The following is a list of everything you need to know to be able to complete a question on the line:




       1.  Rearrange the equation of the line to suit the formula

       2.  If given the two points use:    

Equation of a line:

      You need the slope and one point on the line

Parallel lines    

m1 = m2

 Perpendicular lines

m1 * m2 = -1


Intersection of lines

      Use simultaneous equations and eliminate x or y.  Don't forget to find the second value.


If the line intersects the x-axis then y=0

If the line intersects the y-axis then x=0


Show that a point is on a line:

       Sub the given point into the equation


Area of a Triangle:    

       Translate one of the points to (0,0) so that you end  up with the points (0,0) (x1,y1) (x2,y2).   Use the formula below.  


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