A page to be read with furrowed brow.

Here's a few webpages I've either worked on or have done completely. I am also currently working on www.gamesart.com and www.roddens.com. The Torc Interactive Website is not finished yet but is getting there.

This is one of Ireland's most popular sites according to recent figures recorded. I can claim no more than to have worked with a cool bunch of people on this site. I did the graphics for it but the depth beyond that is incredible.
One of my personal sites I did when at college in Ballyfermot Senior Technical College,
My main project at the moment is game development. This is the website for our company - Torc Interactive. It is all done by me using Flash.
...Yet another personal web page.
This was once the biggest gaming community in ireland. The IGN run the quake.ie, ign.ie and kali.ie websites and a theme was chosen to run through them all. I helped out on the site whenever graphics and retouching was needed. It has since been taken over by another crew and has had a dramatic overhaul.
This was a site I set up to basically pull the piss out of the Irish gaming community. It was short lived due to its strange hosting, IOLpolitics, my laziness, my having no password to update, lack of public interest. Well the list could go on but it won't.
This was nearly a big deal for a while. People were really working hard on the site and getting things done then suddenly.....well you know the rest with failed sites....POLITICS.
Finally this site won me the NewMediaCV competitionin June of 2000. I won Flash5, Dreamweaver3 and Fireworks3. I unfortunately haven't recieved Dreamweaver or Fireworks yet and am still waiting.....somewhat impatiently i might add......hurry up! pfah! Muppets! Its all Flash and all mine.
site and graphics copyright Mark "FreaK_BrutheR" Cullen 1999 - eMail : cullenm@eircom.net