Guest Book
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Back to current Guest Book or view entries for May 1996 thru June 2000
From: pauljohn@interlynx.net
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996
Name: Ryan and Tara
Age: 9
School: Pauline Johnson, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
We are in grade four at P.J. Our Principal's name is Mr. Maddocks. His favourite
football team is Manchester United. We really enjoyed the elephant jokes.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: spookie@SNET.Net
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 96
Name: Lee Bernardi
Age: 10
School: Bolton Center School
Hello from Conecticut, USA. I loved visiting you.
I would love to tell you about Connecticut if you would tell me about your school and Ireland. It has snowed over 120 inches here this winter.
I wish I could send you some of our snow.
Best wishes,
Lee Bernardi
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
From: omura@pilot.msu.edu
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996
Name: Jessica Omura
Age: 15
School: OHS
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: "K.Prenter" afu205@bangor.ac.uk
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 96
Name: Kenneth Prenter
I left St. Cronans in 1988 so it is good to see you guys on the net. All the best.
From: jeffersonhall@pacificu.edu
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 96
Name: Nathan Stanley
Age: 21
School: Pacific University, Oregon
Just interested in possibly teaching in Ireland, and so I thought I'd look into it. I was amused with your page and would like to congratulate you on it. My favorite football team is of course team USA.
Verdict: Consumately Continental
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996
From: Ken Taylor ktaylor@premier1.net
I'm an 8th and 9th grade Art and Publication Design teacher in Marysville,Washington, USA. Some of my ancestors were from County Kildare, and my niece lives in Dublin. I enjoyed your web site!
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996
From: Kevin Scanlon scanlonk@fdusvrt1.fdu.edu
Organization: Fairleigh Dickinson University
Age: 21
School: Fairleigh Dickinson University
Hello, I am from Bray but I am studying to be an engineer in the USA.
Your home pages are great, could you mail me and let me know how to start?
Are Luke or Patrick Kinsella going to school now at St. Cronans?? If they are, could you tell them that their cousin Kevin says "How's It Going??"
Thanks, keep up the great work!!!!
From: jemorrison@indiana.edu
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 96
Name: James Morrison
I teach 3rd grade in Bloomington, Indiana, USA. My students will be
learning about Ireland soon so I thought I would check out your homepage.
You have done a great job!
From: sfarthin@cris.com
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 96
Name: Malachi Clark
Age: 18
School: Orange Coast College
Hey, this is a pretty neat page! Keep up the good work. You would never guess by
my name, but I am mostly Irish. I was just virtual touring Ireland on the net, and came
across you guys. I am, and always have been, in love with the country of Ireland. I am in
California, USA, I will visit Ireland in 3 years. If anyone wants to write me, I will try and
write back, and will be happy to share with you all about the USA. Maybe you can tell me
about Ireland. My email address is sjclark@deltanet.com Have fun. I look forward to
hearing from you!
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: Connect Project User ajx011@mail.connect.more.net
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 96
Name: Rebecca Tipton
Great Web Page, congratulations!
My name is Rebecca Tipton and I am the computer teacher and web developer for Park
Academy Middle School in Joplin, Missouri, USA. I would like to invite you to visit our webpage. We have some great links to lesson plans and other curricular areas. I would enjoy hearing your comments on our page. Thanks, Rebecca Tipton
From: Millie Gremonprez styc@ccia.st-thomas.on.ca
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 96
Name:St. Thomas Youth Choir.
Hello from St. Thomas, Ontario Canada. Visited Bray in July 1991 for your festival.
Would love to return again someday to share fun and music. Congratulations on a great
homepage. You are an inspiration to other schools.
From: Liam Good lgood@iol.ie
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 96
Name: Stephen Good
Age: 10
School: St.Mark's National School
My favourite football team is Manchester United F.C. My favourite player is Eric
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
From: Lynn Seigel-Boettner seagull@sbceo.k12.ca.us
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 1996
Very impressive.
From: Ian McLeod mcleod@indigo.ie
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 96
Name: Kay
Age: 9
School: St Iberius School, Wexford
Loved your elephant jokes... never seen so many jokes about the same thing.
Q: Can an elephant jump higher than a lamp-post?
