Cole and Liz Peake
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
Verdict: Earthily Engaging
Date sent: Fri, 6 Mar 1998
Name: Brian
Age: 13
School: Ponderosa
Hi I'm from Southern Oregon.
Ireland is my ethnic home.
I wish to visit you someday.
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Fri, 6 Mar 1998
Name: loren
Age: 14
School: ponderosa
I am from Klamath Falls, Oregon. Just came to check out your web site.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sat, 28 Feb 1998
Name: daisey
Age: 9
School: Sunnyval school
E-Mail Address: simda@00lbsn
Dear Irish
I am Irish to.I live in America. And happy
St Patrick's Day!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 25 Feb 1998
Name: Brendan Devitt
E-Mail Address: brendan@mcgowans.iol.ie
Just popped in to say hello. Will stay longer another time. bye for now.
Date sent: Tue, 24 Feb 1998
Name: Stephen McHALE
Age: 27
E-Mail Address: macaler@hotmail.com
I'm in Okinawa Japan now. I'm in the U.S. Navy.
My cousin goes to ST. CRONANS, Evan McAuliffe.
MR Dodd used to be my teacher in 6th class..
E mail me if you want!!!!!!!
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Tue, 24 Feb 1998
Name: Savannah & Madeline Hoffman
Age: 5&3
School: Brookside elementary
E-Mail Address: glomar@iserv.net
Thank you for letting us visit your country "through the wire".
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sat, 21 Feb 1998
Name: Celeste Kelly
Age: 12
School: Coláiste Raithín
E-Mail Address: tapa@wxs.nl
Did you hear the one about the magic
He was walking down the road and he
turned into a field, BOOM,BOOM!!!
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Fri, 20 Feb 1998
Name: Joe
E-Mail Address: murphyjoe@hotmail.com
I am from Swords near Bray and I think that this web page is the best one I have ever seen
on the net for schools
Date sent: Mon, 2 Feb 1998
Name: Elizabeth Cleary
E-Mail Address: liztai@indigo.ie
Love your page. It's been ages since I visited and I am amazed at all you now have on
display. I especially love the music and the elephant jokes.
Elizabeth Cleary
Date sent: Thu, 22 Jan 1998
Name: Brandon Morris
Age: 8
School: Joaquin Elementary
E-Mail Address: cemorris@itsnet.com
Your site was really fun. My dad and I really enjoyed your elephant jokes, they were very funny. We live in Provo, UTAH, USA. right now in school we are learning about penguins. What are you learning about in the 2nd grade ? Here's an elephant joke for you...
Why do elephants paint their toe nails red ?
So they can hide in the cherry trees.
Why don't you ever see elephants with red toe nails ?
Because they are hiding in the cherry trees.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 16 Jan 1998
Name: R. Mathis
Age: 37
E-Mail Address: rmathis@bellsouth.net
Hello from Jacksonville, FL USA. I just came upon your homepage on the internet and find it
just super. I will introduce my son to it. He will find it very interesting. I noticed
that you had a visitor from my home town, Dublin, Ga USA. I grew up in Dublin, Ga and went
to the sister school of Hillcrest Elementary which is Central Elementary. I still have lots
of family in Dublin, Ga. Anyway you have a great homepage. Keep up the Good Work.
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Sun, 4 Jan 1998
Name: Ciara Duignan
Age: 15
School: Kelowna secondary school ...Canada
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Thu, 1 Jan 1998
Name: Danielle Laffan
Age: 8
School: St.Marguerite d'Youville Canada
E-Mail Address: laffan@interlynx.net
Happy New Year from your friends in Canada. My name is Danielle and I have two uncles who attended your school. Ralph and Daniel. " Cool website." I am in grade three, I would
love to hear from anyone.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Tue, 30 Dec 1997
Name: John Patrick Cronan
E-Mail Address: Lafndog331@AOL.com
How delightful to find a school named for a long-deceased relation! My father's
grandparents emigrated from Co. Cork (I believe the village was Askeaton) at the turn of
the century. My parents and both of my brothers have traveled extensively in your fair
land, and while I have only enjoyed it vicariously through their photographs and stories, I
hope to visit myself in the next few years. The best to all of you for the New Year from
one of the prettiest places on Earth: Boulder, Colorado, USA !
Date sent: Mon, 15 Dec 1997
Name: Rodrick L. Riemersma
Age: 44
School: none
E-Mail Address: priemersma@ameritech.net
Thanks for the elephant jokes. They were the best! I have enjoyed them all my life. I will
never tire of them. I will share them with my niece in Canada when I visit her. I am a
social worker in America that feels it is very important to laugh. Everybody is lucky to be
in a school such as yours where laughing at elephant jokes is part of learning. You are
NEVER too old to laugh at elephant jokes. Tell your teachers they are the greatest for
helping you put these jokes on the INTERNET!
Rodrick L. Riemersma, M.S.W.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sat, 13 Dec 1997
Name: Patrick Joseph "PJ"
Age: 11
School: Southwest Middle School
E-Mail Address: klg.pj@worldnet.att.net
Hi! My name is PJ and I am from the USA, and I am a total Star Trek freak. My favorite
character is Data. How is everything over there in Ireland? My ancestors were Irish! Talk
to you later! Bye.
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Sun, 7 Dec 1997
Name: Gavin Barrett
E-Mail Address: gavinMJB@aol.com
Hello from the city of Trier in Germany where I have discovered your website on my
computer. It is a very good site, and you should be very proud of it. It is nice to see
Bray represented on the Internet, as that is where I come from too!
Date sent: Sat, 6 Dec 1997
Name: Max Horner
Age: 10
School: Memorial School
I am from the U.S.A, McMinnville, Oregon. My favorite football team is the Green Bay
Packers. Did you know there is a team called the Fighting Irish.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Thu, 4 Dec 1997
Name: Deanne Waddell
Age: 12
School: John Muir Middle School
E-Mail Address: MMDK6f@ix.netcom.com
My name is Deanne Waddell and I found your site while doing homework. Its a very nice site I like the little 7up guys at the beginning and the music is very relaxing and nice, I like it a lot. It would be nice if somebody would like to be my penpal. I'm a 12 year old female, I'm from California. I like to rollor blade, go on the computer, go to the mall and talk on the phone. I also love music and I like TV. Well if there are any responses please let me know.
