A Century Ends:

Caroline Records 1992
Produced by:
David Gray

  • Birds Without Wings
  • Shine
  • Wisdom

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1. Shine 
2. A Century Ends
3. Debauchery
4. Let The Truth Sting
5. Gathering Dust
6. Wisdom 
7. Lead Me Upstairs
8. Living Room
9. Birds Without Wings
10. It's All Over 

About this album

A Century Ends is a classic album. Although he has since released 4 more subsequent albums, fans time and again vote this their favourite. It is firmly rooted in traditional folk-rock with heart, not sounding at all like a debut album. Gray is honest, sharp, passionate and emotional throughout this stirring album.

Songs such as Shine (which got the commercial ball rolling for him in Ireland) and Birds Without Wings are as powerful as they are beautifully crafted, using simple yet masterful acoustic guitar to accompany his tender voice.

Upon its initial release, A Century Ends created  somewhat of a stir, gaining good critical reviews, yet little radio support, therefore little popular success. However, when introduced to Ireland, via DJ, Donal Dineen, he embarked on a relationship which eventually propelled him on to the world stage.

No DG fan can be without this album. It clearly points to all that has come after it, yet proving an inspirational work in its own right.

For reviews of this album, visit the archives. The CD is no longer readily available, but can still be purchased on the Internet - see link at the side.







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