A: Yes -- lamp-posts can't jump.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
From: "Donal O'Sullivan" donalsa@indigo.ie
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 96
Name: Ann O'Sullivan
Well done on your super home page. We really enjoyed reading all the notes from around
the world. What is black and white and read up-side-down?
Answer ............A Newspaper in Australia. Send us your jokes at ccs@iol.ie for the
teachers to have a giggle.
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996
From: Joan Redd Pippin jpippin@iquest.net
I teach at the Francis W. Parker School in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Our school's home
page is under construction. I teach 7th grade
English to12 and 13 year olds because our school goes from nursery to 12th grade. Your
site is one of the best I have seen. I am looking at Irishschools because I hope that during
the academic year 1997-98, my family can go to Ireland for a year while my husband
writes. I am investigating places to live where there are good schools for my children.
My daughter will be 9 and my son will be 12 when we come. Maybe someone can make
suggestions.If students want to correspond with American students, you can begin using
my address: jpippin@iquest.net.
From: stewpc@indigo.ie
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 95
Age: 10
School: St Cronan's 3rd class
Happy St.Patrick's Day to all in St Cronan's. I follow MANCHESTER UNITED. The best
football player in the world is Eric Cantona.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
From: stewpc@indigo.ie
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 95
Age: 10
School: St Cronan's 3rd class
St Cronan's is the best school in BRAY. Happy ST PATRICKS DAY to all. MAN
UNITED is the best football team in the world.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: Dermot Beirne djbeirne@indigo.ie
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 96
Name: Dermot J. Beirne
Age: 22
School: I wish
Well done, one of the best school sites I've seen. Happy St. Paddy's Day to you all.
Verdict: Beautifully Brayish
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996
From: Bill Mokey - mokey@kodak.com
Organization: Eastman Kodak Co.
Name: Corey Prok
Age: 9
Leary school
Happy St. Patrick's Day from Cub Scout, Pack 134 Den 1, Rush, New York, United
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: Mark Lynch - lynchm@indigo.ie
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 96 20:48:52 -0800
Name: Billy Lynch
Very impressive layout and content.
Well done.
From: dornani dornani@indigo.ie
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 96
Name: John Brophy
Age: old
School: AIB - Systems Support
Nice site - keep up the good work.
Q What was the elephant doing on the. phone.
A. He was making a trunk call of course.
A soldier was making his first parachute jump, and he
was very nervous.. His instructor said to him. 'Don't worry...all you have to do is jump out
of the aeroplane, count. to three, shout Geronimo, and pull the ripcord'. The soldier said
ok. The instructor opened the door of the plane, pushed . the soldier out and closed the
door of the plane.. After 30 seconds there was a knock on the door of the plane.. The
instructor opened it, and there was the soldier flapping in the wind. and holding on for
dear life.. 'What do you want asked the instructor. 'What was the name of that Indian
again' asked the soldier.
As to football, there is no doubt at all that Chelsea will beat Wimbledon and go on to get revenge on Man Utd. Come on ye Blues.
Verdict : Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: SAD 54 Canaan School canaan@mint.net
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 96
Name: Mr. Reardon's 4th Grade
Class Age: 10
School: Canaan Elementary School
We are a
public school in Canaan, Maine, U.S.A. We just got on the Internet about three weeks
ago. We are fascinated with your homepage. We do not have one yet, but it should be
coming soon. The students in our class are mostly nine and ten. We would love to hear
from you by e-mail.
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
From: Steven Kavanagh - eskimos@treknet.is
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 96
Name: Susanna Ros Westlund
As a teacher I must say it really pleases me to know how many schools have taken into
there service the Internet. I'm from Iceland and here the plan is that every school be
connected as soon as possible and that every school make it's own homepage. My school
has no homepage yet but we are working on it. My personal e-mail address is
eskimos@treknet.is Keep up the good work
From: Highraise@aol.com
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996
Name: Jean Kelly
Hi! from Washington D.C. I'm from county Wicklow and traveling in USA. Saw your
internet page and thought I would write.
From: chas@iol.ie
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 96
Name: Charles Coughlan
Nice to just call in and say hello. I am teaching in Mayfield Community school Cork and
just back home from a meeting. Cheers to one and all chas@indigo.ie
From: dempseya@tcd.ie
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 96
Name: Anthony Dempsey
Well done to all at St Cronans involved in the production of this home page. I like the
layout and the use of colour and graphics. Please tell Stephen Dempsey one of your pupils
that his dad has visited your home page.