Thank You
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Thu, 4 Dec 1997
Name: Mark, Misty & Deanne Waddell
E-Mail Address: MMDK6F@ix.netcom.com
As a part of a middle school project we have found your page. Our family names are
O'Connell and Mc'Adams so we are interested as much as we can be. Matter of fact if you
could help us with finding out more about our trees in your Grand Land please let us know.
Mark, Misty And Deanne The Great
Date sent: Wed, 3 Dec 1997
Name: Allie
Age: 11
School: Ridgley Middle School
E-Mail Address: eckertpw@home.com
Hi I am in the 6th grade. I live in the USA. I like to ice skate and I am a cheerleader.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sun, 23 Nov 1997
Name: Ross Scanlon
Age: 10
School: St Fergals
I am at the internet show and I saw your page. It is great!!!!
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Sun, 23 Nov 1997
Name: Cassandra Potter
Age: 11
School: Wilde Lake Middle
E-Mail Address: sugarsweet_11@hotmail.com
WUZ UP?? I'M FROM THE USA, Maryland. It's cold here. I visited Ireland once to visit a
friend. It's beautiful there. If you want a nice and friendly e-mail pal, e-mail me!!!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 21 Nov 1997
Age: 13
Hi!! I live in Chino valley, Arizona, America.
Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 12 Nov 1997
Name: Joanne Elsom
E-Mail Address: dbob@cris.com
I am from the great state of Texas. I live very close to the city of Dallas. In fact 2
weeks ago I went to Dallas to see Lord of the Dance starring Michael Flatley. I loved it,
you should have heard all of us Texans whooping and hollering for those Irish dancers. We
loved it. I found your page because I was looking for for jokes for my girls Sunday School
class' newsletter. You must be a funny group of kids or you just love elephants. I didn't
know you had elephants in Ireland. Must be quite a few if you drive them around in your
VW's. In Texas we just have armadillos, but they are usually dead on the side of the road,
or they are just faking it. Anyway, you have a great website.
P.S. What do you get when you cross an elephant with a jar of peanut butter?
An elephant that sticks to the roof of your mouth.
Bye now!
Date sent: Mon, 10 Nov 1997
Name: Gerard Gorman
E-Mail Address: gerardg@erols.com
My web page is here. I am the father of three children Arielle 12, Delia 9, and Alex 7. I work for Lucent Technologies in the United States and I am also A Computer Graphics teacher At my local community college. You did a nice job on your website you all should be proud of yourselves. Feel free to write back to me or my family.
Date sent: Wed, 5 Nov 1997
Name: Cassandra Vogel
Age: 11
School: West Side (USA)
I'm from the USA and we're looking at school sites because we're going to make one. I liked
your smily face.
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Tue, 28 Oct 1997
Name: Franklin Township School 4th Grade
E-Mail Address: bskramer@fts.csnet.net
Your homepage is very creative! We have a homepage
Date sent: Tue, 28 Oct 1997
Name: Dr Maria Brandl
E-Mail Address: marmarbrandl@trump.net.au
Your site is famous. I picked up a link from a mailing list. I am of Irish descent (from
Quin, County CLare, not Wicklow) and someone on the list said what a good site this school
had. I have been an educator all my life and among others have taught Australian Aborigines
in Central Australia and in Arnhem Land where they still speak their own languages. Yes,
more than one.
They might even have a website. You could try a search under Australia Northern Territory
Education Department Aborigines Arnhem Land Yirrkala.The band Yothu Yindi comes from
I will now look for a school in County Clare doing research that will help mine.
Bye and congratulations.
Maria in Hobart Tasmania Australia
Date sent: Sat, 25 Oct 1997
Name: Sue Ellen Hargadon
Age: 46
School: College of William & Mary
E-Mail Address: seharg@widowmaker.com
I am also a student, despite my advanced (!) age. I am studying education and expect to receive my doctorate in spring 1998. Your Schoolpage is GREAT! Recently I paid my first visit to Ireland
but stayed only on the west coast, primarily Connaught. The Hargadons come from County Sligo
so I was interested to see that area. I rode horses on the beach & loved it!
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Tue, 21 Oct 1997
Name: Christopher Walsh
Greetings from Denmark!
Date sent: Tue, 21 Oct 1997
Name: Mary Ann Morgan
E-Mail Address: mamorga@zeus.kern.org
Greetings! I am a science teacher in a rural community of California. We are in a valley
at the southern end of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. I am looking for classes or students
that would like to share scientific information with my students, who are in 6, 7, and 8th
grade. We could share information on weather, ecosystems, geology, etc. Thank you for a
great page on the Internet!!
Date sent: Tue, 21 Oct 1997
Name: Steve McCarthy
E-Mail Address: mccarthy@midusa.net
I was just surfing the web with my three year old son Benjamin. We were looking for Elephant jokes and found your site. We are from Lenexa Kansas, USA which is just outside of Kansas City Missouri, USA. We enjoyed your site keep up the good work.
Steve Jan and Benjamin McCarthy
Date sent: Sun, 19 Oct 1997
Name: Julie Bray (no kidding)
Age: 12
School: South Milwaukee Middle School
E-Mail Address: yarb@execpc.com
Hi! I'm from South Milwaukee, WI in the USA. I was just browsing through the internet when I
saw my last name. Although I'm not Irish I think that it would be fun to visit Ireland. Oh,
and to Sean Warshell, the Cowboys aren't that good of a team, you should like the Greenbay
Packers, they rule!
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Sat, 18 Oct 1997
Name: Shawna-Lynn Brake
Age: 8
School: Caudle Park Elementary
E-Mail Address: shawn.lynda@sympatico.ns.ca
I am a grade 3 student in Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia. I really enjoy telling and hearing jokes. Here is my joke:
What happens when a duck flies upside down?
He quacks up!!!!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sat, 18 Oct 1997
Name: Bill Leahy O.D.C.
E-Mail Address: 97554952@students.latrobe.edu.au
Just surfed by. A lovely page. Keep up the good work. God bless from Melbourne Australia
Date sent: Sat, 18 Oct 1997
Name: Aine Kirwan
Dear children
I am very impressed with your page on the Internet.
You are a great example to other schools.
Date sent: Fri, 17 Oct 1997
Name: Jennifer Crone
E-Mail Address: jenac@sfsu.edu
I found your website by searching under my last name, and I'm glad I did! I am studying to
be a teacher and hope to have my own classroom by next fall. I'll remember your school
because it would be great to correspond.
