The Valentine Collection

The Valentine collection of Irish Postcards consists of over 3000 negatives from the period 1903 to 1960.
The company of Valentine and Sons, Dundee, Scotland was one of Lawrence's main competitors.
The photographs were taken by their own staff photographers and occasionally the pictures were commissioned from Irish based photographers.

The valentine collection covers all scences of Irish life from towns,villages and city street scences.
The pictures were often updated by hand , by changing colours or even the names on shops.
As the firm of Valentine and Sons were based in Scotland, they didn't renew their pictures as often as Lawrence or Easons.heading

A sample of an early Valentine Postcard of Limerick

Limerick City
George Street in Colour    George Street    O'Connell Street    The Crescent    Peoples Park    St. Marys Cathedral    Treaty Stone    The Docks

Limerick County
Adare    Bruff    Castleconnell    Cappamore

The Postcard Collections
Lawrence    Eason
Dear Old Limerick - Mark Spain - January 2003