The weekend Story 99.9999% not true

here even beevis and butthead can be spiritually enlightned!

Theartistformallyknownaseggie version of events this weekend. Well to make a short story long. It tuck him about five cups of coffee to get enough neural activity going to kick start his brain into recalling the clouded weekend. Well making it sound mad it was far from mad this weekend.

But thats from eggies point of view. However a different line of events befell on the other two lads. Thedoublehardbastard and brain must have had magnets in their pants on friday night cos they both pulled women with more piercings than your average pincushion. Of course for poor old eggie things went poorly again this weekend, eggie and daniellian are the worst here for scoring.

I think it is because they look the most normal of the lads and normal means boring according to thatdoublehardbastard's pincushion. Well the weekends madness started friday night in the house a bottle of kumberling stuff which is mad stuff.

But as Thedoublehardbastard would say it would shave the balls off a bullock. Ah yes the galwayier well the whole romance thing happende when the lads started talking to jesus(timmothy) A great musician who plays in the galwayier. Anyway in reward for the boys friendship and Thedoublehardbastards ritual of buying him a pint timmothy in some bizarre primitive tribes man like way presented a gifts to the lads.

It was like "here i present you with two birds as a token of my friendship". Brain was delighted with the gift and was immediately talking to the lovely bird.

The bird had black feathers and a lovely ring on ist head and on ist wings it is a wonder how it could fly at all. Brain was so thrilled with the bird he coaxed it and trained it how to say stuff in english. Much to the bordom of eggie and Thedoublehardbastard.

Only for a bizzare amount of caffine that day eggie did not drift to sleep at this zoological specticle and instead counted the shamrocks on the wall of the galwayier.

Thedoublehardbastard due to humongous ammounts of beer decided to go to the dough dough pub. I think thats what it is called cos he couldnt see at this stage. And danniellian and eggie left the pub at five to leave the lads score with the birdies. Although i dont know what the animal rights croud would think of that.

Saturday night was similar in some ways .

it all started over a harmless bottle of shampoo doublehardbastard had a disput over the ridiculous cost and out came the shavers again. doublehardbastard shaved his head then he became the tripplehardbastard but thats another story eggie then the artistformallyknown as hairy now had an egghead, anyway things progressed slowly with brain getting a saucepan haircut, so that he could really cook the bird that night.

and djthomaskjamIII scored again adding another notch to his ever increasing scoring ego. djthomasVjammyIII must now be called "that stud" which is easier to say anyway than djthomasVjammyIII.

Thedoublehardbastard im sure will remove information to protect himself Any thing said in this This story is entirely fictional and names of the people involved have been changed to hide embarrassment and to prevent me from getting the #$§$ being beaten out of me by the Thedoublehardbastard.

Keep posted till next week.

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