Date sent: Fri, 17 Oct 1997
Name: Robin H. Shearer
E-Mail Address: rshearer@panetwork.com
My son is 6 and in first grade. I would like to get information from teachers and students
about your classes and activities. I would like to share this information with my sons
class and school. Thanks for your help.
Date sent: Tue, 7 Oct 1997
Name: James Little
Age: 12
School: Daniels middle school
E-Mail Address: jimlittle@aol.com
Just stopped by your homepage for a visit. Great page!! Do the kids help keep it up?
I have always wanted to visit Ireland. I love to fish and play scoccer, and I understand
there are a lot of both . Whats it like going to school with only boys? If any kids get this
message I hope you can write back.
Jim Little
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sat, 20 Sep 1997
Age: 8
E-Mail Address: jusbcuzband@webtv.net
who's there?
little old lady
little old lady who?
who's there?
boo who?
who's there?
who hoo!
who's there?
shamp who?
who's there?
curlys who
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Sat, 20 Sep 1997
Name: Kayla Gosselin
E-Mail Address: muletalk@cyberbeach.net
Bonjour!! Je m'appelle Kayla. Je vais a l'ecole de Westmount de Sudbury, Canada.
J'ai huit ans. Mes amis sont Zoe et Melissa.
Date sent: Fri, 19 Sep 1997
Name: Adrianne Struthers
Age: 15
School: Centennial Secondary School
E-Mail Address: rws@intranet.ca
I am from Belleville, Ontario, Canada.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 16 Sep 1997
Name: Jill Olsen-Clark
I found your homepage as I was browsing the Internet. I was in Wicklow this past summer on
holiday. What a beautiful corner of the world! I enjoyed your site.
Date sent: Sun, 14 Sep 1997
Name: Patrick Chorney
Age: 10
School: Monsignor Doyle
Hi! I'm from Calgary Alberta, Canada and I'm in grade 5.
My mothers family was from Ireland and now live in a place called Shannon in Quebec City.
Q. Why do elephants paint their toenails blue, green, red and yellow?
A. To hide in smarty boxes.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 10 Sep 1997
Name: Jessica Guinn
E-Mail Address: BBJ@aol.com
Cool guest book. Anybody out there who lives in Ireland that would like to be my pen pal? I am 11
Date sent: Sat, 6 Sep 1997
Name: Michele Lee Culver
E-Mail Address: nbenson@stetson.edu
I am a first grade teacher at Wicklow Elementary in Sanford, Florida.
I would like to find a teacher who would be willing to have his/her
students correspond with mine and that teacher with me. Our school has
been named after Wicklow County in Ireland and we are very interested
in getting to know your homeland and you. Please e-mail me soon! I am
VERY excited about this chance!! I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you! Michele Culver
Date sent: Fri, 5 Sep 1997
Name: Sam Malone
E-Mail Address: TaosMayDay@aol.com
I love your homepage.
I used to go to St. Gerards in Bray.
I now live in Naples Florida U.S.A
I would love to get in contact with anyone back home and anyone who would remember me from Gerards. I was there from 1978 to 1991.Thanks pass the message on to anyone who might know me.
Date sent: Thu, 4 Sep 1997
Name: Kathie Dean Schaefer
E-Mail Address: Schaef@execpc.com
I am the Tech. Coord at Port Wash. Catholic Middle School in Port Washington, Wisconsin USA. My grandmother was born in Ireland. Our family goes to Irishfest in Milwaukee, WI yearly. Our school is not on the Web as yet. You have a great web page.
Date sent: Tue, 19 Aug 1997
Name: Max Long
Age: 8
School: Centennial Elementary
E-Mail Address: waddie@atcon.com
I am from Cape Breton Island in eastern Canada. I like to play the guitar. I like to play baseball. I have one brother named Jude. My pet dog is named oreo.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Mon, 18 Aug 1997
Name: Elizabeth "Andy" Winn
Age: 13 (almost)
School: Danforth Middle School
E-Mail Address: 4winns@moment.net
Howdy!!! I am from the hillcountry of TEXAS!!! I think my verdict is all of the
choices: Cronally Cool, Cataclysmically Cosmic, etc..etc..etc...I think that the Internet is the best invention for people!! So many people to meet!! Oh, If any one reads this who is around 13, in 1997, or the eqivelant in the future, please email me at 4winns@moment.net. I really would like a bunch of penpals!! I hope that someone from all other places would like to email me!!! If anyone who reads this is around 9 in 1997 who wants a Texan penpal I have a
little brother who would like a penpal!! I don't have a school homepage because it is such a small school but I will try to get one up and send you the address!
Happy Trails!!!!! Andy (my real name is Elizabeth)
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sun, 17 Aug 1997
Name: Roisin Roe
Age: 21
Hello, this is Roisin & Alan, originally from Shankill, but now living in Boston, U.S.A. Hope you are all enjoying your summer holidays or should I say "enjoyed"..... you're back at school now, when you read this message. Anyway, want to say hello to Luke Roe, HI LUKE !!!!! WE MISS YOU !!!! Hope you had a good time over here !! We have an elephant joke for you.
Q: Why do Elephants have big ears?
A: 'Cause Noddy wouldn't pay the Ransom!!!!!!!
Over and out for now, loved your homepage. Nice pictures of Bray!!! If you want to send a message back my e-mail is rroe@panagora.com and I will send one back to you !!!!!
Bye from Boston .....Roisin & Alan
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Thu, 14 Aug 1997
Name: Corey Bryan Lawson
Age: 7
School: Little Acorn School
E-Mail Address: Joey-J@worldnet.att.com
I live in Caswell Co N.C. I live on a farm and go to homeschool. My grandmother is my teacher. My brother Cody who is four years old goes to school with me, he is very smart. I am interested in Ireland because my ancestors came from there. I have red hair that comes from the Irsh in me. I would like to hear from your class sometime and I will write to your class. We are goring to the Blue Ridge Mountains in Sept in western North Carolina.
Why do Elepl;ants wear red tennis shoes?????
So they can hide in cherry trees !!!
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Thu, 14 Aug 1997
Name: Shirley Johnson
I teach computers at St. Joseph School in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, USA. I enjoyed your students' magazine and your newsletter. It's amazing how similar or activites are. What a small world.
