How can you Help?
The Dublin Port Company's latest attempt to infill 52 acres of Dublin Bay is one signature away from becoming a reality. If minister Fahey decides to accept the revised E.I.S( Environmental Impact Statement) the infill could begin within months. Dublin Bay has been preparing for this for some time, but we now call on you to make a financial commitment to cover legal action should this prove necessary. We may need to access funds at very short notice. In addition, any major sponsorship will be of great relief to us in this struggle. We urge you to pledge what you can by post to enable us to reach the target figure of 50,000 for legal fees and expert opinions. We are aiming for £100 per household, or, or less, as you can afford. Simply send your pledge of support to the address below... no cash or cheques... to be called in ONLY if and when the times comes Dublin Bay Watch 307 Clontarf Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3 |