eddies page eddie has finally got a page

Madness it is!!!

this page is supposed to have something to do with the lads. so i have decided to publish our adventures here. every weekend.

See What Sort of A poll i have this week

CLICK on Image of to Vote

Murphys LAWS ***********

Scripts of the 3 monthy python films LINK ****

KennyKjam's WORLD *******

Ul windsurfing club my other webpage


eoins gaf

weekend story

Toms webpage (This is THE BEST WEBPAGE in the World- in toms mind anyway)does have useful class directory

The best band in Ireland. Well the best live band. And especially when anyone will miss the hay season in ireland this year this picture is for you. I want some support for the SAW DOCTORS

a collection of urban myths **** a collection of urban myths ****

Email ME.............................................
