Edmund Rice Primary School

jasonout1.jpg (14304 bytes)When the bell rings we line up outside in our line and walk out the door. Some boys run out. I cycle home on my bike. My mother is all ways at home when I go home. I ask my mother for some money and then I go out and I play. I cycle around until I see one of my friends. We cycle round looking for other lads. If it is raining I stay in and play with my playstation. I won it two years ago with 3rd class.We came first in Ireland in an Internet competition. We designed a web site for Tayto, who are a snack company. My favourite game is FIFA ‘ 98.This is a football game. My second favourite is " The Road to the World Cup ‘98". I play it in my bedroom.

At home there is my Mum. my Dad, my brother Stephen and my sister Julie. I am the youngest in the house. I come home for my dinner at 5:30 p.m. My mother cooks the dinner or sometimes my Dad cooks the dinner.There is always a lovely smell in the kitchen as I walk in the door. I like my mothers cooking.She gets annoyed when I do not come when   I am called.

jasonout2.jpg (11853 bytes)My favourite dinner is chips and chicken nuggets. I don’t watch much telly so after dinner I go back out to play. My cousin Brian comes over a lot. When he comes over we play the Playstation or we play darts. My Mam or Dad play darts with us. I come in at 8.00pm. If I have homework I do it then.We do not get a lot of homework this year. I get most of  it done in school so all I havto do is finish off a few things. After that I have a bath, and we watch telly or we talk. I go to bed between 9.30pm and 10.00pm.I share a room with my brother Stephen. He is fifteen. We have a dart board on the wall.

At the weekends I stay up later. On Saturday morning my gran and granddad come out and my Mam cooks breakfast, Sometimes they bring my two cousins with them Amy who is 5 years old and Craig who is 2 years old. When they come out I stay and play with them for a while, then I get my bike and I go out and play with my friends. Some Saturdays I go swimming in the indoor swimming pool. It is called Splashworld and it is just down the road from my house.

project16.jpg (14593 bytes)During the hurling season I play a match most Saturdays. My Dad keeps canaries so some Sundays we go to the bird shows with him. We were in Kilkenny two weeks ago and he won two prizes. Some Sundays we all go out for our dinner to give my Mam a break.I like going out for meals as a family. It means I don't have to do the wash up after.

When I grow up I would like to be a carpenter, I have two uncles who are carpenters my brother Stephen goes to work with my uncle Liam some Saturdays. When Liam built his own house I used to be in there helping him and his dad and I had a great time. I like working with my hands.

We don’t have jobs to do at home but when my Mam asks us to do something we do it. We don’t get pocket money on Saturdays if we need money to go swimming or for something else my Mam or dad gives it to us. It was my birthday in November and I was looking for a new bike my Mam and dad said that if I put all my birthday money towards it they would pay the rest and that’s how I got my new bike .

Jason Dunphy

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