The Last Remaining Vampire On Earth
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The Heavy Black Phone
A Telephone Aparatus Connected Directly To Freake and Kildare

(Call the above number if you are Within The United States)

(Call the above number if you are Outside the United States)

The Heavy Black Phone Number is a Washington DC number. Your telephone call is charged as a normal telephone call to Washington DC from wherever you are located in the world at large. There are absolutely No Hidden Charges. When you call The Heavy Black Phone, you will be greeted by an answering device. Leave your message for The Vampires after the tone and hang up when you have completed your message. The most intriguing telephone messages that are received will be posted here on this page for the world to hear, and by calling you agree to this feature of our Heavy Black Phone. Freake and Kildare look forward to hearing from you.

DearVampire and DearVampire.Com ® Registered Trademarks TM.

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