Date sent: Wed, 6 Aug 1997
Name: Sarah Dolsky
Age: 13
School: Crystal Park
E-Mail Address: kdolsky@telusplanet.net
Hi . Im 13 and from Canada. I like Dancing and reading and surfing the net. Heres a Joke.
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work?
A Stick!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 30 Jul 1997
Name: Sian Elson
E-Mail Address: luke@elson1.force9.co.uk
I live in Wales, and I am fascinated by Celtic culture.
Date Sent: Tue, 29 Jul 1997
Name: Michelle Gorrie
E-Mail Address: Karate_Chick@hotmail.com
I think that this website is the best! The Jokes are very funny!! HA HA HA
Date Sent: Mon, 28 Jul 1997
Name: Carrie Windham
E-Mail Address: windham@gulftel.com
Hi! I am a 15 year old girl living in Alabama, U.S.A. I love Irish culture and would love to correspond with anyone who shares my interest in all things Irish, or who could tell me more about Ireland. I plan to live in Ireland after I graduate. I am interested inmusic, art, literature, nature, and much more. Please write!!!!!!!! (-:
Date Sent: Mon, 28 Jul 1997
Name: Jennifer DeFluiter
E-Mail Address: rjcastle@imageline.com
I'm a teacher at a small private school in Colorado. I've really enjoyed visiting your school via the Internet!
Date Sent: Fri, 25 Jul 1997
Name: Amy Garrett
E-Mail Address: agarrett@phoenix.kent.edu
I found this to be a very interesting site. I'm looking for good sites for adults who work on the Internet with children. This is a great site!
Date Sent: Mon, 21 Jul 1997
Name: Ashleigh Karol
Age: 13
School: Elboya Junior High
E-Mail Address: karolk@cadvision.com
This is a pretty cool website, although I've never been there, and neither have
any of my relatives. But the Website is GREAT
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date Sent: Thu, 17 Jul 1997
Name: Denise Fitzgerald
E-Mail Address: dfitzgerald@kiwi.dep.anl.gov
I am a teacher in Chicago working on my Masters in Technology. I loved your homepage!!. I will also be in Ireland this summer and will be visiting the Wicklow region. You did a great job, I will show my children when I return to school in the fall. I teach first grade. Does your school do email pals? I would be interested in this!!
Date Sent: Sat, 12 Jul 1997
Name: Jordan
E-Mail Address: paulas@rocketmail.com
My name is Jordan. I thought that your jokes were very funny and I would like to see a lot
Date sent: Tue, 8 Jul 1997
Name: John Ludwig
E-Mail Address: sludwig@macconnect.com
I go to school at St Paul's Catholic School at Jacksonville Beach Florida. I'm 11 years old
I'm going into sixth grade. I've been playing soccer for 7 years and I like to
rollerblade. Next year I might be visiting Bray. I think you have great elephant jokes
Date sent: Mon, 7 Jul 1997
Name: Ryan Wenzel
Age: 12
School: Lombardi Middle School
E-Mail Address: fantour@netnet.net
I am from Green Bay, WI in the USA. My ancestors are from Ireland and I thought I should
check this site out!
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Mon, 7 Jul 1997
Name: Erin Golden
Age: 9
School: McMurray Elemantary
E-Mail Address: Trdazur@aol.com
"You can beat some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time and
those are pretty good odds!"
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Fri, 4 Jul 1997
Name: Amie Palmer
Age: 10
School: Wadsworth Elementary
E-Mail Address: JnPalmer@sprynet.com
I am an Irish-American and I just wanted to say Hi!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 2 Jul 1997
Name: Stephanie Lange
Age: 14
School: C.J. Houston
E-Mail Address: slange.sk@sympatico.ca
What's black and white and black and blue
and goes round and round? A nun falling down the
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Tue, 24 Jun 1997
Age: 10
School: Snoqualmie Elementary
E-Mail Address: smchugh@brigadoon.com
Hi! I am on the internet looking for a " web" pal on my computer. Practickly all my family
lives in Ireland. They live in Moat, Westmeath. I live in Washington near Seattle. I was in
Wicklow last year visiting my Aunt Ann in Laragh who owns a coffe shop. So if anyone is
interested, E mail me.
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Fri, 20 Jun 1997
Name: Mike Iden
E-Mail Address: edesign@newsfactory.net
I was busy updating a few Sites for my company, as I trapped in Yahoo's "Lands and cities".
I remembered my hollidays in Ireland, and especially Wicklow, and especially Bray. First I
was dissapointed that I could't find a few pictures of Bray, but then I found your Homepage.
Though I never was in this shool, I feel familiar with it. Strange, isn't it ? However, many
greetings from Germany.
P.S. Is it true, that Bono grew up in Bray ?
Editor: I don't think he grew up here but he used to live in a small Martello tower (these were watchtowers built by the British during Napoleonic times to guard the coast). When Bono moved, he kept the thing, and rented it out to people for a pound a month, or something like that. Shane McGowan lived there for a while. James Joyce lived for a while in a house about a hundred yards away on the seafront, the one where Liz McManus TD, a minister in the last government, now lives.
Date sent: Sat, 10 May 1997
Name: Aisling Howard.
Age: 6
School: Loreto Dalkey
E-Mail Address: howard@tinet.ie
Why do ELEPHANTS have tusks?
You scratch my back and I will scratch yours.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 1 May 1997
Name: Mike and Maggie
Age: 50+
School: long long ago.....
E-Mail Address: MRockh@earthlink.net
Just happened upon your elephant joke page (searched for dead elephants).
Really got a "hoot" from it. Bookmarked your site, will return to visit the
rest in the future.
Best of Luck, study hard! (But don't forget the elephant jokes)
Mike and Maggie, Montclair, California, U.S.A.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Mon, 28 Apr 1997
Name: Paul Kelly
E-Mail Address: peaches@indigo.ie
I'm an ex-pupil who's seen your site a couple of times but kept forgetting to sign the guest
book. Anyway I'd just like to say how great a site this is, and how much I loved going to
St.Cronans. Hi to all the teachers, parents and anyone who helps out around the school.
Date sent: Sun, 27 Apr 1997
Name: Valerie Mc Kenna Brennan
E-Mail Address: terval@xl.ca
I really enjoyed your student's email letters and the elephant jokes. I am from Bray and
now live in Vancouver Canada, all of my family still live in Bray, Hi to everyone in Bray, keep up the great work St. Cronans.
