Teaching - HCI1 - Lecture Notes

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I would like to acknowledge the kind help and support of Prof. Terry Anderson who produced the vast majority of these lecture materials.

Week Notes Suggested Reading
Week1 Introduction to HCI Chapters 1 and 2 of "Human-Computer Interaction" By Preece et al.
Week2 User Psychology

HCI Lifecycle overview

Chapters 3-5 of Preece et al
Week3 HCI Guidelines Chapters 24 & 25 of Preece et al
Week4 Hypermedia and the WWW See links section under "Web design"
(when it's available)
Week 5 The User's conceptual model Chapters 6 & 7 of Preece et al
Week 6 HCI Guidelines continued

Direct Manipulation: Icons

Chapters 24 & 25 of Preece et al

Preece et al pp 112-118 

Week 7 Usability Specifications


Preece et al p402, pp651-653, p721

Chapter 29 of Preece et al

Week 8 Practicals all day  
Week 9 Evaluation cont'd Chapters 30 and 31 of Preece et al
Week 10 Task Analysis and 

(Essential) Use Cases

Week 11    
Week 12    

Lecture Notes



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