Teaching - HCI1 - Assignments

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Assignment Notes
Assignment 1 - Group  Your company is a group of international assassins. Your mission is to advertise your services on the internet by designing and creating a website. You must make sure to incorporate Human Computer Interaction guidelines as this is, of course, a major concern of your customers. 

To be completed by: 15th November 1999 

Total Marks Available - 40% of submitted coursework 

Marks Breakdown: 

Content / Look and Feel = Possible 40% 
Application of Basic HTML = Possible 30% 
Application of Advanced HTML Authoring Techniques = Possible 30% 

Assignment 2 - Individual  1. Perform a heuristic evaluation of my website, highlighting usability problems, based on the points covered in the lectures on design guidelines. You should also bear in mind the points made by Jakob Nielsen (website). Your evaluation should be in point form and should take up no more than 4 A4 pages. 

2. Create an improved working version of this website that adheres to the design guidelines mentioned above. You must provide a hand-written evaluation of your design (1 A4 page) by another member of your class and a second 1 page evaluation by another student (ie on a different course) or a member of staff.

Marks breakdown:

Section 1 = possible 40%
Section 2 = possible 60%

To be submitted by: 19 January 2000


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