Date sent: Thu, 10 Apr 1997
Name: Michael Hardy
Age: 14
School: Salem Junior High School
E-Mail Address: iceman188@juno.com
I enjoyed your page. Salem has a page. It's not as good as this one, but it's under construction.
Verdict: Earthily Engaging
Date sent: Wed, 09 Apr 1997
From: Marcel van der Geest mvdgeest@bart.nl
Name: Marcel van der Geest
I found this site while I was surfing the web to find some information
about where to fish and sleep this summer. Adresses of some cheap hotels
are welcome. Actually any information or links about Ireland are welcome,
because the only thing we do know is that we're going to Ireland this summer.
Greetings from The Hague, Holland
Date sent: Sun, 6 Apr 1997
Age: 9
E-Mail Address: venter@iinet.net.au
Hi there in Ireland. I visited your site while looking for kids jokes. Here is a joke.
Q. What's a cat's favourite exercise?
A. Puss-ups
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Thu, 3 Apr 1997
Name: W. Patrick Bray... Yes, it is!
Age: 31
School: MACC
E-Mail Address: W036613b@mail.macc.cc.mo.us
Greetings, from Bray to Bray. My name is Patrick Bray and I live in Glasgow, Missouri, USA. I Enjoyed your homepage. Hope to actually visit Bray someday. My wife is a teacher
(7,8&10th grades), so I'm sure we would want to see your school. Unfortunately, I think it
will be a long time before we can afford the trip. My favorite football team (American,
college football) is (of course!) the Fightin' Irish of Notre Dame. Some of you might know
that they clobbered Navy, in Dublin, last year. I watched!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Mon, 17 Mar 1997
Name: Mrs. Nagle and Room 113
Age: 7-8
School: Ezra H. Baker
E-Mail Address: snagle@capecod.net
We are celebrating Saint Patrick's Day today!!! We are all wearin' the GREEN!!!
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Mon, 17 Mar 1997
From: kwwhitaker kwwhitaker@apex2000.net
Name: Kathy Loreece Whitaker
Howdy from Texas! I enjoyed your site very
much! Keep up the good work amigos.
I plan to come back and visit often.
Date sent: Mon, 17 Mar 1997
From: Gordon Breckenridge gbrecken@northland.lib.mi.us
I was looking for some kids' jokes to E-mail to my neice in Wisconsin and my grandsons
in Traverse City, Michigan. I happened upon your page and wondered what kind of jokes you would think of. They are very strange. Actually, I used to tell some of these same jokes
when I was a kid, and I'm over 50 years old! I'll relay some of the elephant jokes to my
relatives. Thanks. K
Date sent: Sun, 16 Mar 1997
From: Graeme Lyon lyon.family@xtra.co.nz
Name: Susan Lyon
The Elephant jokes are cool.
My School (Hutt Intermediate, New Zealand)
doen't have an address but my personal one is:
Date sent: Sat, 15 Mar 1997
Name: Joline Oswald
Age: 45
School: Irving Elementary
E-Mail Address: www.oswalddj@starcourier.com
I am a home economics/6th grade teacher. Cooking is fun. Liked your elephant jokes and will
share them with my sixth graders.
Verdict: Consummately Continental
Date sent: Sat, 8 Mar 1997
Name: Gabriella White-Pereira
Age: 9.5
School: Dom Infante Henrique
E-Mail Address: nop43832@mail.telepac.pt
Hi my name is Gabriella White-Pereira and I live in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. My Mother
is from Ireland and my Father is from Madeira. My Grandfather lives near Clonmel in Co.
Tipperary and I go there nearly every year on my holidays. My Aunt lives in Dublin, she is
a Barrister and works at the Four Courts. I would like to have a friend to write to at your
Bye for now.
Gabi White-Pereira
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Thu, 6 Mar 1997
Name: Caitlin Rose Cullen
Age: 8
School: Goshen Central School
E-Mail Address: tcullen3@ny.frontiercomm.net
I'm from New York State in USA.
My school doesn't have a home page but I like you page a lot
I went to England in November to visit my friend Holly Shaw
What do you call an elephant that flies?
A Dumbo Jet!
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Thu, 6 Mar 1997
Name: Grade 6 boys
Age: 12
School: Stella Niagara Education Park
E-Mail Address: snep@ag.net
What time is it when an elephant sits on
your fence?
Time to get a new fence.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Mon, 3 Mar 1997
Name: Marie Fitzpatrick
Age: 30+
School: St Thomas More
E-Mail Address: not yet
I'm writing from San Francisco. I love your homepage and your jokes really cracked me up. I
teach sixth grade here, ten and eleven year olds mostly. Hopefully when I get to school
tomorrow I can show them the jokes. We are just getting started working with the Internet but we don't have e-mail yet. When we do we will contact you again.
Bye for now,
Marie Fitzpatrick
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sun, 2 Mar 1997
Name: Cindy Berube
Age: 23
School: Narragansett School, Maine
E-Mail Address: cindy_berube@gorham.me.us
Sounds like you have a great program in progress. I read through the curriculum and read
some of the children's work. They seem like they would be a real treat to work with. I
would like to learn more about your school. I am looking into teaching abroad and your
school is just the type I am looking for. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to visit!!!
Verdict: Earthily Engaging
Date sent: Tue, 18 Feb 1997
Name: Charles H. Pimlott
Age: 35
School: Perkins school for the Blind
E-Mail Address: usn02182@interramp.com
Hello from Boston! I am Ciaran Devitts' uncle. Please say hello to him for me and tell him to
send me some e-mail.
p.s. His sister Anne Marie says hi!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Wed, 5 Feb 1997
Name: Marc Foley
Age: 30
School: Boston College Law School (USA)
E-Mail Address: Foleymz@mail1.bc.edu
Hello. I'm an old American man - 30 years of age!
My wife and I love your poems, especially the Christmas ones.
Cheers, and lets all pray for summer to come quickly!
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Tue, 04 Feb 1997
From: Susan Plunkett splunket@scu.edu.au
Organization: Southern Cross University
I am a former teacher who is interested in both Irish history (specifically Brehon Law)
and was looking round the Web. I found your site via recommendation from another Irish web
site. I am currently working towards a PhD which will involve assisting some Australian
students to use the Internet and email to explore aspects of our Marine Environment. We
would then like to spend time in 1998 exploring other parts of the world possibly via
schools such as yours. I love your site.
