Edmund Rice Primary School

Meet Amanda --:

amanda3.jpg (9816 bytes)Name --:
Amanda Chadderon            
Age --: 8

Hair --: Red

Eyes --: Brown

Class --: 3rd

My Favourite Food --: Pizza

My Favourite Computer Progra --: Jump Start 4th Grade,

My Favourite TV Show --: Rugrats

My Favourite pop group --: I don't have one

Food I dislike most --: Spinach

Things which annoy me --:My sister crying at night.

Spare time at home --:I like to play on the computer at home.

Outdoor Activities--: I like Math Club 4-H, I also like to sing in my church choir.

Family --: My mother is a teacher. My father is also a teacher. I have one brother in kindergarten. I have one little sister. I don't have any pets. My parents are both teachers at the High school.

Describe your house? --: I live in a one-story home. We have 4 bedrooms. It is a beach wood home.

Describe your room? -- :It is made up of Mickey Mouse things. I have a bunk bed. I share my room with my sister.

Describe your neighbourhood? --:I live in East Galsburg, Illinois. It is full of newer homes. There are no sidewalks. We live out in the country. My favorite subject in school is math.Jennifer Rice who is in my class is a neighbour. I play outside with my neighbours. Jennifer has a swimming pool that we swim in during the summer
