The Last Remaining Vampire On Earth
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Presented by Casper Freake and Mordi Kildare.

The Vampires Casper Freake and Mordi Kildare have decided to present themselves to the World utilising 'on-line television' as their new medium to communicate with you the DearVampire.Com Visitor

The Vampires have held a series of lengthy drinking sessions concerning the launch of their very own Internet Television Station, a feature of DearVampire.Com which will allow visitors to fully view and listen to The Vampires in Streaming Media format. This is a work in progress as of now, but studios have been acquired, producers notified, directors spiked with the notion, clothiers and make-up artists commissioned, and The Hoar of Ages is immensely busy at present fidgeting her way through a library of information, as she and a tidy band of tradesmen finalise construction of ample studios. Freake and Kildare have penned a final name for this new presentation: SLEEPWALK.TV

Freake and Kildare shall be storming their now fully constructed Film Studios at some time during this very year! Expected Launch Date: 2002.

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