From: mquigley@mho.net (Mike Quigley)
Date sent: Mon, 3 Feb 1997
Name: Lissa Quigley, 7th grader and I'm a quarter Irish
Hi Im Lissa Quigley from Smiley Middle School in Denver Colorado U.S.A. And
I liked your web page. My school is interested in creating a web page and
it would be nice to hear from you with your ideas.
Date sent: Wed, 29 Jan 1997
Name: Mr. Keefe"s Class
Age: 10.5
School: Conners Emerson School
E-Mail Address: rbarter@emerson.u98.k12.me.us
Greetings from Mr. Keefe's Class in Bar Harbor, Maine USA. Thanks for the music.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sat, 25 Jan 1997
Age: 22
E-Mail Address: sulliva7@village.ios.com
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Mon, 20 Jan 1997
From: Mark Shubrick mars@indigo.ie
Organization: MARS Computing
Name: Trish Shubrick
Hi! I just want to send you a big bouquet,
I think you have a great site, looks very professional,
and has just the right mix!! I wish the children in
our local national school could do this, but alas we
are not even on-line!!!--How much of the actual work
is done by the children?
Good Luck.
Date sent: Sun, 19 Jan 1997
Name: lauren cox
Age: 16
School: gahanna lincoln high school
E-Mail Address: ???????????????????????
Hey whats up? I'm from Gahanna, Ohio. It's a suburb of Columbus (the capital of Ohio) I met
some one from ireland, his name is Shane. he has a twin brother named Lee! They're from
Co. Laois. Anyways! I really don't have a favorite football team, I love basket ball !!!
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Tue, 07 Jan 1997
From: charper harper@eisenhower.flint.k12.mi.us
Name: Cathy Harper
Hello. I am new to the internet and am Happy to have discovered your Website.
You did a Very Good Job! We here at Eisenhower School, Flint,MI, USA are just
now starting to develop our School Page.You gave us some very good ideas.
Cathy Harper
Media Specialist
Flint, MI USA
Date sent: Mon, 6 Jan 1997
Name: Scott MacEachern
Age: 11
School: Quilchena Elementary
E-Mail Address: mace@mindlink.bc.ca
I'd really like how you have an Irish school
page on the internet unlike my school.
I already E-mailed you about the Irish houses.
My favorite football team (not soccer) is the
Miami Dolphins.
I also have an elephant joke:
Q: How do you get down off an elephant?
A: You don't. You get down off a duck.
(Sorry, it's my dad's joke).
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Wed, 25 Dec 1996
Name: Helen O'Sullivan
School: St Cronan's
E-Mail Address: none
Happy New Year to all my colleagues with love from Helen
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Wed, 18 Dec 1996
From: Brian Martin Cunniffe brian1@emirates.net.ae
Name: Anne Cunniffe
I really enjoyed the elephant jokes. I don't have a home page I'm just using my dad's
Date sent: Fri, 13 Dec 1996
Name: Susan
Age: 21
E-Mail Address: susan.carroll@cmi.co.uk
Congratulations on your site, I work in an online publishing company so I know how much work goes into it. Keep it up!
Elephant joke (very old!)
How do you know if there's an elephant
in your fridge?
Footprints in the butter.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Fri, 6 Dec 1996
Name: Michael Reynolds
Age: 13
School: St. Gerards
E-Mail Address: Reynglen@iol.ie
Hello everyone, anyone still here from
95/96 will know who I am, Michael Reynolds.
Hi, Mr. Barry, Ms. O' Sullivan, Mrs. Gorman,
Ms. Breathnach, and Breege and anyone I
didn't have time to mention and
congratulations on a cool site.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Fri, 6 Dec 1996
Name: Brendan Mc Grane
Age: 18
School: University of North Carolina
E-Mail Address: bdmcgran@bulldog.unca.edu
I was just "surfing the internet" when I came across your page. I think it is great, I come
from Bray myself (Ballywaltrim) but I did not go to Cronans, but to St. Fergals when Mr.
Vaughan used to teach there. So keep up the good work.
I'm a Liverpool supporter.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Wed, 4 Dec 1996
Name: nora grady
Age: 11
School: st john + james
E-Mail Address: grady@stlnet.com
i live in the usa i like your page
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Mon, 2 Dec 1996
Name: Patrick Nice
Age: 10
School: St. Ambrose Catholic School
E-Mail Address: fnice@iquest.net
I would like to have a pen-pal if anyone would like to write.
Verdict: Consummately Continental
Date sent: Mon, 25 Nov 1996
Name: Sr. Maureen Flynn
Age: old
School: Cor Jesu Academy
E-Mail Address: mflynn@corjesu.pvt.k12.mo.us
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Mon, 25 Nov 1996
Name: Robert N. Calkins
Age: 48
School: Sutton Elementary
E-Mail Address: calkins@tps.k12.mi.us
I teach 4th grade (8-9 yr olds) in Tecumseh, Michigan USA and am looking for classes of
like age groups with which to carry on a pen-pal style project in Science and/or Social
Studies. Our Social Studies curriculum is based upon our state history (Michigan) and our
Science curriculum is pretty open-ended. If anyone at St. Cronan's school or readers of the
guest book are interested, please contact me at your convenience.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date sent: Sun, 24 Nov 1996
Name: Justin Welch
Age: 13
School: Halfway Elem.
E-Mail Address: hlfmotl@pdx.oneworld.com
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sun, 24 Nov 1996
From: Christophe SALOME csalome@gamb.fdn.org
Name: Christophe SALOME
Beautiful site. I found you just reading our own guestbook, Ecole des Hospitalières,
St-Gervais, Paris, FRANCE
Best regards from France...
Date sent: Sat, 23 Nov 1996
Name: Joshua Voth
Age: 9
School: Purcell Elementary
E-Mail Address: voth@flash.net
I am from Purcell, Oklahoma in the heart of america. I love the Kansas City Chiefs...
