About Us
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Welcome to the Web site of Denis Malone Blindmakers Limited!

Denis Malone Blindmakers are a family run firm, providing a personal and professional service for over 30 years.

We manufacturer Roller, Venetian, Vertical blinds, Blackout blinds, Velux blinds and Wood Venetians and Laminated Blinds.

We have a proud tradition of delivering an honest, reliable and friendly service and our after sales service is something we pride ourselves in.  We can offer you advice on any aspect and have helped many satisfied customers from a single blind to add the final touch to an apartment to a functional yet pleasant type of blind for a hospital.

We operate in the Dublin and North Kildare areas.

Our Services

Photo Gallery

Here we will list out what Denis Malone Blindmakers can do for you!

Your satisfaction is our number 1 priority!!

Here we will show you some examples of our work plus our factory where all the magic happens!



Other info

If you are thinking about getting new blinds or have any questions about them, please
click here!
Here you will find other info about Lucan, it's history and many other things!

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8 Cooldrinagh, Leixlip, Co. Dublin. Tel: 6210 100 * Fax: 6211 801 *
* Mobile: 087 253 9628 email:
This site was last updated 08/03/05