A page to be read with furrowed brow.

Here's a selection of images that could be put on the site with minimum of effort, ie they were on my computer already. I'll update this soon with a better quality and better scope selection whenever i feel like. Ive a load of VERY big art that needs a digital camera to take it I reckon so anyone got one they wanna donate, mail me! Anyway I do alot of texture work and skinning for games as well as other art for games. Examples can be found at The Torc Interactive website


This is a picture I'm currently working on. It needs alot of work but it's an example of less cartoony art I had on my harddrive at the time.
A little comic strip I did a few years back that I acctually still find funny. *Chuckle* *Chuckle*
Inspired after watching taxi driver and seeing a Ralph Steadman book for the first time. It's not really Steadman looking but Steadman inspired it is.
My local boozer! I'm currently working on a webpage for it at the moment. Needless to say the meetings with the owner are very....er....productive.
Team.ie. The Quake1 national team took part in a 5 nations tournament in er...1998 was it? dunno but i did this picture as a morale boost kinda thing. They got T-Shirts made of it etc. Caricatures (of sorts) of the team and indeed other quake personalities can be found at http://www.iol.ie/~joesoap/spum . The T-Shirts Must've worked they won the tournament.
This was one of 4 christmas cards I sent out to the unsuspecting few this year.
This illustration was done for a conference on the internet a couple of years back now. Christ only knows where the colour version of it is. I may indeed colour this one again.
Dan Kings brainchild here. Its the FreeBSD Daemon porking the Linux Penguin apparently. Meant nothing to me but is apparently a stonker geek joke. So there!
An advertisment for the RDS Dublin Horseshow. We proposed the campaign, they rejected, we went on about our business.
The newest Quake is Quake3arena. The Irish Squad did a European Cup tour to England this year. I did this up as a morale boost. They wore it on T-Shirts. The got beat round the LAN.T-Shirts are probably burnt.
This I did for a local band Guernica. Well its a CD cover innit.
I've done alot of Skins for games in my time. This is Koopa's of team.ie fame. I did the quake and quake2 national tream skins and am working on a leprachaun model and skin for the quake3 team.
A mate of mine who's the úber-geek of the comic world opened a shop in Temple Bar and asked me to do flyers posters and bumf like that for it. Here's one of the pics I came up with.
Player Of Games - an Irish website devoted to gaming had a competition to find a new logo. This won.
site and graphics copyright Mark "FreaK_BrutheR" Cullen 1999 - eMail : cullenm@eircom.net