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sat, 16 Nov 1996
Name: Jon Harvey
Age: 10
School: Quilchena
E-Mail Address: lewish@Direct.Ca
Eoin Dornan's homepage rocks
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Thu, 14 Nov 1996
Name: Sarah Tell
Age: 12
School: Valley Junior High School
E-Mail Address: fourtell@sdcoe.k12.ca.us
Hi. I like your homepage. Cool music. I'm from Carlsbad, CA, near San Diego. Please, if
you have time I'd like to hear from you.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: mdenny@gronet.grossmont.k12.ca.us
Date sent: Wed, 06 Nov 96
Name: Marc Denny
Your homepage made our city's newspaper. I thought you'd like to know you are now popular in San Diego, California. Our school is coming on line this year and our email address is ROPStu05@Grossmont.k12.ca.us/ You have a very interesting homepage and it looks like your students are enjoying their involvement with computers.
Keep up the good work!
Date sent: Tue, 29 Oct 1996
From: CATHY BOCK township.brantford@sympatico.ca
Name: Cathy Bock
Hello from Otterville, Ontario, Canada. A very impressive site, enjoyed viewing. I
happened to choose Bray, Ireland to see what was available on the internet in the hope of
finding a place where I could contact a Youth Exchange Student we hosted this past July from
Bray. Being relatively new to the internet I am amazed how in the twink of an eye I am in
Ireland. I will be visiting often (internet, that is).
Date sent: Sat, 26 Oct 1996
Name: Sharon Murray
Age: 39
School: Saddleback Community Church, Mission Viejo, Ca. USA
E-Mail Address: spmurray@earthlink.net
I found your page searching for jokes for children. I am writing scripts for puppets that
live in Adventure Land. That's what we call our church for children. Adventure Land is a
fun jungle, where lots of silly things happen. Our puppets help each other get out of
trouble each week by learning God's words from the Bible. The puppets interact with the
kids, the teachers, and the musicians. Our goal is to teach children that learning about
God's plan for their lives can be fun, and that Jesus is their Forever Friend. I've bookmarked your site because Eleanor Elephant likes to tell elephant
jokes to the kids. She remembers jokes but she can never remember the Bible verse, so the kids have to help her. Through cyberspace, you have helped about 900 children at my Sunday school learn about God! That's awesome! Do you know any frog jokes, or knock knock jokes about bananas, coconuts, monkeys, or anything that God put in jungles? Thanks again!
God Bless You All!
P.S. My grandfather was from County Cork, and we all have the red hair to prove it. I'm
going to visit Ireland someday - I've heard it's beautiful!
Verdict: Galactically Great
Date sent: Sun, 20 Oct 1996
Name: Kathleen Machan
Age: 28
School: Lanier Middle School
E-Mail Address: kmachan@coe.uga.edu
Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia, USA! I am a seventh grade teacher at Lanier Middle School. We are a public, coed school in Buford, Georgia which is a suburb of Atlanta. Our school has about 1200 students and we are still growing! I enjoyed reading your delightful homepage. Our school is in the process of being networked and I soon hope to get my students on the web. You have inspired me! Keep up the excellent work:)
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
From: JRosse@aol.com
Date sent: Sun, 13 Oct 1996
Name: Jim Rosse
Age: 64
Greetings from Omaha, NE., USA. My wife and I travelled through your area this past summer. It was beautiful.We live in the middle of The States. Our neighboring State is Iowa. Very near to my home, Omaha, is a town called Avoca. I will try to see if there is a connection between your Avoca and our Avoca.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Tue, 08 Oct 1996
From: ilseo ilseo@bansong.bansong-ps.pusan.kr
Organization: bansong elementray school
Name: Parkyoungju
I am a Korean. Nice to meet you.
I am a teacher at bansong elementary school in Korea, Pusan.
If you send me letters write to ilseo@bora.dacom.co.kr
That is my E-mail address.
Date sent: Fri, 27 Sep 1996
From: "Johnny W. Warren"
Name: Hannah Warren
Hello from Dublin, Georgia, USA. I enjoyed your web page, the sounds were great! Maybe we can connect my fifth grade students with your students. It would be fun for them learn about Ireland
Date sent: Thu, 26 Sep 1996
Name: St. Anthony's 4th Grade
Age: 9
School: St. Anthony's Catholic Elementary
E-Mail Address: saselem@mail.trip.net
Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Tuba who?
Tuba toothpaste.
You all should come and visit our school in Texas! It's a cool place! It's a cool place
because it's warm all-year round (90 F today), we live near the Gulf of Mexico, we're 2
hours away from Mexico, we have the best food (Tex-Mex) and great sea food and pizza is awesome! Watch out for the fire ants, though! When they bite you, it stings like crazy!
Pete got bit by a fire ant and has a big old bump on his thumb! And our favorite football
team (American football!) is the Dallas Cowboys! And our favorite football player is Emmit Smith! (Deion Sanders isn't too bad either!)
Sincerely, Pete, Aaron, and Marty. See you later, alligators!
Thanks! Have a good day!!! Goodbye!! And God bless you!!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Tue, 17 Sep 1996
E-Mail Address: fairfieldhghts@s054.aone.net.au
Name: Deirdre Ratcliffe
I used to teach in Tenure National School (just outside Drogheda) and am now the Teacher Librarian at a large primary school (680 students) in the southwest of Sydney. It's great to find an Irish school on the Net!!
Date sent: Thu, 12 Sep 1996
Name: Liz
Age: 11
School: Lewiston Elementry
E-Mail Address: pinecove@tcoe.trinity.k12.ca.us
Q. Why did it take the elephant so long to come to dinner?
A. Because he was washing behind his ears!
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date sent: Tue, 3 Sep 1996
Name: Ngawara Highet
Age: 11
School: Elmwood, CHCH, New Zealand
E-Mail Address: jhighet@xtra.co.nz
Q. How can you tell if there's an elephant hiding in your fridge
A. You can't shut the fridge door!!
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Sat, 31 Aug 1996
Name: Mr. L
Age: 40+
School: H.A. Snow Elementary
E-Mail Address: SnoTcCentr@AOL.Com
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
Date sent: Fri, 30 Aug 1996
Name: Joe Tholen
Age: 38
School: Neosho Rapids Elem. (Kansas/USA)
Your page looks great! I was in Dublin a year or so ago and I think I was in your area a time or two...I should've dropped in!