Best Regards
Tony Dempsey
From: yr49508@cs.may.ie (THOMAS PAUL)
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 96
Name: Paul Thomas
The elephant joke page is excellent
From: "Declan O'Neill" - oneills@indigo.ie
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 96
Name: Conor O'Neill
Age: 12
School: St.Cronans
Aston Villa rule
Verdict: Systematically Solar
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 96
From: Linda McCrocklin blurivel@iquest.net
Organization: Blue River Valley Elementary Kindergarten
Subject: Hello from USA
We are a rural kindergarten class in Indiana, USA. Do you have any
kindergarten classes on the Internet? We would be interested in
communicating with them!
Will you have special activities for March 17? We would like to hear
about those too!
Thank you for your time,
Linda McCrocklin's Kindergarten Class
Box 187
Mt. Summit,
From: larry_bowe@sunshine.net
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 96
Age: 47
School: St Pauls Raheny
Great Jokes. Away from Dublin 26 yrs. The Net has brought me closer to home than ever
before. If you can ...stay in Ireland when you graduate.
God Bless.
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
From: Andrew Morgan - morgan@indigo.ie
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 96
Age: 12
School: St. Cronan's
I support Aston Villa.
Verdict: Hemispherically Hot
From: Brendan Moran - bmoran@indigo.ie
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 96
Name: Brendan Moran
Delighted to see people from Bray on the World Wide Web. Best of luck.
From: Elizabeth Cleary (5763) liztai@indigo.ie
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 96
Name: Elizabeth Cleary
Congratulations on a really interesting WebPage Keep up the good work. I love the
Elephant jokes and the poems - I have to read some more items later
Elizabeth Cleary
From: UMQW19A@prodigy.com
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996
I am a medical doctor, trained in Ireland, and living in Norton MA,USA- enjoying your
web site a lot! Keep up the good work!
From: Ryan Michael Pelerin ar456@detroit.freenet.org
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 96
Name: Jennifer Silverston
I loved exploring your page I am from a village just outside of Detroit Michigan. Please feel free to e-mail me at Silverston@uls.pvt.k12.mi.us
Thank You and Goodbye
From: cormacs@homenet.ie
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 96
Name: Cormac Sheridan
It's a wonderful thing to see an Irish primary school on the Web. Keep up the good work
From: caleeds@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu (Cheryl A. Leeds)
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 96
Name: Cheryl Leeds
I liked your Homepage. I am new on the internet.
From: EnRosko@aol.com
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 1996
Name: Erin Rosko
My school doesnt have a home page yet. I live in Clayton North Carolina U.S.A.
From: "Anne B. Maher" annebm@ousd.k12.ca.us
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 96
Name: Sr. Anne Maher
School: St.John's El Cerrito CA
It was great to be reading a home page from an Irish school. I am originally from Kilkenny
and now live here in El Cerrito..not far from San Francsico. Keep up the good work.
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
Date: Sat, 02 Mar 1996
From: Dan Crowley - dcrowley@msn.fullfeed.com
Name: megan crowley
Age: 10
School leopold Madison, WI, USA
Verdict: Earthily Engaging
From: morrissk@morrissk@ix8.ix.netcom.com
Date: Sat, 02 Mar 96
Name: kaylin morrissey
Age: 10
School: branchville school usa
Verdict: Cronanally Cool
From: Anthony Murphy - amurphy@globe.gov
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 96
Name: Tony P. Murphy
Love your homepage, why not visit the GLOBE pages and check
out this great program. I lived in Killarney Kerry and have worked with the program for
over 1 year. Have been in the States for five years. If interested in the program contact us
here for information about getting involved with the other Irish schools
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996
From: Billy Beggs <"webone"@indigo.ie>
Name: William Rowe
Verdict: Wickedly Wicklowish
From: Marie Lonergan - lonergan@indigo.ie
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 96
Name: Peter Lonergan
Age: 17
School: Pobalscoil Neasain
Nice Page
Verdict: Cataclysmically Cosmic
Back to current Guest Book or view entries for May 1996 thru June 2000