About Us
The bongley cabal is, in the manner of these things, quite small. It consists of Aiden, Jane and Daniel. Each of them resides at bongley.net, and can be emailed in the usual manner at that address.
All three work near and around Cork, a city located in the South of the Republic of Ireland.
More information will be placed here as soon as anyonm can think what should be placed here.
Bongley.net is intended to be a site shared by the cabal, for use as a base-point for their internet use. Just now, it is being used to host Daniel's HOWTO and short story. Aiden intends to start making use of the page "Real Soon Now"(tm). Jane, well, she'll continue to plough her own path, and might use the space at some indeterminate stage.
© 2005 bongley.net cabal