A page to be read with furrowed brow.

This page is devoted to my 3d Artwork. It will be updated from time to time but most of my latest work is related to games. These games currently under construction and further examples of work can be found at http://www.torcinteractive.com/

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The picture on the far left is the first scene I ever created using 3d Studio Max. The One on the right is the first I ever created using 3d Studio 4. Both were and exercise in organic shaping and realism for college.
This was done using 3d Studio 4. It has a series of animations showing a rotation and the zoom lens in action.
This Conté pastel box was created using 3d Studio Max. It has a series of animations showing the lid opening and the pastels doing a cresendo effect.
Rodden's is my local bar. This scene was created using 3d Studio Max. It was an exercise to show a walk cycle and to combat "slipping" of feet while turning corners.
This was a jug I saw and decided to make. It was done in Lightwave.
This was modelled to show the animation of a pendulum. I was done in 3d Studio Max and showed the usage of the keyframe animator tools.
This was the first charater I ever built. It was done in 3d Studio 4. There was a walk cycle and swipes with the sword animated a while after it was modelled.
The object here was to show mass in animation. One of the balls in one of the cranes claws was rubber the other a cannonball. The crane came down lifted the ball and let it drop..and cycled back.

I've been involved with computer games for the past couple of years. These are examples of 2 low-poly models. You can see more of my game work at The Torc Interactive Website.

These are a series of stills from a short film myself and a couple of classmates put together for the end of the year. It was showing on http://www.webtv.ie but I'm not sure if it still is.
site and graphics copyright Mark "FreaK_BrutheR" Cullen 1999 - eMail : cullenm@eircom.net