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Bestowed" Is A Monthly Feature of DearVampire.Com which Awards by Publication
How can I tell if I am a Vampire? - Posted by Patrick on April 15, 2002, 7:08 pm I am writing to hopefully get some answers about vampirism. I was damned and rejected by a christian church in my home town at fifteen. Ever since then my body aches and I have a severe sensitivity to sunlight. I am now 24 years of age but haven't aged since I was fifteen. The feeling of sickness has yet to leave me. If you have any info that might help me please write me back thank you. 'Investigated' - Posted by Friends on March 4, 2002, 4:22 am After an investigation
was opened into this coven, they disappeared from the public eye. I wanted
to thank you for bringing them to our attention. They had been noted in
the past due to Kildare's high profile in Dublin but were filed away as
roleplayers. Your
'Lost' - Posted by Vampire_Writer... on February 19, 2002, 4:21 am I was in the chat room and babbling to myself, and ultimately..came up with this.. no one knows
the trouble i see...
Hasn't this
post been deleted before, Due to idiocy??
They don't
need your stupidity on their board!!
CHUMP!! Edward Foster.
Posted by The Count™ on January 12, 2002, 2:48 am Livin' La Vida Vampira...... AHHHH the life
of a vampire.
Oh and we can't forget the whole sunlight thing. The rest of the world can get a tan, but we have to walk around looking like fishbellies. Real attractive. And what about these coffins? Do they even serve a purpose? Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I have to sleep in discomfort. I want a Craftmatic for Satan's sake. Garlic? GARLIC???? C'mon Dave, gimmee a break! Plus we have the whole bat thing. Why couldn't we be a snake, or an owl, or a lion when we feel like it? A little variety please! Then there's all that BLOOD. The shit stains ALL my white shirts. Thank Satan for BLEACH! Christ, I need
The Count™
LAST YEARS (2001) PLAUDITS BESTOWED Posted by Decendent of the Vanhelsing on December 23, 2001, 5:01 am Upon Vampire's:
I am still young only twenty-sixs years old but I have seen many things
that other's could not understand. I have traced my family back and in
my family tree is the Family Vanhelsing. Many thing they died off leaving
no one to carry their name or their work, but that is not so for I am still
here and know more then I should. But I kep document's on everthing that
has ever happened in my time and will pass them down to my daughter when
it is her time to know. I would like to say they are real and many other
super natural things as well, so walk lightly on the earth which is becoming
their's more then our own any more.
Posted by Saran on November 13, 2001, 10:37 am Alluding to yesterday when it was written. (The Horrific Plane Crash In Queens New York) It describes better than I can through prose what 'I' think about what has happened recently. The title is
because I have problems with anxiety, and yesterday and Sunday I had an
ominous feeling in my gut. Usually I can tell why, what my instincts are
warning me about, but yesterday I couldn't, and I still don't know what
it was that made me feel that way. It wasn't the plane crash, because it
would have stopped afterwards if it had been.
Anxiety Asphyxiation I'm sick to
my stomach.
A darkness in cold bloom. A distant double
Darkling twitches
a bitter claw,
Evermore before.
Can't bear
to love,
Posted by Emarld on November 13, 2001, 6:16 pm , in reply to "Anxiety Asphyxiation" I too have a poem I would wish to share with you Saran. It is 'the feeling' I get when I am lost... To Die darkness falls
soft and warm
once lost in
your eyes
my heart once
beats fast
eyes once shut
mouth once
sweet surrending
cold as night
sweet surrending
I sometimes
think if my freind that I lost and wonder what if it was me instead of
him. All I have left is memories and I know this sounds stupid in a sense
but I sometimes wish for death, simply to be silent and rest. I wonder
sometimes if it should have been me instead of him.. if this at all seems
I know I am dweeling on his death, I am sorry , but for all those who read
this.. pay no attention. I am just venting in a way I best know how and
sometimes it works best if I bottle up everything and lock it away in the
back of my mind. So you may say I am pretty, but look in my soul I am not
what you may or want me to be...
Sincerely Emarld Posted by Saran on November 2, 2001, 12:55 pm.
They fear and loathe what they don't understand, what they are ignorant of, what is different. As such they cheat themselves out of the chance to grow as people, and cheat us out of the chance to live our lives as we should ~ without fear. Love and Light, Saran Posted by Hechisera on October 19, 2001, 1:16 am To all those
people that wish to be vampires...
It hurts. Knowing that
you will never feel. I am a vampire almost dead at heart. Life is oblique.
It'll never be.
End - Hechisera. Posted by Brian on October 13, 2001, 3:28 am For as long as I can remember, I have always felt different. I don't know why, but I feel like no one else around me. After loosing my father, 6 months ago, I thought I would die, but the truth of the matter is, I dont think I can die. I can vision myself living to be well over a hundred and then some. I am 27 and dont like a day over 16 or maybe even 15 years old. Why do you suppose that is? I have always had this gut feeling like I belong with vampires, but I don't know why I would feel this way since I know none and have never met one that I know of. Anyways, sorry, I dont think you can help me. Posted by Prometheus on September 12, 2001, 2:17 pm Horrific! It's all I can say. I am not there. I have watched this all unfold on live television, and like millions of others, sat glued to the reports, the eye-witness accounts, watching the kingly towers fold and the dust and human ashes settle as though they'd never existed! But something else outshines this enormous tragedy, something far greater, beautiful even, and that is the rally of empathy, love, the sudden and palpable resurrection of the Human Spirit! If there is a silver lining to be found in this murderous attack, it is in the immense strength, brotherhood and unity it has inspired throughout the United States. The spirit of Freedom has been strengthened and the country, it's people, and it's influence over the world has never been stronger. God has nothing to do with this. This Evil is entirely man-made. The Good coming from it is entirely mad-made. The destruction, and the triumph, the blame and the credit, is man's alone to bear. These terrorists should be bitterly disappointed. Their murderous terrorist aims have been thwarted. America is united, their cities will be rebuilt, and their spirit is intact! Americans have worked their usual alchemy, turning tragedy to inspiration, and the new towers, the new political strongholds will be stronger for their bloody foundations. My heart goes out to every soul touched by this unspeakable horror, and to this strong country; Stay fierce in the shadow of adversity! Yours in Eternity,
Posted by Leigh on August 29, 2001, 2:33 am I typed up 'vampire' on the net search and this is where it brought me. I have read your life stories and the message board letters and I must say I am in love with the vampire lore and reading this has been a very informative experence. I thank both vampires for opening this site and I hope to become a regular. I myself was the girl thought to be the freak in school, I didn't really help matters muchby talking about morbid subjects but that was a sort of test to see who would like to get to know me better. here I have found kindred spirit, I will enjoy getting to know you all. Posted by Brigette Mistoffelees on July 27, 2001, 7:21 pm I happened to stumble upon this site by strict flaw only to discover fascinating work. I suppose that I am a gullible fool according to Kaine's previous post, however, we let ourselves believe what we want to believe. This is truely a wonderous work and even if it is strictly fiction, still very impressive. I commend you for this piece. And if you two are of the immortal, you're not alone... Farewell!
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