Bronze Age Ireland

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The stone age ended when people found out how to make things from metals such as copper and gold. About 5,500 years ago a metalworker in Western Asia discovered that a mixture of tin and copper made a material much harder than copper alone. This was called Bronze.
Tin + Copper = Bronze

In Ireland the Bronze Age lasted nearly 2,000 years from about 2200BC. In Wicklow, Copper and gold was mined at Avoca. Tin could only be got from Cornwall in England.
In this picture we see Millions of years ago, amber was formed from fossilised sap which flowed from coniferous trees.
  1. What colour is bronze?
  2. What would have made the axe heads green?
  3. What do you think the axes were used for?
  4. How do you think they were made?
  5. Where would the handle go?