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Matrix Trilogy Quotes

Quote 1

MORPHEUS:This is your last chance, after this there is no turning back, you take the blue pill the story ends you wake up in your bed and beleive what whatever you want to beleive, you take the red pill you stay in wonderland and i show you how deep the rabbit hole goes

MORPHEUS:Remember , all im offering is the truth nothing more

Quote 2

MORPHEUS: When the matrix was first built there was a man born inside, who had the ability to change whatever he wanted to remake the matrix as he saw fit it was he who freed the first of us taught us the truth !as long as the matrix exists the human race will never be free after he died the orcale prop his return and that his coming would halt the destruction of the matrix end the war bring freedom to our people that is why there is does of us who have spent our entire lifes searching the matrix looking for him i did what i did because i beleive that search is over.

Quote 3

MORPHEUS: Zion here me!!!!! it is true what many of you have heard the machines have gathered a army and as i speech that army is drawing nearer to our home!!! believe me when i say we have a diffcult time ahead of us but if we are perpared for it we must first shed our fear of it!i stand here before you now truthfully unafriad why because i beleive something you do not!NO i stand here without fear because i remember!i remember that i am here not because of the path that lays before me but because of the path that lays behind me i remember that for 100 years we have fought these machines i remember that for 100 years they have sent there armies to destory us and after a century of war i remember that which matters most !! WE ARE STILL HERE


Quote 4

SMITHWhy Mr Anderson!! Why , why , why do you it why,why get up why keep fighting do you believe your fighting for something for more then your survivial can you tell me what it is!!! Do you even know, is it freedom or truth prehaps peace could it be for love Iussulations Mr Anderson, var of perceptions temp constructs of a feeable humans interlect trying deprestly to justify an exist that is without meaning or pospes anfd all of them as artafical as the matrix atself although only a human mind could invent something as inscipent as love you must be able to see it mr anderson you must know it by now you cant win its pointless to keep fighting why mr anderson why why do you procis

NEO: Cause i choose to

Quote 5

Quote 6

Alright this is it !now you all know me, so i'll just say this as simple as i can if its our time to die its our time!! all i ask is if we have to give these bastards our lives we give them hell before we do!!

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