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Sat, 17 Aug 1996
Name: Gerald Patrick Maloney
Age: 57
School: University of Detroit
E-Mail Address: cpmalone@ix.lnetcom.com
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 09 Aug 1996
From: Jayaprakash jp855@satyamblr.satyam.com
Organization: Satyam Computer Services Limited
Name: Harish
Was here because of a Yahoo search on elephant jokes.
Great stuff. Reminded me of my school days once again.
Date sent: Wed, 7 Aug 1996
Age: O5
E-Mail Address: NONE YET
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date sent: Sun, 7 Jul 1996
Name: Jenna Siltanen
Age: 10
School: Colchester Elementary, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
E-Mail Address: siltanen@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
I liked your elephant jokes, but the jokes here are a bit different. I read some of the Pupils
Pages. I have one question about the pupil pages. What is hurley? I love soccer(football)!
Oh by the way, I have another elephant joke.
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Date sent: Sat, 6 Jul 1996
Name: Alan Martin
Age: 16
School: Belridge Senior High School
E-Mail Address: martin@net1.nw.com.au
Hello everyone at St. Cronans. My cousin Stephen Gallagher goes to your school and is
age 9. I used to live in Bray. Currently I live in Perth, Western Australia. Bye!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Sat, 22 Jun 1996
Name: Lauren Frakes
Age: 10
School: Lawnton Elementary School
E-Mail Address: laurangello@aol.com
Q: What did the Grape say when the Elephant sat on him???
A: Nothing, he just let out a little wine!
Q: Why did a Mouse ride an Elephant to the store?
A: There was a lot of space in his trunk!
Thanks for the chance to send you my elephant jokes. I hope you like them. My school in Harrisburg, PA in the USA does not have a home page yet. Maybe we will start one soon.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date sent: Fri, 21 Jun 1996
Name: Dan and Susan Welter
Age: Old
School: Graduated,thank you
E-Mail Address: Dwelter@wow.com
My wife and I have been to your beautiful area and wish we were back there this
summer. Hope you're enjoying your vacation.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 1996
From: edward@indigo.ie
Organization: Kennedy I.T. Services Ltd.
Name: Edward Kennedy
I am a past student (1979) and have just returned (after 15 years) from Australia. Its
good to see the school keeping up with the times.
From: murphypt@pobox.upenn.edu
Date: Fri, 31 May 96
Name: Patrick T. Murphy
Nice to see St. Cronan's on the web from one so far away
Date: Fri, 31 May 1996
From: plpoindexter@express-news.net
Name: Pat Poindexter
I teach elementary physical education in San Antonio Texas.....the name of our school is scheh elementary.....I am interested in corresponding with the p.e. teacher in your school....your home page is great.
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996
Name: Joanne Butt
Age 10
School: Gander Nf. Canada.A1V 1K8
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996
Name: Robert Maguire
Age: 13
School: Presentation College Bray
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
From: guilerm@pc.jaring.my
Date: Sat, 18 May 1996
Name: Theresa Velasquez
School: British Council, Malaysia
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your
pupils pages, jokes and about your
school. You are lucky to have such
a wonderful school and facilities. I am
an English Language teacher and I
am going to be doing a holiday course
starting on 27th May. Problem is that
I have never worked with children
your age (11-15) and I'd love some
ideas of your interests so as I can make
my Malaysian/Asian students sit up
and take notice, and catch their interests.
You would be amazed that a country
so far away has so many similarities.
I know the Cranberries and Oasis are
a big hit here! I am Scottish by the
way and my husband is Colombian.
If you would like to send some messages
to the students who are studying at
the British Council then please
do so using my E-mail address - they
are not lucky enough to have access
themselves - I'll be your link...OK?
Come to Malaysia - there's a welcome
here for you..........
Byyyyyyeeeeeee, Terri
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: Rose School Lab rose.schl@sdcoe.k12.ca.us
Date: Mon, 13 May 96
Name: Mrs. Susan Kane
Age: ??
School: Juniper Elementary
Dia dhuit
I teach 3rd. class, and we have been trying to learn some Gaelic phrases. I lived in
Glanmire, Co. Cork a few years ago, and my children went to school there. We really miss
our home there.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: AsherHolm@aol.com
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996
School: Asher Holmes Elementary
We are an American third grade (8-9 year olds). Our school is in New Jersey about 45
minutes drive from the ocean. We are learning about Ireland. Your homepage is a lot of fun!
We are going to read the elephant jokes now. We may send you some later. Thank you very much!
Verdict: Galactically Great
From: Caroline Curtis curtisc@awod.com
Date: Mon, 13 May 96
Name: Whitesides Elementary-USA
Hello from Charleston, South Carolina-US
We Love your Page:)
From: ruby@border.com
Date: Mon, 6 May 1996
Name: Ruby Johnston
I'm working late this evening here in Toronto, Canada. In my office I'm listening to some CD's (Sean Keane, Altan etc...).
Thought I would take a break and find out what's
happening in Wicklow via the net. My Mom is from Co. Wicklow and I've
been through Bray and Avoca many times. I enjoyed reading
the students' pages. This summer we will be having
another Celtic festival here in Toronto.
Much success to you all in your computer studies.
If you have any questions concerning Toronto please feel
free to e-mail.
From: Bernard Goldbach stripes@iol.ie
Date: Sun, 05 May 96
Name: fiona hannon
Love the elephants, pity about the jokes!!
From: Jerry Cloutier jerry_c@ids.net@ids.net
Date: Thu, 02 May 96
Name: Becky Cloutier
I am just returning from a visit to Ireland with the Mount Saint Charles Academy Band (Woonsocket, Rhode Island,USA). We were hosted by the FCJ school in Bunclody. All of the Irish people we met were exceptionally nice and my group was very impressed with your country. I hope to return to Ireland soon. Your homepage is very interesting. I
spent quite a bit of time looking at all its features. Good luck in the future and maybe someday we will meet in person.
Becky Cloutier
From: Fergus Corkery corkery@indigo.ie
Date: Thu, 02 May 96
Name: Paul Molloy
Age: 10
School: St. Cronans
Knock,knock Whos there?
Butcher who?
Butcher your left leg in butcher left leg out.
Man United Rule! Arsenal STINK !!!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Date: Wed, 01 May 1996
From: R Tom Yost tyost@silcom.com
Name: Chryss Yost
Age: 29
School: Monte Vista Elementary
in Santa Barbara, California, USA. We love your page!
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
Back to current Guest Book or View older Guest Book entries February thru April 1996.